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Diplomacy VI - Spring 1905 Movement and Retreat

Choose a season:

1901W 1902W 1903W 1904W 1905W 1905S 1905F 1906W 1907W 1908W 1909W 1910W 1911W 1911F

Order Results:

Austria: A bul S A rum -> ser
Austria: A pie -> tyr
Austria: A rum -> ser
No order for unit at Edinburgh. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at English Channel. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Holland. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at London. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at North Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Paris. Hold order assigned.

England: F edi H
England: F eng H
England: A hol H
England: A lon H
England: F nth H
Dislodged from ska (2 against 1).
England: A par H
France: A ber -> pru
France: F bre H
France: A gas S F bre
No order for unit at Sweden. Hold order assigned.

Germany: A kie -> den
Germany: A mun -> kie
Germany: A sil -> ber
Germany: F ska -> nth
Germany: F swe H
No order for unit at Venice. Hold order assigned.

Italy: F lyo -> mar
Italy: F ion -> aeg
Italy: A mar -> bur
Italy: A rom H
Italy: F spa (sc) S F lyo -> mar
Italy: A tri S A vie -> bud
Italy: A ven H
Italy: A vie -> bud
Russia: F ank S F con
Russia: F bar S F nwy
Russia: A bud H
Dislodged from vie (2 against 1).
Russia: F con S F ank
Support cut by Move from Smyrna.
Russia: F nwy S F ska -> nth
Russia: F nwg -> cly
Russia: A ukr -> rum
No order for unit at Greece. Hold order assigned.

Turkey: F gre H
Turkey: A smy -> con
Bounced with con (1 against 2).

Retreat Results:

England: F nth -> nwg
Russia: A bud -> gal

Unit Locations:

Austria England France Germany Italy Russia Turkey
A bul A hol A gas A ber A bud A gal A smy
A ser A lon A pru A den A bur A rum F gre
A tyr A par F bre A kie A rom F ank
F edi F nth A tri F bar
F eng F swe A ven F cly
F nwg F aeg F con
F mar F nwy
F spa

1901W 1902W 1903W 1904W 1905W 1905S 1905F 1906W 1907W 1908W 1909W 1910W 1911W 1911F