Diplomacy III - Fall 1901 Movement and Retreat

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Order Results:

Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
Austria: F alb -> gre
Austria: A bud -> tri
Austria: A ser S F alb -> gre
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
England: F nth -> bel
England: F nwg -> nwy
England: A yor H
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
No order for unit at Mid-Atlantic Ocean. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Picardy. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Spain. Hold order assigned.

France: F mao H
France: A pic H
France: A spa H
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
No order for unit at Denmark. Hold order assigned.

Germany: F den H
Germany: A kie -> hol
Germany: A ruh S A kie -> hol
Italy: A apu H
Italy: F ion -> gre
Bounced with alb (1 against 1).
Italy: A ven -> pie
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Russia: F bot -> swe
Russia: F sev -> arm
Russia: A stp -> fin
Russia: A ukr -> rum
Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Turkey: F ank -> bla
Turkey: A bul -> rum
Bounced with ukr (1 against 1).
Turkey: A con -> bul
Failed because Turkey: A bul -> rum failed.

Unit Locations:

Austria England France Germany Italy Russia Turkey
A ser A yor A pic A hol A apu A fin A bul
A tri F bel A spa A ruh A pie A ukr A con
F gre F nwy F mao F den F ion F arm F bla
F swe

Supply Center Ownership:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna (5 total).
England: Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway (5 total).
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Spain (4 total).
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich (5 total).
Italy: Naples, Rome, Venice (3 total).
Russia: Moscow, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw (5 total).
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna (4 total).


Austria: 5 supply centers, 3 units. 2 units may be built.
England: 5 supply centers, 3 units. 2 units may be built.
France: 4 supply centers, 3 units. 1 unit may be built.
Germany: 5 supply centers, 3 units. 2 units may be built.
Italy: 3 supply centers, 3 units. No units to build or remove.
Russia: 5 supply centers, 4 units. 1 unit may be built.
Turkey: 4 supply centers, 3 units. 1 unit may be built.
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