The Fleet in Bulgaria cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Italy: F aeg S F bul (sc) -> con
Italy: A apu -> gre
Convoy path taken: apu→ion→gre.
Italy: F bel S F eng -> nth
Italy: A boh -> gal
Failed because Russia: A gal -> bud failed.
Italy: A bre H
Italy: A bud S A tri -> ser
Support cut by Move from Galicia.
Italy: F bul (sc) -> con
Bounced with con (2 against 2).
Dislodged from ser (3
against 1).
Italy: A bur S A mun
Italy: F eng -> nth
Italy: F ion C A apu
-> gre
Italy: A mun S A bur
Support cut by Move from Berlin.
Italy: F pic H
Italy: A ruh -> hol
Bounced with kie (1 against 1).
Italy: A tri -> ser
Italy: A tyr S A mun
Italy: A vie S A bud