PBEM1 - Fall 1909 Movement and Retreat

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Order Results:

Austria: A boh -> vie
Austria: A gal -> bud
Austria: A ser -> tri
Bounced with tri (1 against 1).
England: A war -> mos
Bounced with ukr (1 against 1).
Dislodged from sil (2 against 1).
No order for unit at Mid-Atlantic Ocean. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Sweden. Hold order assigned.

France: F bar S A nwy -> stp
France: A ber H
France: A fin S A nwy -> stp
France: A kie S A mun
France: A mar -> pie
France: F mao H
France: A mun H
France: A naf S F wes -> tun
France: A nwy -> stp
France: F nwg -> nwy
France: A par H
France: A pru S A sil -> war
France: A sil -> war
France: A swe H
France: A tus -> rom
Bounced with ven (1 against 1).
France: F wes -> tun
Italy: F eas H
Italy: A gre H
Italy: F ion H
Italy: A tri H
Italy: A tyr -> ven
Failed because Italy: A ven -> rom failed.
Italy: A ven -> rom
Bounced with tus (1 against 1).
Russia: A rum H
Russia: A sev S A ukr -> mos
Russia: F stp (sc) H
Dislodged from nwy (3 against 1).
Russia: A ukr -> mos
No order for unit at Aegean Sea. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Armenia. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Bulgaria. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Constantinople. Hold order assigned.

Turkey: F aeg H
Turkey: A arm H
Turkey: A bul H
Turkey: A con H

Unit Locations:

Austria England France Germany Italy Russia Turkey
A bud A war A ber A gre F stp A arm
A ser A fin A tri A mos A bul
A vie A kie A tyr A rum A con
A mun A ven A sev F aeg
A naf F eas
A par F ion
A pie
A pru
A stp
A swe
A tus
A war
F bar
F mao
F nwy
F tun
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