PBEM11 - Spring 1905 Movement and Retreat

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Order Results:

England: A bel H
England: F den S A hol -> kie
Support cut by Move from Sweden.
England: F hel S A hol -> kie
England: A hol -> kie
Bounced with kie (2 against 3).
England: F nth S A bel
England: F nwg -> bar
France: A bur -> bel
Bounced with bel (2 against 2).
France: A naf -> tus
Convoy path taken: naf→wes→tys→tus.
France: A ruh S A bur -> bel
France: F tys C A naf -> tus
France: F wes C A naf -> tus
Germany: A ber S A kie
Germany: A kie S F swe -> den
Support cut by Move from Holland.
Germany: A mun S A kie
Germany: F swe -> den
Bounced with den (1 against 1).
Italy: A rom H
Italy: A tyr -> ven
No order for unit at Bohemia. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Finland. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Moscow. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Norway. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at St. Petersburg. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Vienna. Hold order assigned.

Russia: A boh H
Russia: A fin H
Russia: A mos H
Russia: F nwy H
Russia: F stp/nc H
Russia: A vie H
Turkey: F aeg C A con -> apu
Turkey: F bla H
Turkey: A bul -> rum
Turkey: A con -> apu
Convoy path taken: con→aeg→ion→apu.
Turkey: F ion C A con -> apu
Turkey: F nap S A con -> apu
Turkey: A rum -> bud
Turkey: A ser -> tri
Turkey: A tri -> tyr
Turkey: F tun H

Unit Locations:

Austria England France Germany Italy Russia Turkey
A bel A bur A ber A rom A boh A apu
A hol A ruh A kie A ven A fin A bud
F bar A tus A mun A mos A rum
F den F tys F swe A vie A tri
F hel F wes F nwy A tyr
F nth F stp F aeg
F bla
F ion
F nap
F tun
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