PBEM8 - Fall 1908 Movement and Retreat

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Order Results:

England: F bal S F hol -> kie
England: F bel -> hol
England: F bre -> eng
England: A bur -> mun
Bounced with boh (1 against 1).
England: F eng -> nth
England: A gas -> mar
Bounced with mar (1 against 2).
England: F hol -> kie
England: F mao S F spa (sc)
England: F nao -> nwg
England: A nwy -> swe
England: A pic -> bur
Bounced with ruh (1 against 1).
England: F por S F spa (sc)
England: F spa (sc) S A gas -> mar
Support cut by Move from Gulf of Lyon.
Germany: A kie -> ber
Germany: A ruh -> bur
Bounced with pic (1 against 1).
Italy: F bla S F con -> ank
Italy: A bud S A tyr -> vie
Italy: A bul S A ukr -> rum
Italy: F con -> ank
Italy: F lyo -> spa (sc)
Bounced with spa (2 against 3).
Italy: A mar S F lyo -> spa (sc)
Support cut by Move from Gascony.
Italy: A naf -> cly
No Convoy route.
Italy: A pie S A mar
Italy: A ser S A ukr -> rum
Italy: A tyr -> vie
Italy: F tys S F wes
Italy: A ukr -> rum
Italy: F wes S F lyo -> spa (sc)
Russia: A boh -> mun
Bounced with bur (1 against 1).
Russia: A gal -> sil
Russia: A stp -> mos
Bounced with war (1 against 1).
Russia: A war -> mos
Bounced with stp (1 against 1).
Turkey: F ank -> con
Bounced with con (1 against 1).
Dislodged from con (2 against 1).
Turkey: A sev -> rum
Bounced with ukr (1 against 1).

Retreat Results:

Turkey: F ank -> arm

Unit Locations:

Austria England France Germany Italy Russia Turkey
A bur A ber A bud A boh A sev
A gas A ruh A bul A sil F arm
A pic A mar A stp
A swe A naf A war
F bal A pie
F eng A rum
F hol A ser
F kie A vie
F mao F ank
F nth F bla
F nwg F lyo
F por F tys
F spa F wes
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