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2/8/2025 NAQT Upper Mid-Atlantic Sectional Rutgers A Aiden Dartley Division I
2/8/2025 Upper Mid-Atlantic SCT @ Rutgers Rutgers A Aiden Dartley DI Round-Robin DI Combined
11/24/2024 QANTA online mirror H6 - Dan Aiden Dartley All playoff rounds All prelim rounds All rounds Human-human rounds (all games) Human-human rounds (prelims) Human-human rounds (playoffs)
4/6/2024 2024 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Rutgers Aiden Dartley Division I
3/2/2024 2024 IQBT Undergraduate Championship Rutgers Aiden Dartley Combined Stats Superplayoffs Playoffs Prelims
11/11/2023 2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia Rutgers A Aiden Dartley (DII) Prelims Playoffs Combined
10/21/2023 Penn Bowl 2023 @ Mainsite Rutgers Aiden Dartley Prelims Playoffs Combined
4/23/2023 2023 ACF Nationals Rutgers A Aiden Dartley Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/1/2023 2023 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Rutgers B Aiden Dartley Division II
3/5/2023 IQBT Undergraduate Championship Rutgers A Aiden Dartley Overall Phase II (Playoffs) Phase I (Prelims)
2/25/2023 C++ @ Columbia Rutgers A Aiden Dartley Playoffs Prelims Overall
2/5/2023 2023 NAQT SCT at Texas [Online] Rutgers B Aiden Dartley d2 combined d2 playoffs d2 prelims
2/5/2023 NAQT Online Sectional Rutgers B Aiden Dartley Division II
9/24/2022 Logomachy online marb Aiden Dartley All Games
9/17/2022 DONUT: DuosOnlineNationalUltracoolTournament Operation Phantom Furry Aiden Dartley Playoffs Prelims Overall
8/28/2022 CoronaCup C (CCC) Joey P. Stevens Aiden Dartley Round Robin (Rounds 1-11)
8/6/2022 Chicago Open 2022 Operation Urgent Furry Aiden Dartley Prelims Playoffs Combined
6/25/2022 Quiz Bowl Summer League AUST Aiden Dartley Round 8
6/19/2022 IQBT NASAT 2022 New Jersey A Aiden Dartley All Games With Final Placement Phase II - Playoffs Phase I - Preliminary rounds
6/12/2022 2022 PACE NSC Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Combined Superplayoffs Playoffs Prelims
5/29/2022 2022 High School National Championship Tournament Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley 2022 High School National Championship Tournament
5/21/2022 Garden Cup I "Jor Jorwell's 1894" A Aiden Dartley Combined Finals Playoffs Prelims
5/21/2022 Garden Cup I: The New Jersey State Championships Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Garden Cup I: The New Jersey State Championships
3/5/2022 Darien Spring Tournament Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Combined (1-10) Playoffs (6-10) Prelims (1-5)
2/26/2022 East Brunswick Funfest VII Ridgewood Aiden Dartley East Brunswick Funfest VII
2/26/2022 EBHS Funfest VII Ridgewood Aiden Dartley (12) Prelims Playoffs Combined no Rankings Crossovers
2/5/2022 QuBIT VIII Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Elimination Prelims Playoffs Combined
1/22/2022 CORGII Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Prelims Playoffs Finals All Games
1/9/2022 ARCADIA Open High School Mirror Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas Aiden Dartley Prelims RR
11/14/2021 MIT Fall Academic Tournament Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Rounds 1-11 Rounds 1-11 Round 1-5 Round 1-5
10/30/2021 Long Island Fall Tournament XX Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Long Island Fall Tournament XX
10/2/2021 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVIII Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVIII
10/2/2021 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVIII (PHSAT) Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Prelims Prelims 1 Playoffs Combined Prelims 1 Prelims Playoffs Combined
8/14/2021 Summer Duos 2021 Echinoyourmomma Aiden Dartley Finals Combined Playoffs Prelims
8/6/2021 SKUFFED Open femboy union Aiden Dartley Playoffs All Games Prelims
6/27/2021 2021 AQBL Online National Championship Tournament Billy Joel A Aiden Dartley All Games [Ranked] All Games [Unranked] All Consolation (no champs) Superplayoffs/Later Consolation Playoffs Prelims
6/20/2021 IQBT NASAT 2021 New Jersey B Aiden Dartley Phase II: Round Robin Pools Phase I: Power Matching Phase IV: Playoffs All Stats
5/30/2021 2021 High School National Championship Tournament Ridgewood Aiden Dartley 2021 High School National Championship Tournament
5/22/2021 Remember the Women Femboy Lobby Aiden Dartley All Games
5/1/2021 National WORKSHOP High School Supersite Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley [11] Combined Round Robin
4/24/2021 2021 EB Bears Pre-Nationals Tournament Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Finals Playoffs Prelims Combined
4/3/2021 Georgetown Spring 2021 Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Prelims Playoffs Combined
3/27/2021 2021 Eagles' Spring Academic Tournament (EAST) Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Full Combined Statistics Preliminary Rounds Playoff Rounds
3/27/2021 Eagles' Academic Spring Tournament I Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Eagles' Academic Spring Tournament I
3/12/2021 Solon Online Open British people Aiden Dartley Prelims Crossovers Combined
3/7/2021 POGCHAMP Sans Udnertale Aiden Dartley Weeks 1, 2, & 3 Week 1 & 2
3/6/2021 QuBIT VII Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Prelims Combined Crossovers Playoffs
2/20/2021 East Brunswick Funfest VI Ridgewood B Aiden Dartley East Brunswick Funfest VI
2/20/2021 EBHS Funfest VI Ridgewood B Aiden Dartley Finals Playoffs Prelims Combined
1/23/2021 CORGI (Northeast RAFT II Mirror) Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Prelims Playoffs Combined Pre-Finals Combined
1/9/2021 J. P. Stevens Hawk's Nest Ridgewood B Aiden Dartley J. P. Stevens Hawk's Nest
1/9/2021 JP Stevens Hawk's Nest Ridgewood B Aiden Dartley Prelims + Rounds 6-7 Prelims
12/15/2020 Prison Bowl League Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Combined Playoffs Prelims Combined Prelims
11/21/2020 Ithaca Fall Tournament Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Ithaca Fall Tournament
11/21/2020 Ithaca Fall Tournament IX Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Playoffs Prelims All Rounds
11/7/2020 Clarke Fall II Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Combined Prelims Combined Prelims
11/7/2020 Clarke Fall Invitational Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Clarke Fall Invitational
10/10/2020 LONE STAR Northeast Kickoff Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley All Games Playoffs Prelims
8/1/2020 Wolfie Bowl classic j buzzes and gets a neg part 1 Aiden Dartley Prelims Prelims Playoffs Finals Combined Playoffs Finals Combined
2/22/2020 QuBIT VI Ridgewood Aiden Dartley Combined Playoffs Prelims
9/28/2019 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVII Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVII
9/28/2019 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVII (PHSAT XXVII) Ridgewood A Aiden Dartley Combined Stats Prelims Playoffs