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3/9/2025 HONK! Online Mirror Fill in the _______ Derek So Combined Finals Prelims
3/8/2025 TCQT DeBakey Invitational DeBakey E Derek Sun TCQT DeBakey Invitational
3/5/2025 Mid-Michigan Tri-County Winter League Ionia A Derek Sipka Varsity Division
3/5/2025 Mid-Michigan Tri-County Winter League St. Johns A Derek Lonsberry Varsity Division
3/5/2025 Tri-County Winter League 2025 Varsity Ionia Derek Sipka Full Prelims
3/5/2025 Tri-County Winter League 2025 Varsity Saint Johns A Derek Lonsberry Prelims Full
3/1/2025 Central New York Winter Invitational Saratoga Springs Derek Longo Central New York Winter Invitational
3/1/2025 Central New York Winter Invitational II Saratoga Springs Derek Longo (10th) Prelim Matches (Rounds 1-9) All Rounds (1-10)
2/24/2025 Lancaster-Lebanon Quiz Bowl League Manheim Central Derek Moffett Lancaster-Lebanon Quiz Bowl League
2/22/2025 ARCADIA @ BU Clark House Derek Fino Prelims (completed) Playoffs (Round 1.9/2) All Games
2/16/2025 KRAMIG III Edison Academy Derek You (10) STANDARD All Games (1-10) STANDARD Finals (11) STANDARD Playoffs (6-10) STANDARD Prelims (1-5)
2/15/2025 Comet Winter Clash Invitational St. Charles A Derek Soder Comet Winter Clash Invitational
2/15/2025 Solon Winter Clash St. Charles A Derek Soder Final
2/11/2025 South Central Conference - 2025 - Regular Season Hillsboro Derek Hartman Varsity - All Games
2/11/2025 South Central Conference Scholastic Bowl Hillsboro Derek Hartman Varsity Division
2/9/2025 NAQT New England Sectional Columbia B Derek Chen Division I
2/9/2025 NAQT New England Sectional 2025 Columbia B Derek Chen DI Round Robin
2/8/2025 2025 NAQT SCT @ Virginia Tech William & Mary Derek Aldridge All Games Finals Playoffs Prelims
2/8/2025 NAQT Lower Mid-Atlantic Sectional William & Mary Derek Aldridge NAQT Lower Mid-Atlantic Sectional
2/8/2025 QuBIT XI North Babylon A Derek Comtreres Prelims (1-5) Playoffs (6-10) Combined (1-11)
2/8/2025 TCQT Strake Jesuit Middle School Invitational St. John's A Derek Lim TCQT Strake Jesuit Middle School Invitational
2/1/2025 2025 ACF Regionals @ Columbia Columbia C Derek Chen Combined Playoffs Prelims
2/1/2025 2025 ACF Regionals @ UNC William & Mary Derek Aldridge (UG) All Games [Final Stats]
2/1/2025 2025 Saint Charles Circular Cardinal St. Charles A Derek Soder All games
2/1/2025 St. Charles Invitational St. Charles A Derek Soder St. Charles Invitational
1/30/2025 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League North St. Paul A Derek Sternbarg-Costanzo North Division
1/30/2025 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League North St. Paul B Derek Sternbarg-Costanzo North Division
1/25/2025 2025 Stanford Collegiate Novice Stanford B Derek Kuldinow round5 Stanford Collegiate Novice
1/25/2025 Detroit Country Day Middle School Invitational Boulan Park B Derek Wang Detroit Country Day Middle School Invitational
1/25/2025 Stanford Collegiate Novice Invitational Stanford B Derek Kuldinow Stanford Collegiate Novice Invitational
1/18/2025 Piasa Bird Invitational IX Hillsboro A Derek Hartman All Games Prelims Playoffs
1/11/2025 Comet Winter Clash: Middle School Edition St. Barnabas C Derek Szeremet Elementary School Division
1/11/2025 TCQT Bellaire Invitational DeBakey B Derek Sun Junior Varsity Division
12/22/2024 SLED SLED poisoning Derek You Round Robin (Lunch) Round Robin (Final 9 Rounds) Complete (Round Robin + Finals)
12/14/2024 11th Annual Copley Middle School Invitational St. Barnabas D Derek Szeremet 11th Annual Copley Middle School Invitational
12/14/2024 Copley-Fairlawn MS NAQT Invitational St. Barnabas D Derek Szeremet All Stats
12/14/2024 TQBA Houston Holiday Hoedown XVI DeBakey C Derek Sun Division II/JV
12/11/2024 CAAC Fall League 2024 (Varsity) Ionia Derek Sipka Divided Schools Phase All-Schools Final Combined
12/11/2024 Capital Area Activities Conference Fall League Ionia A Derek Sipka Varsity Division
12/8/2024 FARSI @ Columbia North Babylon A Derek Contreras Prelims Playoffs
12/7/2024 Lee's Summit North Bronco Classic Tournament Lee's Summit B Derek Heitz Junior Varsity Division
12/7/2024 Michigan Middle School Kickoff Tournament Boulan Park B Derek Wang Michigan Middle School Kickoff Tournament
12/7/2024 South Central Scholastic League Hillsboro Derek Hartman Varsity Division
12/3/2024 South Central Scholastic League - 2024 Tuesdays Hillsboro Derek H Varsity
11/23/2024 2024 ARGOS @ Columbia Walston et. al. Derek Chen Round Robin
11/23/2024 2024 IHSSBCA David L. Riley Kickoff (Bolingbrook) Naperville North B Derek Han Playoffs (through Round 9) Prelims (through Round 5)
11/23/2024 2024 IHSSBCA David Riley Memorial Kickoff Tournament at Bolingbrook Naperville North B Derek Han Champions Division
11/23/2024 2024 IHSSBCA David Riley Memorial Kickoff Tournament at Mattoon Effingham Derek Doedtman 2024 IHSSBCA David Riley Memorial Kickoff Tournament at Mattoon
11/16/2024 2024 ACF Winter @ Brandeis Clark A Derek Fino Combined Final Prelims
11/16/2024 ACF Winter at VCU William & Mary Derek Aldridge Prelims Playoffs
11/16/2024 Holland Fall Invitational Ionia Derek Holland Fall Invitational
11/16/2024 TQBA Howdy Bonanza (Online) St. John's C Derek Lim Lyft-Elementary Division
11/16/2024 WSHS Fall Middle School Invitational St. Louis Derek Simon WSHS Fall Middle School Invitational
11/9/2024 2024 Maryland Spring Classic/Hoosier Invitational @ Maryland 11/9 Johns Hopkins Derek Liu All Games Playoffs Prelims
11/9/2024 2024 Maryland Spring Classic/Hoosier Invitational @ Maryland 11/9 William & Mary Derek Aldridge All Games Playoffs Prelims
11/2/2024 Northeast In The Know Challenge St. Charles Derek Northeast In The Know Challenge
11/2/2024 Penn Bowl @ Mainsite Columbia Derek Chen All Games (Including Finals) Prelims Playoffs
11/2/2024 South of Cities Invitational Academic Learnament North St. Paul A Derek Sternberg-Costanzo Varsity Division
11/2/2024 TCQT Village School Invitational DeBakey C Derek Sun Junior Varsity Division
10/26/2024 ACRONYM 17 Online 10/26 Art of Premature Signaling Derek Jiang Prelims All Games
10/19/2024 2024 ACF Fall at UC Berkeley Stanford A Derek Kuldinow Combined with Finals Combined Round Robin Morning
10/19/2024 2024 ACF Fall at UNC William & Mary Derek Aldridge Combined Prelims
10/19/2024 ACF Fall @ Rutgers Columbia A (UG) Derek Chen (UG) Combined Playoffs Prelims (Rounds 1-5)
9/28/2024 Yale Collegiate Novice 2024 Clark B Derek Fino Combined Playoffs Prelims
9/28/2024 Yale Collegiate Novice Invitational Clark B Derek Fino Yale Collegiate Novice Invitational
9/15/2024 Notes on the Underground Online Moll Flanderization Derek So All Games
7/14/2024 VCU NASAT/ACRONYM Ea-Nasir Class Action Lawsuit Derek Aldridge ACRONYM Finals/All Games ACRONYM Prelims + Playoffs ACRONYM Prelims
6/15/2024 TELEOLOGY 3 Online Runaway (Alice Munro ft. Pusha T) Derek So Final Stats Rounds 1-5
6/1/2024 ACRONYM 17 @uOttawa 1/2 asian Derek So All Games Playoffs (8-11) Prelims (1-7) Prelims (1-5)
4/28/2024 2024 Small School National Championship Tournament Sacramento Country Day Derek Taylor Open Division
4/21/2024 2024 ACF Nationals Columbia B Derek Chen Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/13/2024 2024 NAQT Michigan Class C/D State Championship Nouvel Catholic Derek Bauer (12th) Prelim Round 1 Playoff Round Stats
4/13/2024 2024 NAQT Michigan Classes B and C/D State Championship Nouvel Catholic Derek Bauer Class C/D
4/13/2024 ESPN @ Brown Clark B Derek Fino All Games
4/13/2024 IQBT Novice / British Novice Northeastern Derek Kaplan All Games
4/6/2024 2024 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Columbia B Derek Chen Division II
4/6/2024 Island Cup IV: April North Babylon B Derek Contreras Island Cup IV: April
4/6/2024 Island Cup IV: April Wheatley B Derek Park Island Cup IV: April
3/30/2024 2024 Iowa High School Quiz Bowl Championship Open Division Western Dubuque B Derek Phillips Large Schools Division
3/30/2024 2024 Iowa Quiz Bowl Championships Western Dubuque B Derek Phillips All Games
3/23/2024 ESPN @ Columbia chamPAIN and cornHELL in Columbia Derek Chen Complete Stats Playoffs Prelims Complete Stats Playoffs Prelims Prelims Playoffs Complete Stats
3/16/2024 Ashtabula County Tournament Ashtabula County Tech A Derek Byers Ashtabula County Tournament
3/14/2024 2024 Ashtabula League A-Tech Derek Byers Varsity Prelims Varsity Playoffs
3/9/2024 DMA @ Maryland William & Mary Derek Aldridge Prelims Playoffs Combined
3/9/2024 Prison Bowl XVI North Babylon Derek Contreras Prelims Playoffs Combined (including finals)
3/2/2024 2024 IQBT Undergraduate Championship Columbia B Derek Chen Combined Stats Superplayoffs Prelims Playoffs
3/2/2024 2024 IQBT Undergraduate Championship William & Mary Derek Aldridge Superplayoffs Prelims Playoffs Combined Stats
2/24/2024 2024 Booster Shot @ Columbia Columbia A Derek Chen Prelims Playoffs Combined
2/24/2024 ACRONYM 17 @ Burnsville High School North St. Paul Derek Sternberg-Costanzo Prelims All Games
2/24/2024 QuBIT X @ High Tech North Babylon B Derek Contreras Prelims Playoffs Finals Combined
2/20/2024 South Central Conference - 2024 - Regular Season Hillsboro Derek All Games - JV
2/20/2024 South Central Conference Scholastic Bowl Hillsboro Derek Hartman Junior Varsity Division
2/17/2024 2024 BEST Boston College High Middle Derek Ly (8) Playoffs (6-10) Prelims (1-5) Combined (1-10)
2/14/2024 Mid-Michigan Tri-County Winter League St. Johns Derek Lonsberry Varsity Division
2/14/2024 Tri-County Winter League 2024 Varsity Saint Johns Derek Lonsberry Prelims
2/10/2024 Railer Rumble II Effingham B Derek Doedtman Standard Playoffs Standard Prelim Rounds
2/8/2024 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Lakeville South B Derek Welter South Division
2/8/2024 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League North St. Paul A Derek Sternberg-Costanzo North Division
2/8/2024 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League North St. Paul B Derek Sternberg-Costanzo North Division
2/3/2024 2024 NAQT SCT - Lower Mid-Atlantic William & Mary A (UG) Derek Aldridge Round Robin (DI)
2/3/2024 2024 NAQT SCT @ Yale Columbia C Derek Chen Round Robin (DII) Finals (DII) Combined (DII)
2/3/2024 NAQT Lower Mid-Atlantic Sectional William & Mary A Derek Aldridge Division I
2/3/2024 NAQT New England Sectional Columbia C Derek Chen Division II
2/3/2024 TQBA Winter Rodeo Online Saratoga Springs Derek Longo High School Division
1/27/2024 2024 ACF Regionals at Rutgers Columbia C Derek Chen (UG) Combined 1-12 Prelims 1-11 Prelims 1-5
1/27/2024 2024 ACF Regionals Lower Mid-Atlantic at James Madison Liberty B (DII) Derek Works (DII) Finals Finals + Playoffs Playoffs Prelims + Playoffs Prelims All Games Lunch
1/27/2024 2024 ACF Regionals Lower Mid-Atlantic at James Madison William & Mary A (UG) Derek Aldridge (DII) Prelims Lunch All Games Prelims + Playoffs Playoffs Finals + Playoffs
1/27/2024 Sacramento Winter Tournament Sacramento Country Day Derek Taylor Varsity Division
1/20/2024 Del Norte Edgehog Winter Tournament VII Del Norte Derek Kang Junior Varsity Division
1/20/2024 DNE VII Del Norte Derek Kang JV (Rounds 1-9) JV Combined
1/20/2024 Maroon Bowl V (stats) North Babylon A Derek Prelims Combined Playoffs
1/13/2024 Costa Rica International Academy Pool Bash Online Tournament Saratoga Springs Derek Longo Costa Rica International Academy Pool Bash Online Tournament
1/6/2024 2024 Mattoon Frosh-Soph Invitational Effingham Derek Doedtman 2024 Mattoon Frosh-Soph Invitational
12/12/2023 TELEOLOGY 2 British, Columbian, Both, or Neither Derek So Through Round 5 Full Round Robin + Finals
12/9/2023 Charter Cup (Stats) North Babylon A Derek Contreras Prelims (1-5) Combined (Prelims+Finals)
12/9/2023 Charter Cup II North Babylon A Derek Contreras Charter Cup II
12/2/2023 2023 Batavia Invitational Indian Hill B Derek Zee Combined Prelims
12/2/2023 2023 South Central Scholastic League - Saturday Tournament Hillsboro Derek Hartman JV - All Games JV - Prelims
12/2/2023 Batavia Invitational Indian Hill B Derek Zee Batavia Invitational
12/2/2023 DMA @ Yale Columbia Derek Chen Prelims Playoffs Combined
12/2/2023 South Central Scholastic League Hillsboro A Derek Hartman Junior Varsity Division
11/28/2023 South Central Scholastic League - Tuesday Quads & Triangulars Hillsboro JV Derek JV - Final
11/18/2023 ILLIAC II @ Brown Columbia B Derek Chen All Games
11/18/2023 Jersey Shore Introductory Tournament II Edison Academy A Derek You All Games (Ranked) Playoffs Prelims Jersey Shore Introductory Tournament II
11/11/2023 2023 ACF Winter at Virginia Liberty A (UG) Derek Works (DII) Prelims Playoffs Combined
11/11/2023 2023 ACF Winter at Virginia William & Mary B Derek Aldridge (DII) Prelims Playoffs Combined
11/6/2023 Central Western Scholastic Quiz League Conemaugh Township Derek Pongrac Central Western Scholastic Quiz League
11/4/2023 2023 IQBL Fall Open - High Schools - 3 Sites Western Dubuque A Derek Phillips East Site
11/4/2023 2023 IQBL Fall Open - Middle Schools - 3 Sites Western Dubuque A Derek Phillips Eastern Site - All Games
11/4/2023 Chapel Hill Challenge Smith Middle C Derek Wang Middle School Division
11/4/2023 Iowa Fall Open Eastern Western Dubuque A Derek Phillips Varsity Division
11/4/2023 NE In The Know Challenge 2024 St. Charles Derek Roundrobin
10/21/2023 2023 Miami Valley School Fall Kickoff (HS) Indian Hill B Derek Zee All Games (HS)
10/21/2023 Island Cup IV: October North Babylon B Derek Contreras Island Cup IV: October
10/21/2023 Island Cup V: October North Babylon B Derek Contreras Prelims Playoffs Combined (w/ Finals)
10/21/2023 Miami Valley School Fall Kickoff Tournament Indian Hill B Derek Zee High School Division
10/14/2023 2023 ACF Fall at UNC Liberty B Derek Works Playoffs Prelims (1-7) Combined
10/7/2023 2023 CREEK+ @ Columbia Columbia C Derek Chen All Games Playoffs Prelims
9/23/2023 2023 Sacramento Fall Tournament Sacramento Country Day Derek Taylor Varsity Division
9/23/2023 Bronco Bowl V Del Norte E Derek Kang (9) Junior Varsity (Prelims) Junior Varsity (Playoffs) Junior Varsity (Combined)
7/22/2023 SUNSET Team ROT B Derek You MAKEMAKE All Games (1-11) MAKEMAKE Prelims (1-5)
6/24/2023 Brooklyn Bridge Battle Tournament (BBBT) ROT B Derek You All Games
6/24/2023 Brooklyn Bridge Battle Tournament (BBBT) Team ROT B Derek You Yellowfruit Prelims Yellowfruit Combined Yellowfruit Playoffs
5/28/2023 2023 High School National Championship Tournament North Babylon Derek Contreras 2023 High School National Championship Tournament
5/14/2023 2023 Middle School National Championship Tournament Heritage B (NJ) Derek Peng 2023 Middle School National Championship Tournament
5/14/2023 2023 Middle School National Championship Tournament Oak Valley B Derek Kang 2023 Middle School National Championship Tournament
4/30/2023 2023 Small School National Championship Tournament Indian Hill Derek Zee Traditional Public Schools Division
4/29/2023 C++ at Stanford Stanford A Derek Kuldinow All Games
4/22/2023 Darien Spring Academic Competition Heritage B Derek Peng Darien Spring Academic Competition
4/16/2023 SPRING II Team ROT JA Derek You (8) MS Prelims (1-7) MS Playoffs (8-10) MS All Games (1-10)
4/15/2023 TQBA Bluebell Bowl John Adams A Derek You Lyft Division
4/8/2023 MRNA II: The Second Dose Low-Mid Atlantic Mirror William and Mary Derek Aldridge Combined
4/1/2023 Island Cup IV: April North Babylon A Derek Conteras Island Cup IV: April
4/1/2023 Island Cup IV: April (Stats) North Babylon A Derek Conteras Combined Prelims Playoffs
4/1/2023 New Jersey Middle School State Championship John Adams B Derek You New Jersey Middle School State Championship
3/18/2023 Livingston March Madness Invitational North Babylon A Derek Contreras Livingston March Madness Invitational
3/18/2023 LQBA Louisiana State Championship Jesuit Derek Tsang Large Schools Division
3/18/2023 LQBA Louisiana State Championship Jesuit Derek Tsang (12th) Division I - All Games
3/18/2023 March Madness (Stats) North Babylon A Derek Contreras Combined (Rankings) Playoffs Prelims
3/18/2023 VALORANT Oak Valley B Derek Kang Afternoon (6-10) Complete (1-10)
3/18/2023 Very Acclaimed Liturgy of Rambunctious Academia Novice Tournament Oak Valley B Derek Kang Very Acclaimed Liturgy of Rambunctious Academia Novice Tournament
3/11/2023 Charter Cup North Babylon A Derek Contreras Round Robin Complete
3/1/2023 Mid-Michigan Tri-County Winter League St. Johns Derek Varsity Division
2/25/2023 2023 UW Winter Classic St. George's Derek Li Combined Prelims
2/25/2023 MRNA II @ UC Berkeley Stanford Derek Kuldinow all games
2/25/2023 Washington Winter Classic St. George's Derek Li Washington Winter Classic
2/22/2023 Tri-County Winter League 2023 Varsity Saint Johns Derek Prelims Combined
2/11/2023 Del Norte Edgehog Tournament VI Oak Valley B Derek Kang Varsity Playoffs Varsity Combined Varsity Prelims
2/11/2023 Del Norte Edgehog Winter Tournament VI Oak Valley Middle B Derek Kang Varsity Division
2/11/2023 Railer Rumble Effingham B Derek Doedtman Standard Playoffs Standard Prelims
2/7/2023 South Suburban Conference Tournament Lakeville South B Derek Welter Junior Varsity Division
2/5/2023 2023 NAQT Sectional Championship Tournament at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Liberty C Derek Works DII Morning DII
2/5/2023 2023 NAQT Sectional Championship Tournament at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill William & Mary B Derek Aldridge DII Morning DII
2/5/2023 NAQT Lower Mid-Atlantic Sectional Liberty C Derek Works Division II
2/5/2023 NAQT Lower Mid-Atlantic Sectional William & Mary B Derek Aldridge Division II
2/4/2023 Island Cup IV: February North Babylon Derek Contreras Island Cup IV: February
2/4/2023 Island Cup IV: February (Stats) North Babylon Derek Contreras Combined Prelims
1/31/2023 South Central Conference - 2023 - Regular Season Hillsboro JV Derek Junior Varsity - All Games
1/31/2023 South Central Conference Scholastic Bowl Hillsboro Derek Hartman Junior Varsity Division
1/28/2023 ESA Cade Cane Classic Tournament Jesuit B Derek Tsang ESA Cade Cane Classic Tournament
1/28/2023 ESA Cade Classic Jesuit B Derek Tsang (12th) All Games
1/26/2023 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Lakeville South A Derek Welter III Division
1/21/2023 2023 Mattoon Frosh-Soph Invitational Effingham A Derek Doedtman 2023 Mattoon Frosh-Soph Invitational
1/14/2023 2023 Turnabout at Fairfield Effingham B Derek Prelims Playoff Brackets Complete
1/14/2023 JP Stevens Bird Hole II John Adams Middle School Derek You Prelims Playoffs Combined with Final Placements
1/7/2023 Valley Cup I North Babylon A Derek Contreras Prelims Playoffs All Games All Games (w/o Tiebreaker) All Games Prelims Playoffs All Games (w/o Tiebreaker) Valley Cup I
1/7/2023 Valley Cup I Somers A Derek Farrell Valley Cup I
1/7/2023 Valley Cup I Somers High School A Derek Farrell All Games (w/o Tiebreaker) All Games Playoffs Prelims Prelims All Games All Games (w/o Tiebreaker) Playoffs
12/10/2022 Michigan Middle School Kickoff Tournament Detroit Country Day A Derek Han All Games Prelims Playoffs Michigan Middle School Kickoff Tournament
12/10/2022 Scripps Ranch Novice Quizbowl Tournament Oak Valley Midd B Derek Kang (8th) All Games
12/10/2022 Scripps Ranch’s Incredibly Rad Academic Competition: How Amazing! III Oak Valley Middle B Derek Kang Scripps Ranch’s Incredibly Rad Academic Competition: How Amazing! III
12/10/2022 TQBA Houston Holiday Hoedown XIV Overlake B Derek Li Lyft Division
12/9/2022 Mobile County Invitational Baker Derek Ricafort Junior Varsity Division
12/3/2022 Mount Carmel Invitational Jesuit A Derek Tsang Mount Carmel Invitational
12/3/2022 Rowdy Raider Invitational Indian Hill Derek Zee Final Statistics All Games Prelim Stats
12/3/2022 Sixteenth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational Indian Hill Derek Zee Sixteenth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational
12/3/2022 South Central Scholastic League - Saturday Tournament Hillsboro JV Derek Hartman JV - Playoffs JV - Prelims JV - All Games
12/3/2022 Washington High Invitational Tournament Father Tolton Derek York Washington High Invitational Tournament
11/16/2022 CAAC Fall League 2022 (Varsity) Saint Johns Derek Playoffs Combined Prelims
11/16/2022 Capital Area Activities Conference Fall League St. Johns Derek Varsity Division
11/12/2022 Queen of Angels Middle School Invitational Greenberg B Derek Lee Queen of Angels Middle School Invitational
11/12/2022 Tar Heel Cup East Surry B Derek Freeman Combined Prelims Playoffs
11/12/2022 Tusculum Collegiate Novice Liberty A Derek Works Round-robin Split-Field/Finals
11/12/2022 Tusculum Collegiate Novice Invitational Liberty A Derek Works Tusculum Collegiate Novice Invitational
11/10/2022 Eugene Fall Academic Quad Father Tolton Derek York Varsity Division
11/5/2022 2022 ACF Winter @ JMU William & Mary B Derek Aldrige (DII) Prelims Playoffs Combined
10/29/2022 Long Island Fall Tournament XXI North Babylon A Derek Contreras Long Island Fall Tournament XXI
10/29/2022 LQBA Fall Invitational South Jesuit A Derek Tsang LQBA Fall Invitational South
10/29/2022 LQBA Fall Invitational South Jesuit A Derek Tsang (12th) All Games Prelims
10/22/2022 Penn Bowl @ Queen's University An aged Hen is but a poultry thing Derek So Round Robin
10/15/2022 2022 ACF Fall @ Harvard Northeastern A Derek Kaplan (D2) Prelims Playoffs Combined
10/15/2022 2022 ACF Fall @ Maryland William and Mary A Derek Aldrige Prelims Combined Playoffs
10/15/2022 2022 ACF Fall @ UC Berkeley Stanford Derek Kuldinow Prelims + Finals Prelims
10/15/2022 2022 ACF Fall @ UNC Liberty B (DII) Derek Works (DII) Rounds 1-11
10/15/2022 Episcopal School of Baton Rouge Invitational Jesuit A Derek Tsang Episcopal School of Baton Rouge Invitational
10/15/2022 Episcopal School of Baton Rouge Invitational 2022 Jesuit A Derek Tsang All Games
10/8/2022 Island Cup IV: October North Babylon A Derek Contreras All Games Island Cup IV: October
10/8/2022 Island Cup IV: October (Stats) North Babylon A Derek Contreras All Games Playoffs Prelims
10/8/2022 Johns Hopkins Collegiate Novice Invitational William & Mary B Derek Aldridge Johns Hopkins Collegiate Novice Invitational
10/8/2022 Johns Hopkins Online College Novice Fall Tournament William and Mary B Derek Aldridge Combined Playoffs Prelims
9/24/2022 Bronco Bowl IV Oak Valley Middle B Derek Kang JV - Full Round Robin Junior Varsity Division
7/10/2022 SuMO Trash: Never Got A Witty Subtitle Team 4 (Whoop Chicken) Derek Disman Final Standings
7/9/2022 SuMO VII: Haunted By Andrew Johnson Team 8 (Insert Team Name Here) Derek Disman Final Standings
5/21/2022 "Upper Midwest" RAFT III Mirror Troy (CA) Derek Peng All Games (no crossovers) Playoffs Prelims (no crossovers)
5/14/2022 Island Cup III: May North Babylon B Derek Contreras Playoffs Prelims Combined Island Cup III: May
4/9/2022 SPRING Tournament Oak Valley A Derek Kang (7) Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/3/2022 AQBL 2022 Invitational North Bend B Derek Bell Saturday Novice
3/26/2022 Maroon Bowl III North Babylon Derek Contreras Combined Playoffs (6-8) Prelims (1-5)
3/19/2022 Prison Bowl Mainsite (PBXIV) North Babylon B Derek Contreras Playoffs Combined Prelims
3/12/2022 Philadelphia City-Wide QuizBowl Championship Carver D Derek Chen Philadelphia City-Wide QuizBowl Championship
3/12/2022 Philadelphia Citywide Championship 2022 Carver D Derek Chen All Rounds Morning Rounds
2/19/2022 IQBL Winter Open Ames A Derek Peng All Games
2/19/2022 IQBL Winter Open Tournament - Central Site Ames A Derek Peng Large Schools Division
2/19/2022 Island Cup III: February North Babylon B Derek Contreras Island Cup III: February Prelims Playoffs Combined
2/12/2022 CERES National Mirror Oak Valley B Derek Kang (7th) All Games Playoffs and Finals Prelims
2/7/2022 Summit County Academic Challenge League Tallmadge Derek Oberlin Varsity (Sea+Tourn Varsity Division
2/5/2022 2022 NAQT SCT at McGill Manitoba Derek Harris DII All Games DII Playoffs DII Prelims
2/5/2022 2022 NAQT SCT at MIT Northeastern A Derek Kaplan (Fr.) DII Complete
2/5/2022 NAQT Canada Sectional Manitoba Derek Harris Division II
2/5/2022 NAQT New England Sectional Northeastern A Derek Kaplan Division II
1/29/2022 Bay Area Winter Middle School Tournament Oak Valley A Derek Kang Bay Area Winter Middle School Tournament
1/29/2022 ESA Cade Cane Classic Tournament Jesuit B Derek Tsang ESA Cade Cane Classic Tournament
1/22/2022 CORGII North Babylon Derek Contreras Playoffs Prelims All Games
11/20/2021 Iowa Fall Open Ames B Derek Peng Large Schools Division
11/20/2021 IQBL Fall Open Ames B Derek Peng Overall
11/13/2021 Canyon Crest Powered Points Tournament V Oak Valley Middle B Derek Kang Junior Varsity Division
11/13/2021 Jenks High School Trojan Invitational Yukon A Don'Derek Lane Varsity Division
11/13/2021 PPT V Oak Valley Middle B Derek Kang (7) JV Combined JV Playoffs JV Prelims
10/30/2021 IQBL Kickoff Ames Derek Peng Open Division
10/23/2021 KQBA Fall Invitational Greenwood A Derek Hahne KQBA Fall Invitational
10/17/2021 Super ACRONYM 3 @ Macalester Second of Four Derek Sillerud All Games
10/16/2021 2021 ACF Fall at MIT MIT C Derek Yen Prelims
10/16/2021 2021 ACF Fall at MIT MIT C (UG) Derek Yen (UG) Combined
10/16/2021 2021 ACF Fall at MIT Northeastern B Derek Kaplan Playoffs Prelims
10/16/2021 2021 ACF Fall at MIT Northeastern B (DII) Derek Kaplan (DII) Combined
10/16/2021 LQBA Fall Online Invitational Jesuit B Derek Tsang LQBA Fall Online Invitational
10/16/2021 LQBA Fall Online Invitational Jesuit B Derek Tsang (11th) Prelims All Games
9/25/2021 Tal Atkins Memorial Quiz Bowl Tournament Jesuit B Derek Tsang Tal Atkins Memorial Quiz Bowl Tournament
9/25/2021 Tal Atkins Memorial Quiz Bowl Tournament Jesuit B Derek Tsang (11th) Prelims All Games
9/18/2021 Scattergories 5 online Tractatus Jaco-Pastorius Derek So All Games
5/30/2021 2021 High School National Championship Tournament Hollidaysburg Derek Kaplan 2021 High School National Championship Tournament
5/2/2021 2021 Middle School National Championship Tournament Saint Andrew B Derek Juergens 2021 Middle School National Championship Tournament
4/18/2021 The Grapes of Smath V Enloe High School Derek Zhang Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/17/2021 2021 NAQT Michigan State Championship Hartland Derek McCracken Class A Combined Class A Prelims Class A
4/3/2021 2021 Spring Novice @ UC Berkeley UCLA Derek Chow Combined Superplayoffs Playoffs Prelims
3/27/2021 2021 Iowa High School Quiz Bowl Championship Ames Derek Peng Open Division
3/27/2021 2021 Iowa Quiz Bowl Championships Ames Derek Peng Open Division
3/11/2021 Preparatory Rounds of Academic Competition Targeting Invited Championship Entrants Saint Andrew B Derek Juergens Middle School Division
3/4/2021 Thursday-Evening Academic Matches With Oodles of Rewarded Knowledge Hartland Derek McCracken Thursday-Evening Academic Matches With Oodles of Rewarded Knowledge
2/27/2021 ACRONYM 14 Online - Minnesota Westonka C Derek Lloyd Prelims All Games
2/25/2021 Battle Using Zoom to the Zenith of Extraordinary Recall Hartland Derek McCracken Large Division
2/21/2021 ACRONYM 14 Online The Bus That's Probably Not As Fast As That Other Bus Derek Sillerud Complete Playoffs Prelims
2/20/2021 2021 Snow CAT Mound Westonka B Derek Lloyd 2021 Snow CAT
2/20/2021 SnowCAT 2021 Mound Westonka B Derek Lloyd Combined Prelims
2/18/2021 February Invitational For Teens Entering Educational Nirvana Hartland Derek McCracken February Invitational For Teens Entering Educational Nirvana
2/13/2021 Run for the Roses Mound Westonka C Derek Lloyd Run for the Roses
2/6/2021 KQBA February Invitational Greenwood B Derek Hahne KQBA February Invitational
2/6/2021 Loyola Middle School Invitational Tournament Saint Andrew D Derek Juergens Third Flight Division
1/28/2021 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Mound Westonka C Derek Lloyd III Division
1/23/2021 ESA Cade Cane Classic Tournament Jesuit C Derek Tsang ESA Cade Cane Classic Tournament
1/16/2021 January Academic Contest Kindling Powered Online Tossups Mound Westonka C Derek Lloyd January Academic Contest Kindling Powered Online Tossups
12/12/2020 LQBA Winter Online Invitational Jesuit C Derek Tsang LQBA Winter Online Invitational
12/12/2020 LQBA Winter Tournament Jesuit C Derek Tsang All Games
12/12/2020 Really Awesome Thumb-Racing Academic Competition Event Mound Westonka C Derek Lloyd Really Awesome Thumb-Racing Academic Competition Event
11/7/2020 2020 ACF Winter @ USC UCLA Derek Chow Prelims Playoffs Combined
11/7/2020 2020 ACF Winter at Iowa Nebraska A Derek Chew Combined Placement Playoffs Prelims
11/7/2020 Iowa Fall Open Ames Derek Peng Large Schools Division
11/7/2020 Lusher Invitational Archbishop Rummel B Derek Kruebbe Lusher Invitational
10/24/2020 LQBA Fall Invitational Jesuit C Derek Tsang (10th) All Games Playoffs Prelims
10/24/2020 LQBA Fall Online Invitational Jesuit C Derek Tsang LQBA Fall Online Invitational
10/3/2020 Greater Pennsylvania Quizbowl Novice Kickoff Carver HSES B Derek Final Prelims
9/26/2020 LIT Northeast Mirror Hosted by Stony Brook Wesleyan Derek Chen Playoffs Prelims Finals Combined
8/22/2020 Scattergories 4 online Team 14 Packs Canadiana Derek So Prelims Final Standings
7/18/2020 Myth of the Machine Discord Mirror A7 - The iPod of Computers Derek Yen Combined With Prelim Crossover Combined Prelims
6/20/2020 ACRONYM League Marcelo Agachate y Concelo (Plano West) Derek Qin High School All Games High School Playoffs w/ X-Overs High School Prelims
4/11/2020 BLAST Online (Powered by Groger Ranks) Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Combined (Results Only) Combined (w/ placement) Playoffs Prelims
3/22/2020 CALISTO Academic Tournament (CAT) (Online) Plano West B Derek Qin All Games Playoffs Prelims
3/7/2020 Petti Warz III Evergreen Derek Cobb Varsity Division
3/7/2020 PettIIIwarz Evergreen Derek Cobb (10th) Playoffs (Varsity) and JV
2/29/2020 2020 NAQT Kentucky State Championship Woodford County B Derek Forte 2020 NAQT Kentucky State Championship
2/29/2020 BHSAT XXIX at Duke Enloe B Derek Zhang combined prelims
2/29/2020 Harvard Fall Tournament (HFT) at NYU Millburn C Derek Sun Prelims Playoffs Combined (inc. Finals)
2/29/2020 Johns Hopkins Winter Invitational Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Johns Hopkins Winter Invitational
2/29/2020 Johns Hopkins Winter Tournament Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Prelims Playoffs Finals Prelims + Playoffs Prelims + Playoffs + Finals
2/29/2020 Kentucky State Quiz Bowl Championship Woodford County B Derek Forte (12th) Complete Prelims Playoffs
2/29/2020 St. Mark's School of Texas Invitational Plano West B Derek Qin Varsity Division
2/29/2020 St. Mark's School of Texas Invitational Plano West B Derek Qin (12th) All Games
2/26/2020 2020 Mahoning League Lowellville Derek Linen All games
2/23/2020 ACRONYM 13 @ Macalester All Hail Krull! Sincerely Little Girl Derek Sillerud Prelims All Games
2/15/2020 2nd Annual White Station Middle School Winter Invitational Snowden A Derek Mink 2nd Annual White Station Middle School Winter Invitational
2/15/2020 East Brunswick Funfest V Millburn B Derek Sun East Brunswick Funfest V
2/15/2020 EBHS Funfest V Millburn B Derek Sun Combined Playoffs Prelims
2/15/2020 IQBL Winter Open Tournament Drexler Middle B Derek Phillips Middle School Division
2/9/2020 Ohio Trash at Toronto "Derek" ...and the Dominoes Derek So Round Robin
2/8/2020 2020 Eastern Canada SCT at Toronto McGill A Derek So (Grad) Division 1 - All Games
2/8/2020 2020 Upper Mid-Atlantic SCT at Penn Georgetown B (UG) Derek Engen (So.) DI All Games
2/8/2020 NAQT Canada Sectional McGill A Derek So Division I
2/8/2020 NAQT Upper Mid-Atlantic Sectional Georgetown B Derek Engen Division I
2/1/2020 General Education Middle School Tournament Offering Neverending Edification Blessed Trinity Derek Stock General Education Middle School Tournament Offering Neverending Edification
2/1/2020 TQBA Comet Challenge Plano West B Derek Qin TQBA Comet Challenge
1/25/2020 2020 ACF Regionals at Illinois Indiana Derek Sikorski Prelims Playoffs All Games
1/25/2020 2020 ACF Regionals at Yale Wesleyan (UG) Derek Chen (DII) All Rounds + Tiebreakers Prelims + Playoffs Prelim Rounds
1/19/2020 2020 EFT Online [HS Open Mirror] Coppell++ Derek Qin Full RR
1/18/2020 2020 KCQRL Jefferson Tournament Indiana A Derek Sikorski Through round 7 Final Stats (round 10) Division I
1/18/2020 Loyola Ultima XXI Loyola A Derek Damasco Standard Division Playoffs Standard Division Prelims Standard Division Playoffs Standard Division Complete Standard Division Prelims Standard Division Complete
1/11/2020 SHATEYAHRONYA V @ OBHS 1.11.20 (CALISTO/PSACA/SCOP MS) Delaware, OH Woodford B Derek Combined
1/4/2020 Acton-Boxborough Winter Invitational Tournament Lexington B Derek Ying Acton-Boxborough Winter Invitational Tournament
12/7/2019 5th Annual Bergen Winter Classic Corpus Christi C Derek Alava 5th Annual Bergen Winter Classic
12/7/2019 Cookeville Fall Tournament Gallatin A Derek Disman (12th) All games Championship Prelims
12/7/2019 Cookeville Fall Tournament Gallatin A Derek Dismon Cookeville Fall Tournament
12/7/2019 Fourteenth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational Woodford County B Derek Forte Fourteenth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational
12/7/2019 Rowdy Raider Invitational - IS 188 Woodford County B Derek Forte Final Stats (All Games) Preliminary Stats
12/6/2019 Vermont Pre-Holiday Academic Tournament XIII Ticonderoga A Derek Joiner Varsity Division
11/23/2019 Charter Oak Scholastic Open IX Corpus Christi C Derek Alau National Division
11/16/2019 2019 Columbia Fall Tournament Milburn A Derek Sun Nationals Combined Nationals Playoffs Nationals Prelims
11/16/2019 Columbia Fall Invitational Millburn A Derek Sun National Division
11/16/2019 Give Thanks for Matt's Buzzers VI Woodford County B Derek Forte Give Thanks All Games Give Thanks Morning
11/16/2019 Portland Turkey Tourney Gallatin A Derek Dismon Portland Turkey Tourney
11/16/2019 TQBA Panther Meet IV Plano West B Derek Qin High School Division
11/9/2019 White Station Middle School Quiz Tournament Snowden A Derek Mink All Games Prelims
11/9/2019 WSHS Fall Middle School Invitational Snowden A Derek Mink WSHS Fall Middle School Invitational
11/3/2019 MIT Fall Academic Tournament Lexington A Derek Ying Prelims All Games Playoffs
11/2/2019 2019 ACF Fall at Missouri Nebraska A Derek All Games
11/2/2019 2019 ACF Fall at UChicago (College) Indiana Derek Prelims Combined
11/2/2019 2019 ACF Fall at Yale Wesleyan A (DII) Derek Chen (DII) Combined Morning Afternoon
10/26/2019 Johns Hopkins Fall Invitational Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Johns Hopkins Fall Invitational
10/26/2019 Johns Hopkins Fall Tournament Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Prelims Playoffs Finals Combined
10/26/2019 Penn Bowl at Truman State Missouri S&T B Derek Holloway Prelims Combined
10/12/2019 Jefferson Collegiate Novice Invitational Indiana Derek Sikorski Jefferson Collegiate Novice Invitational
10/12/2019 NAQT Collegiate Novice at Jefferson CC Indiana University Derek Sikorski All Games Prelims
10/6/2019 Centennial Invitational Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Tournament Division
10/6/2019 Centennial Invitational Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu (12th) Tournament Afternoon Tournament Cumulative Tournament Morning
10/5/2019 2019 EFT @ UMD Georgetown B Derek Engen Combined Playoffs + Finals Playoffs Prelims
10/5/2019 2019 EFT @ WUSTL Mirror Indiana Derek Sikorski Playoffs Combined Prelims
10/5/2019 Dragon Invitational Gallatin A Derek Dismon Complete Tournament Dragon Invitational
10/5/2019 Early Fall Tournament (EFT) at MIT Boston College B Derek Tang All Games Playoffs and Finals Prelims
10/5/2019 Early Fall Tournament (EFT) at MIT Lexington Derek Ying Playoffs and Finals All Games Prelims
10/5/2019 Early Fall Tournament (EFT) at MIT Wesleyan Derek Chen Prelims Playoffs and Finals All Games
10/5/2019 EFT 2019 at Columbia Millburn HS Derek Sun Combined Playoffs Prelims
10/5/2019 EFT 2019 at Columbia Rutgers B Derek Lin Prelims Playoffs Combined
9/28/2019 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVII Millburn B Derek Sun Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVII
9/28/2019 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVII (PHSAT XXVII) Millburn B Derek Sun Prelims Combined Stats Playoffs
9/28/2019 TQBA Hornet Hullabaloo V Plano West A Derek Qin TQBA Hornet Hullabaloo V
9/21/2019 Plymouth Academic Quiz Tournament 3 Lexington A Derek Ying Plymouth Academic Quiz Tournament 3
9/21/2019 Plymouth Academic Quiz Tournament 3 (PAQT) Lexington A Derek Ying PAQT 3 Rounds Finals All Rounds PAQT 3 Rounds 1-8
9/21/2019 The 2019 Scottie Woodford County B Derek Forte (12) All Games (No Finish Order) Final Standings Seeding Rounds (In Progress) Morning (1-5)
9/7/2019 Super ACRONYM 2 @ Minnesota Can't Stop Us Meow Derek Sillerud All Games Minus Finals
6/23/2019 2019 NASAT Maryland White Derek Chu (Richard Montgomery) All Games (no finish order) Playoffs Prelims (Round 1-7)
6/9/2019 2019 PACE NSC Richard Montgomery B (MD) Derek Chu (11) Playoffs Prelims All Games Sunday Morning
6/9/2019 2019 PACE NSC Woodford County B (KY) Derek Forte (11) Prelims Playoffs Sunday Morning All Games
5/26/2019 2019 High School National Championship Tournament Early College at Guilford Derek Chen 2019 High School National Championship Tournament
5/26/2019 2019 High School National Championship Tournament Eureka Derek Demartino 2019 High School National Championship Tournament
5/26/2019 2019 High School National Championship Tournament Lexington B Derek Ying 2019 High School National Championship Tournament
5/26/2019 2019 High School National Championship Tournament Millburn B Derek Sun 2019 High School National Championship Tournament
5/26/2019 2019 High School National Championship Tournament Plano West B Derek Qin 2019 High School National Championship Tournament
5/26/2019 2019 High School National Championship Tournament Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu 2019 High School National Championship Tournament
5/24/2019 ACRONYM 12 at HSNCT Pink Lady and Greg Derek Daily Open Division
5/18/2019 2019 NAQT Massachusetts State Championship Lexington B Derek Ying 2019 NAQT Massachusetts State Championship
5/18/2019 MA State Championships@Phillips Academy Lexington B Derek Y. All rounds Prelims (rounds 1-7)
5/5/2019 2019 Small School National Championship Tournament Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Open Division
5/5/2019 2019 Small School National Championship Tournament Notre Dame (NY) Derek Tsang Open Division
4/14/2019 ACF Nationals 2019 McGill Derek So Sunday Playoffs Prelims Combined
4/13/2019 2019 Iowa Middle School Quiz Bowl Championship Drexler A Derek Phillips 2019 Iowa Middle School Quiz Bowl Championship
4/13/2019 Georgetown Spring Tournament Richard Montgomery B Derek Chu Playoffs Prelims
4/6/2019 [North Carolina] 2019 Tarheel Cup Early College Guilford A Derek Chen Combined Prelims
4/6/2019 2019 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament McGill Derek So Division I
3/31/2019 2019 ILLIAC @ JHU Richard Montgomery Derek Chu Combined Playoffs Prelims
3/31/2019 ACRONYM 12 @ UMN Sillerud Derek Sillerud All Games
3/30/2019 2019 Iowa High School Quiz Bowl Championship Unity Christian Derek Koops Small Schools Division
3/30/2019 2019 Ladue Invitational Spring Tournament (LIST) VIII Eureka Derek Demartino Prelims Playoffs Combined
3/30/2019 RM Spring Mountain Vista Governor's School Derek Sprincis Playoffs Combined Prelims
3/16/2019 2019 Penn State Spring Academic Bowl Notre Dame Derek Tsang 2019 Penn State Spring Academic Bowl
3/16/2019 Blair Invitational Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Combined Playoffs Prelims
3/16/2019 Livingston March Madness Invitational Bergen Academies Derek Lin Livingston March Madness Invitational
3/16/2019 Livingston March Madness Invitational Millburn B Derek Sun Livingston March Madness Invitational
3/16/2019 Penn State Spring Academic Bowl 2019 (unofficial stats) Notre Dame Derek Tsang (12th) Prelims Final Placement
3/10/2019 New Jersey Middle School State Championship Corpus Christi B Derek Alava New Jersey Middle School State Championship
3/10/2019 New Jersey Middle School State Championship Corpus Christi C Derek Alava New Jersey Middle School State Championship
3/9/2019 2019 Charter Challenge Newark Charter B Derek Yang Experienced Prelims Experienced Playoffs Experienced Combined
3/9/2019 Charter Middle School Challenge Newark Charter B Derek Yang Experienced Division
3/9/2019 Miami Valley Spring Invitational Woodford County B Derek Forte All Games (Corrected)
3/2/2019 2019 NAQT Kentucky State Championship Woodford County B Derek Forte 2019 NAQT Kentucky State Championship
3/2/2019 Kentucky State Quizbowl Championship Woodford County B Derek Forte (11th) Playoffs (final standings) Combined Prelims
2/27/2019 2019 Mahoning League Lowellville Derek Linden Varsity
2/23/2019 2019 Terrapin Open Discord mirror McGill Derek So All Games + Finals
2/23/2019 MIT Spring Tournament Lexington B Derek Ying All Games Prelims
2/23/2019 Wolfpack Winter 2019 Guilford A Derek Chen Playoffs Prelims
2/23/2019 Wolfpack Winter Invitational Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Wolfpack Winter Invitational
2/16/2019 Carrboro Winter Invitational Tournament (BHSAT) Guilford A Derek Chen Prelims Playoffs Combined
2/16/2019 Inaugural White Station Middle School Winter Invitational Snowden B Derek Mink Inaugural White Station Middle School Winter Invitational
2/13/2019 Mahoning League Lowellville Derek Linden Varsity 2nd Division
2/9/2019 1st Annual Sean Moore Memorial Quiz Bowl Tournament Pine Grove A Derek Hoffman Prelims Playoffs Combined
2/9/2019 2019 NAQT SCT Canada at Queen's McGill A Derek So Division 1 - All Games
2/9/2019 NAQT Canada Sectional McGill A Derek So Division I
2/9/2019 Winter High School Invitational at Plymouth (WHIP) Lexington Derek Ying WHIP Rounds 1-5 WHIP Rounds 1-6 Whip Rounds 1-9 WHIP Finals Rounds 1-10 WHIP Final
2/2/2019 East Brunswick Funfest IV Millburn A Derek Sun East Brunswick Funfest IV
2/2/2019 St. Mark's School of Texas Invitational Plano West B Derek Qin Varsity Division
2/2/2019 Sullivan Academic Tournament I Eureka Derek All Games Prelims
2/2/2019 Sullivan Invitational Eureka Derek Demartino Sullivan Invitational
1/27/2019 John Daly II Derek's team Derek Round Robin - fixed
1/26/2019 2019 ACF Regionals at Toronto McGill A Derek So Final Round Robin
1/19/2019 Dorman High School 29th Cavalier Challenge Roebuck, SC Woodford B Derek Forte 2019 Cav Challenge Varsity
1/19/2019 Las Vegas Quiz Bowl Alliance Conference Tournament Liberty C Derek Nye Las Vegas Quiz Bowl Alliance Conference Tournament
1/12/2019 LIVMIT House A Derek Y Combined Prelims
1/12/2019 Sacramento Winter HS Tournament Mira Loma A Derek Yuan Varsity All Games
1/12/2019 Sacramento Winter Tournament Mira Loma A Derek Yuan Varsity Division
1/5/2019 2019 Holt Winter Invitatoinal Eureka Derek Demartino Playoffs Prelims All Games
1/5/2019 Bardbowl II Milburn B Derek Sun Combined Prelims Playoffs
1/5/2019 Bardbowl II Millburn B Derek Sun Bardbowl II
1/5/2019 Holt Winter Invitational Eureka Derek Demartino Holt Winter Invitational
12/9/2018 Penn Bowl Discord Mirror Montreal College for Grotesque and Intellectually Limited Lads Derek So Combined Round Robin
12/8/2018 2018 Russell Invitational Woodford County B Derek Forte Playoffs Prelims
12/8/2018 Las Vegas Quiz Bowl Alliance League Liberty C Derek Nye Las Vegas Quiz Bowl Alliance League
12/8/2018 Las Vegas Quiz Bowl Alliance Regular Season Liberty C Derek Nye All Games
12/8/2018 Phillips Academy Winter Tournament II Lexington B Derek Ying Phillips Academy Winter Tournament II
12/8/2018 Phillips Academy Winter Tournament II (Andover, MA) Lexington B Derek Ying All Rounds (w/o finals) Prelims
12/8/2018 Russell Invitational Woodford County B Derek Forte Russell Invitational
12/7/2018 Pre-Holiday Academic Tournament XII Ticonderoga B Derek Joiner Prelims
12/7/2018 Vermont Pre-Holiday Academic Tournament XII Ticonderoga B Derek Joiner Varsity Division
12/1/2018 2018 Autumn Classic Huron A Derek Overall Prelims
12/1/2018 4th Annual Bergen Winter Classic Corpus Christi B Derek Alava 4th Annual Bergen Winter Classic
12/1/2018 Quaker Fall Open IV BCA A Derek Lin Nationals Morning Nationals All Games
12/1/2018 University of Michigan Autumn Classic New Boston Huron A Derek University of Michigan Autumn Classic
12/1/2018 Washington High Invitational Tournament (WHIT) IV Eureka Derek Demartino Combined Consolation without crossover Prelims
11/17/2018 2018 IHSSBCA David Riley Memorial Kickoff Tournament at Springfield Pekin Derek Brown 2018 IHSSBCA David Riley Memorial Kickoff Tournament at Springfield
11/10/2018 14th Annual Hoover Invitational Tournament Woodford County B Derek Forte 14th Annual Hoover Invitational Tournament
11/10/2018 EFT @ Virginia Tech Early College at Guilford Derek Chen Full Round Robin Prelims (Through Round 5)
11/10/2018 Washington University Fall Academic Tournament IV Eureka Derek Demartino Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
11/4/2018 Centennial Invitational Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Varsity Division
11/4/2018 Centennial Tournament NAQT IS-180A RM A Derek Chu Tournament Division Cumulative Tournament Division Morning Tournament Division Afternoon Tournament Division Cumulative Tournament Division Morning Tournament Division Afternoon
11/4/2018 Charter Oak Scholastic Open VIII Corpus Christi C Derek Alava Novice Division
11/3/2018 Cavalier Classic XXI Mountain Vista A Derek Sprincis Cavalier Classic XXI Playoffs Prelims
10/27/2018 Dragon Invitational Gallatin B Derek Disman Double-elimation playoff results Prelims
10/27/2018 Dragon Invitational Gallatin B Derek Dismon Dragon Invitational
10/27/2018 TQBA Panther Parley III Plano West A Derek Qin TQBA Panther Parley III
10/20/2018 Georgetown Fall Invitational Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Georgetown Fall Invitational All Games Prelims
9/29/2018 2018 Miami Valley School Fall Kickoff Tournament Solon C Derek All Games (No Finish Order) Prelims Playoffs
9/29/2018 Miami Valley School Fall Kickoff Tournament Solon C Derek High School Division
9/29/2018 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXVI Millburn B Derek Sun Standard Division Standard RR - Complete Standard RR-Morning
9/29/2018 Sun God Invitational Discord Mirror Derek So et al Derek So All Games
9/29/2018 TQBA Alamo City VIII Keystone C Derek Wong TQBA Alamo City VIII
9/29/2018 Virginia Tech Fall Kick-off Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Virginia Tech Fall Kick-off
9/29/2018 Virginia Tech Fall Kick-Off II Guilford A Derek Chen All Games Prelims
9/22/2018 2018 Early Fall Tournament (EFT) Online big leaf energy Derek So All Games
9/22/2018 Johns Hopkins Novice Invitational Richard Montgomery C Derek Chu Johns Hopkins Novice Invitational
9/22/2018 Johns Hopkins Novice Tournament (NAQT IS-178A) Richard Montgomery C Derek Chu Combined Playoffs Prelims
8/25/2018 The 2018 Scottie Woodford County B Derek Forte 11 Morning Rounds (No Order) Afternoon Final Results All Games (No Finish Order)
8/19/2018 SNICK @ UMN Ross Derek Sillerud Combined Prelims
7/22/2018 Chicago Open Trash 2018 Buddy Jeannette (1964-1965, 1966, interim) Derek So Prelims Playoffs
7/21/2018 Chicago Open 2018 Cornelia pointing to her children as her juuls Derek So Prelims Playoffs Combined
6/17/2018 2018 NASAT North Carolina Derek Chen, Early College at Guilford, 11 Combined Playoffs Prelims
6/3/2018 2018 PACE NSC Richard Montgomery B (MD) Derek Chu (10) All Games Sunday AM Playoffs (Saturday PM)
5/27/2018 2018 High School National Championship Tournament Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen 2018 High School National Championship Tournament
5/27/2018 2018 High School National Championship Tournament Eureka Derek Demartino 2018 High School National Championship Tournament
5/27/2018 2018 High School National Championship Tournament Richard Montgomery B Derek Chu 2018 High School National Championship Tournament
5/25/2018 ACRONYM 11 at HSNCT Springfield Derek Open Division
4/29/2018 2018 Small School National Championship Tournament Early College at Guilford Derek Chen Open Division
4/22/2018 ACF Nationals 2018 McGill Derek So Prelim Stats Playoffs (with standings) All Games (w packet names) Prelim Stats Playoffs (with standings) All Games (w packet names)
4/21/2018 2018 Iowa Middle School Quiz Bowl Championship Miller A Derek Peng 2018 Iowa Middle School Quiz Bowl Championship
4/21/2018 Enloe's Completely Unique Round Robin Eagle Event Guilford Derek Chen All Games
4/14/2018 2018 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament McGill A Derek So Division I
4/7/2018 2018 NAQT Massachusetts State Championship Lexington Derek Ying 2018 NAQT Massachusetts State Championship
4/7/2018 2018 NKC Varsity Tournament Lee's Summit Derek Ampson Prelims Playoffs All Games
4/7/2018 2018 North Kansas City Invitational Lee's Summit Derek Ampson 2018 North Kansas City Invitational
4/7/2018 JHU Blue Jay Bowl Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Playoffs Prelims Combined
4/7/2018 Johns Hopkins Blue Jay Bowl Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Johns Hopkins Blue Jay Bowl
4/7/2018 Ladue Invitational Spring Tournament (LIST) VII Eureka A Derek Demartino Playoffs and Consolation Superplayoffs and Placement Combined Prelims
4/7/2018 MA State Championships Lexington Derek Y Combined-Playoffs/Prelims Playoffs Prelims Finals Combined-Finals/Playoffs/Prelims
4/6/2018 Snead State Invitational 2018 Sand Rock Derek Smith Combined
4/6/2018 Snead State Invitational 2018 Southeastern Derek Straw Combined
4/6/2018 Snead State Scholars Bowl Sand Rock Derek Smith Snead State Scholars Bowl
4/6/2018 Snead State Scholars Bowl Southeastern Derek Straw Snead State Scholars Bowl
3/24/2018 TJIAT 2018 Richard Montgomery B Derek Chu Prelims Playoffs Combined
3/24/2018 Western North Carolina Shootout Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Western North Carolina Shootout
3/23/2018 Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 Academic Competition William Penn Derek Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 Academic Competition
3/17/2018 NCASA High School Quiz Bowl State Championship Early College at Guilford Derek Chen NCASA High School Quiz Bowl State Championship
3/17/2018 NCASA State Quiz Bowl Early College at Guilford Derek NCASA Prelims NCASA Combined
3/10/2018 2018 Orchard Farm Eagle Invitational Eureka A Derek Demartino Playoffs & Consolations Prelims Championship & Placements All Games / Final Rankings 2018 Orchard Farm Eagle Invitational
3/10/2018 FACTS @ MIT Lexington B Derek Prelims Playoffs Combined
3/3/2018 California Cup #4 Harker A Derek Yen Standard+Competitive All Games
3/3/2018 TQBA March Madness Invitational St. Laurence B Derek Wong Middle School Division
2/24/2018 ACRONYM 11 @ Burnsville High School Young Thinkas (Apple Valley A) Derek Chung All Games
2/24/2018 GVQBT V Pine Grove B Derek Hoffman Novice AM Stats Novice Playoffs Novice Combined (Final)
2/24/2018 Mahoning Tournament Lowellville Derek Linden Varsity Division
2/24/2018 Triton Winter @ UCSD Del Norte A Derek L. Combined Prelims
2/17/2018 JACK @ Georgetown Early College at Guilford Derek Chen Final Statistics
2/17/2018 WUHSAC XX Eureka Derek Demartino Combined Playoffs Prelims
2/17/2018 WUHSAC XX Sullivan B* [JV] Derek Johnson Playoffs Combined Prelims
2/15/2018 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Apple Valley B Derek Chung Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/14/2018 2018 Mahoning League Lowellville JV Derek Linden League games, all Divisions
2/14/2018 Mahoning League Lowellville Derek Linden JV 2nd Division
2/10/2018 Johns Hopkins Winter Invitational Richard Montgomery B Derek Chu Johns Hopkins Winter Invitational
2/10/2018 Johns Hopkins Winter Quizbowl Tournament Richard Montgomery B Derek Chu Prelims Playoffs
2/3/2018 2018 SCT Canadian Site@UWaterloo McGill Derek So Division I Full
2/3/2018 East Brunswick Funfest III Bergen Academies Derek Lin East Brunswick Funfest III
2/3/2018 NAQT Canada Sectional McGill A Derek So Division I
1/27/2018 2018 NAQT Nevada State Championship Faith Lutheran Derek von Hake Playoffs Prelims
1/27/2018 Mountain Vista Governor's School Open II Richard Montgomery B Derek Chu Mountain Vista Governor's School Open II
1/27/2018 Nevada State Championship Faith Lutheran A Derek von Hake Nevada State Championship
1/27/2018 TQBA Eagle Meet St. Laurence C Derek Wong Red Division
1/21/2018 Toronto Ohip Trash Mirror Dr. Wang... and the Boys Derek (aka Fleetwood MC) All Games
1/20/2018 2018 ACF Regionals @ Toronto McGill A Derek So Prelims All Games
1/20/2018 Montgomery Blair Academic Tournament Richard Montgomery A Derek Chu Prelims Combined
1/13/2018 Central "Know-How Pow-Wow" Lafayette Derek Guerrero Prelims Playoffs All Games
1/13/2018 Governor’s School Academic Competition (GSAC) XXV - Richmond, VA Early College at Guilford Derek Chen Combined Prelims
1/6/2018 2018 Holt Winter Invitational Eureka Derek Demartino All Games Playoffs and Championship Prelims
1/6/2018 Holt Winter Invitational Eureka Derek Demartino Holt Winter Invitational
1/6/2018 LIIIMIT Lexington A Derek Ying Prelims Combined
1/6/2018 Mountain Grove Invitational Mansfield Derek Keffer Mountain Grove Invitational
12/9/2017 2017 MOQBA Fall Championship Sullivan B* Derek Johnson Prelims Playoffs All Games
12/9/2017 TQBA Middle School Holiday Hoedown St. Laurence B Derek Wong Middle School Division
12/2/2017 Class Act High School Invitational Trinity A Derek Cornwell Class Act High School Invitational
12/2/2017 Class Act High School Invitational (Louisville, KY) 12/2/17 Trinity A Derek Cornwell Prelims All Games
12/2/2017 Hendricks Memorial 2017 Tri-Valley Derek Holloway Prelims All Games Afternoon Playoffs
12/2/2017 Mike Hendricks Memorial Tournament Tri-Valley Derek Holloway Mike Hendricks Memorial Tournament
12/2/2017 Washington (MO) High Tournament Eureka Derek Demartino Complete Prelims
12/1/2017 Vermont Pre-Holiday Academic Tournament XI Ticonderoga C Derek Joiner Novice Division
11/18/2017 Three Trails Tournament V Lee's Summit High Derek Empson Prelims Playoffs All Games
11/11/2017 BrainBusters Fall VI (Ithaca HS) Notre Dame A Derek Tsang Morning Prelims Overall
11/11/2017 Cavalier Classic XX Early College at Guilford Derek Chen Cavalier Classic XX
11/11/2017 Cavalier Classic XX Guilford A Derek Chen Prelims Playoffs Overall
11/11/2017 Houston Scholar Bowl Fall Invitational Sullivan B Derek Johnson Standard Division
11/11/2017 Sixth Annual BrainBusters Fall Tournament Notre Dame A Derek Tsang Sixth Annual BrainBusters Fall Tournament
11/11/2017 Washington University Fall Academic Tournament III Eureka Derek Demartino Superplayoffs and Superplacement Combined Playoffs Prelims
11/5/2017 Centennial Invitational Richard Montgomery C Derek Chu Novice Division
11/5/2017 Centennial Tournament 2017 Richard Montgomery C Derek Chu Novice Morning REVISED Novice Afternoon REVISED Novice Cumulative REVISED
11/4/2017 Enloe's Golden Eagle Bowl Guilford Derek Chen GEB 17 Stats
10/28/2017 Casey Young Memorial 2017 Woodford C Derek Forte Playoffs Combined Prelims
10/28/2017 Casey Young Memorial Tournament Woodford County C Derek Forte Casey Young Memorial Tournament
10/21/2017 Penn Bowl at Queen's McGill Derek So Round Robin All Games
10/14/2017 2017 Russell Invitational Woodford County B Derek Forte Final Playoffs Prelims
10/14/2017 Eureka Kickoff Tournament II Sullivan Derek Johnson Prelims Combined Playoffs
10/14/2017 Eureka Season Opener Tournament II Sullivan Derek Johnson Eureka Season Opener Tournament II
10/14/2017 MIT Fall Academic Tournament Lexington B Derek Ying Combined Playoffs Prelims
10/14/2017 Russell Invitational Woodford County B Derek Forte Russell Invitational
10/7/2017 Waynedale Invitational Lowellville Derek Linden Waynedale Invitational
9/30/2017 2017 Early Fall Tournament (EFT) @ Yale Yale Derek Kuldinow Combined Playoffs
9/30/2017 Maryland Fall at Duke University Guilford A Derek Chen Prelims Combined
9/30/2017 Plymouth Academic Quiz Tournament 1 (PAQT1) Lexington Derek Ying WHIP Rounds 1-3
9/30/2017 TQBA Sparkling City Challenge IV Carroll Derek Curtis TQBA Sparkling City Challenge IV
9/23/2017 Collegiate Novice at the University of Michigan Michigan D Derek S Prelims Prelims + Finals
9/23/2017 Michigan Collegiate Novice Invitational Michigan D Derek Shan Michigan Collegiate Novice Invitational
9/16/2017 Wolfpack Fall 2017 Guilford A Derek Chen Prelims Playoffs Overall
9/16/2017 Wolfpack Fall Invitational Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Wolfpack Fall Invitational
8/26/2017 The 2017 Scottie Early College at Guilford (NC) Derek Chen (11) All Games (No Finish Order) Afternoon (Final Results) Prelims (1-5)
8/26/2017 The 2017 Scottie Woodford County B Derek Forte (10) All Games (No Finish Order) Afternoon (Final Results) Prelims (1-5)
8/6/2017 Berkeley Weekend of Quiz Bowl The Holy Trinity Derek "The Holy Ghost" Yen Naveed Bork Super Acronym
7/23/2017 CO Jordaens and Bork 2017 B6-Canada Derek So Naveed Bork Playoffs Naveed Bork Prelims Naveed Bork Combined
7/23/2017 CO Jordaens and Bork 2017 Derek Daniel and Kenji Derek So Jordaens Prelims Jordaens All Games
7/23/2017 It's Lit Derek + Alan Derek So Combined
7/22/2017 Chicago Open 2017 Kakariko Chainsaw Massacre Derek So Prelims Combined
5/28/2017 2017 High School National Championship Tournament Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen 2017 High School National Championship Tournament
5/28/2017 2017 High School National Championship Tournament East Brunswick Derek Kuldinow 2017 High School National Championship Tournament
5/28/2017 2017 High School National Championship Tournament Providence A (MN) Derek Onserio 2017 High School National Championship Tournament
5/28/2017 ACRONYM X at HSNCT East Brunswick ? Team Derek Kuldinow High School Division
5/18/2017 MASSOLIT Derek/Aayush Derek Round Robin
5/13/2017 BrainBusters Spring Notre Dame Blue Derek Tsang Prelims Playoffs Combined
5/6/2017 Oxford Open at Carleton Brundleflies Derek FLOREAT
4/30/2017 2017 Small School National Championship Tournament Argenta-Oreana Derek Jones Traditional Public Schools Division
4/29/2017 VCU Season Finale X Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Playoffs Prelims
4/23/2017 (This) Tournament is a Crime at UC San Diego University of California @,at San Diego A* Derek Mau Combined (Rounds 1 - 9)
4/21/2017 Snead State Scholars Bowl Arab Derek Barnes Snead State Scholars Bowl
4/15/2017 Scarlet Knight Spring East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Playoffs Prelims
4/15/2017 Scarlet Knight Spring Invitational Tournament East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Scarlet Knight Spring Invitational Tournament
4/8/2017 2017 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament McGill Derek So Division I
4/7/2017 2017 ASCA High School State Championship Arab Derek Barnes 2017 ASCA High School State Championship
4/1/2017 Ladue Invitational Spring Tournament (LIST) VI Eureka Derek Demartino All Games Playoffs+Superplayoffs Playoffs Prelims
3/25/2017 Prison Bowl X East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow All Games
3/18/2017 Livingston HS March Madness 2017 East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Combined + Crossovers Prelims
3/18/2017 Livingston HS March Madness 2017 Seton Hall Prep Derek Hart Combined + Crossovers Prelims
3/18/2017 Livingston March Madness Invitational East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Livingston March Madness Invitational
3/18/2017 Livingston March Madness Invitational Seton Hall Prep Derek Hart Livingston March Madness Invitational
3/18/2017 March Madness at MSU Kalamazoo Christian A Derek All Games
3/18/2017 Tournament of a Madman G Derek stats
3/12/2017 (This) Tournament is a Crime Mirror @ U of T McGill Derek stats
3/11/2017 2017 Orchard Farm Eagle Invitational Eureka Derek Demartino Prelims Playoffs Finals All Games 2017 Orchard Farm Eagle Invitational
3/11/2017 ACRONYM X Mirror @ U of T Infinite Mechanical Children Derek Combined
3/11/2017 Savannah Invitational Lafayette B Derek Guerrero Savannah Invitational
3/6/2017 IHSA Class 1A Regional at Southwestern Pleasant Hill Derek Dolbeare All Games
3/4/2017 2017 ASCA High School Regional at West Point Arab Derek Barnes Pool B
3/4/2017 2017 Iowa High School Quiz Bowl Championship Sergeant Bluff-Luton B Derek Schaar Small Schools Division
3/4/2017 2017 Iowa Quiz Bowl Championships Sergeant Bluff-Luton B Derek Schaar Combined with Playoffs Preliminary Rounds
3/4/2017 Carmel Valley Invitational Academic Rumpus (CaVIAR) II Del Norte A Derek L. Varsity Morning Varsity Full RR Varsity Combined
3/4/2017 Columbia Cup Spring Championship East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow National Division
3/4/2017 Columbia Spring Tournament - March, 4th, 2017 East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow National Playoffs National Combined National Prelims
3/2/2017 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Apple Valley B Derek Chung Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
3/2/2017 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Eden Prairie F Derek Allen Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
3/2/2017 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Eden Prairie G Derek Allen Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
3/2/2017 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Eden Prairie H Derek Allen Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
3/2/2017 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Providence A Derek Onserio Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/25/2017 GATA Middle School State 2017 Lost Mountain A Derek Hansbrough Prelims All Games
2/25/2017 GATA Middle School State Championship Lost Mountain A Derek Hansbrough Varsity Division
2/25/2017 Mahoning Tournament Lowellville Derek Linden Junior Varsity Division
2/25/2017 Mahoning Tournament West Branch Derek K. Varsity Division
2/25/2017 The Blessed Angela Quiz Tournament Muir Derek Petrusha The Blessed Angela Quiz Tournament
2/25/2017 Washington Invitational for Middle School and Elementary Youths (WIMSEY II) Sullivan A Derek Johnson Middle School Full Middle School Prelims Middle School Playoffs
2/25/2017 Washington Invitational for Middle School and Elementary Youths II Sullivan A Derek Johnson Middle School Division
2/25/2017 Western North Carolina Shootout Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Western North Carolina Shootout
2/23/2017 South Suburban Conference Tournament Apple Valley B Derek Chung Junior Varsity Division
2/18/2017 2017 ACF Regionals at Queen's University McGill Derek So (Grad) Playoffs Round Robin
2/18/2017 West Salem Panther Quiz Bowl Tournament Weston Derek Wagaman West Salem Panther Quiz Bowl Tournament
2/15/2017 2017 Mahoning League Lowellville JV Derek Linden All games
2/15/2017 2017 Mahoning League West Branch Derek Reed All games
2/15/2017 Mahoning League Lowellville Derek Linden JV 1st Division
2/15/2017 Mahoning League West Branch Derek Reed Varsity 2nd Division
2/11/2017 ABC Lebanon B Derek L All Rounds
2/11/2017 East Brunswick Funfest II Bergen Academies B Derek Lin East Brunswick Funfest II
2/10/2017 2017 ASCA High School District Hanceville Arab Derek Barnes Pool B
2/4/2017 2017 NAQT SCT Canada @ Carleton University McGill A Derek DI - Prelims DI - Prelims + Tiebreaker DI - Prelims + Playoffs DI - Prelims+Playoffs +Final
2/4/2017 2017 NAQT SCT Southwest UC Irvine Derek Chan Division II
2/4/2017 ATTACK VI Woodford County C Derek Forte Prelims Combined Playoffs
2/4/2017 NAQT Canada Sectional McGill A Derek So Division I
2/4/2017 NAQT Midwest Sectional Missouri S&T Derek Dillinger Division II
2/4/2017 NAQT Southwest Sectional UC Irvine Derek Chan Division II
2/4/2017 Savannah JV Invitational Lafayette Derek Guerrero Savannah JV Invitational
2/4/2017 Van Wert Invitational Bluffton (Varsity) Derek Swartzlander All Games
2/4/2017 Van Wert Invitational Bluffton A Derek Swartzlander Van Wert Invitational
1/28/2017 Fort Osage JV Tournament Lafayette Derek Guerrero Prelims Playoffs All Games
1/28/2017 Scarlet Knight Winter East Brunswick A Derek Combined Playoffs Prelims
1/28/2017 Wolfpack Winter Guilford A Derek Chen Playoffs Prelims All Games
1/28/2017 Wolfpack Winter Invitational Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Wolfpack Winter Invitational
1/21/2017 Oakville High School GSAC Varsity Eureka Derek Demartino Combined
1/21/2017 PACQ@UWaterloo (Played on WAO) Joe Su Trio (McGill) Derek So Rückrunde
1/21/2017 PACQ@UWaterloo (Played on WAO) McGill Derek So Round Robin Hinrunde
1/14/2017 Rotary International Academic Challenge Hopkins County Central B Derek Morgan Rotary International Academic Challenge
1/7/2017 Kings Park Academic Quiz Tournament VII East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Kings Park Academic Quiz Tournament VII
1/7/2017 KPAQT VII East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Prelims and Playoffs
12/10/2016 DCC Fall Middle School Tournament Muir Middle School Derek Petrusha All Games Playoffs Prelims
12/10/2016 Detroit Catholic Central Middle School Fall Tournament Muir Derek Petrusha Detroit Catholic Central Middle School Fall Tournament
12/3/2016 2016 Columbia Winter Tournament Bergen B Derek Lin Standard All Games Standard All Games Standard Playoffs Standard Prelims Standard Division Prelims Standard Playoffs Standard Division Prelims Standard Prelims Standard Prelims Standard Division Prelims Standard All Games Standard Playoffs
12/3/2016 2016 Columbia Winter Tournament East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow National Prelims Nationals Combined National Prelims Nationals Combined Nationals Combined National Prelims
12/3/2016 2016 Mike Hendricks Memorial Tournament Tri-Valley Derek Holloway Playoffs Prelims
12/3/2016 Gopher Invitational (GINVIT) 2016 Eden Prairie E Derek Allen Combined Prelims
12/3/2016 Gopher Invitational Tournament Eden Prairie E Derek Allen Gopher Invitational Tournament
12/3/2016 Mike Hendricks Memorial Tournament Tri-Valley Derek Holloway Mike Hendricks Memorial Tournament
11/19/2016 Sullivan Middle School Fall Tournament Sullivan A Derek Johnson Prelims Playoffs
11/19/2016 Three Trails Tournament LS High School A Derek Empson Prelims Playoffs All Games
11/12/2016 2016 Cal Classic Harker A Derek Yen Varsity Division
11/12/2016 ACE X Santa Monica B Derek W Varsity Prelims Stats Varsity Playoff Stats Varsity Combined Stats Varsity Cons Stats
11/12/2016 Arcadia Carnal Embrace X Santa Monica B Derek Wen Varsity Division
11/12/2016 California Cup #2 Harker A Derek Yen Varsity Prelims
11/12/2016 California Cup #2 Harker A Derek Yen (11) Varsity Finals
11/12/2016 Washington University Fall Academic Tournament II Eureka Derek Demartino Prelims Combined Playoffs and Superplayoffs
11/5/2016 Tuscumbia Fall Academic Tournament Sullivan A Derek Johnson All Games Prelims
11/5/2016 Tuscumbia Fall Middle School Academic Tournament Sullivan A Derek Johnson Varsity Division
10/29/2016 Scarlet Knight Fall East Brunswick A Derek Combined Superplayoffs Playoffs Prelims
10/29/2016 Scarlet Knight Invitational Tournament East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Scarlet Knight Invitational Tournament
10/29/2016 SPOOKY II Lebanon B Derek Loucks All Games Consolation Bracket Prelims
10/29/2016 University of Kentucky Fall Championship Woodford County C Derek Forte All Games (No Divisions) Stand Afternoon Stand Prelims Stand All Games
10/22/2016 California Cup #1 Elderflower B Derek Jones JV Finals JV Prelims
10/22/2016 California Cup #1 Harker A Derek Yen Varsity Prelims Varsity Finals
10/22/2016 North Kansas City JV Tournament Lafayette Derek Guerrero Prelims Playoffs All Games
10/8/2016 2016 Columbia Fall Tournament East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Prelims (National) All Games (National) Playoffs (National)
10/8/2016 NCQBA Kickoff Tournament - Mountain View Archbishop Mitty B Derek Jones NCQBA Kickoff Tournament - Mountain View
10/8/2016 South Bay Fall Novice Tournament Archbishop Mitty B Derek Jones All Games
9/24/2016 Golden Eagle Bowl V Guilford B Derek Chen Golden Eagle Bowl Prelims
9/24/2016 PHSAT XXIV East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Prelims Combined Combined Prelims
9/24/2016 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXIV East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Competitive Division
9/24/2016 Torrey Pines Academic Invitational Del Norte A Derek Lam Varsity Division
9/24/2016 TPAIN III @ Torrey Pines HS - San Diego(9/24/16) Del Norte A Derek L. Prelims Playoffs Combined
9/17/2016 Wolfpack Fall Invitational Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Wolfpack Fall Invitational
9/14/2016 September Bowl TBD 1 Derek All Together
7/24/2016 Chicago Open Trash The Ductile Abettings of Sibilant Machinators Derek Sillerud Combined Prelims Playoffs
6/5/2016 2016 PACE NSC Early College at Guilford B Derek Chen (9) All Games Superplayoffs (All) Playoffs (All) Prelims (All)
6/5/2016 2016 PACE NSC UChicago Lab Derek de Jong (9) All Games Superplayoffs (All) Playoffs (All) Prelims (All)
5/29/2016 2016 High School National Championship Tournament East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow 2016 High School National Championship Tournament
5/29/2016 2016 High School National Championship Tournament Omaha North Derek Chew 2016 High School National Championship Tournament
5/29/2016 2016 High School National Championship Tournament Providence (MN) Derek Onserio 2016 High School National Championship Tournament
5/29/2016 2016 High School National Championship Tournament Rock Bridge A Derek Wong 2016 High School National Championship Tournament
5/1/2016 2016 Small School National Championship Tournament Argenta-Oreana Derek Jones 2016 Small School National Championship Tournament
4/30/2016 VCU Season Finale IX Guilford Derek Chen (9) Combined Final Rankings Prelims
4/24/2016 ACRONYM at UW We Got Here at 8:50 Derek All Games
4/17/2016 ACF Nationals 2016 McGill Derek So Combined Prelims Prelims, including Tiebreakers Final Rankings
4/16/2016 Kings Park Academic Quiz Tournament VI East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Kings Park Academic Quiz Tournament VI
4/16/2016 KPAQT VI: Kings Park, NY East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow KPAQT VI Stats
4/16/2016 Rotary Club Indiana Quizbowl State Championship Riley Derek Burks Rotary Club Indiana Quizbowl State Championship
4/9/2016 2016 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament McGill A Derek So Division I
4/9/2016 Fort Osage Novice/JV Tournament Lee's Summit A Derek Empson All Games Playoffs Prelims
4/9/2016 Washington Invitational for Middle School and Elementary Youths (WIMSEY) Pilot Grove C Derek Powell Middle School Prelims Middle School Complete Middle School Playoffs
4/9/2016 Washington Invitational for Middle School and Elementary Youths (WIMSEY) Sullivan A Derek Johnson Middle School Complete Middle School Playoffs Middle School Prelims
4/9/2016 Washington Invitational for Middle School and Elementary Youths I Pilot Grove C Derek Powell Middle School Division
4/9/2016 Washington Invitational for Middle School and Elementary Youths I Sullivan A Derek Johnson Middle School Division
4/2/2016 April Eagle Regional Open (AERO) Eureka Derek DeMartino Prelims Playoffs & Finals All Games
4/2/2016 Prison Bowl IX East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Prelims Combined (Without Finals)
3/26/2016 2016 NAQT New Jersey State Championship East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Full Prelims Through Round 5 Reasonably Complete Stats 2016 NAQT New Jersey State Championship
3/19/2016 2016 MACA Middle School State Tournament Pilot Grove C Derek Powell All Games Playoffs Prelims
3/19/2016 2016 Missouri Middle School State Championship Pilot Grove C Derek Powell 2016 Missouri Middle School State Championship
3/19/2016 Bronco Bowl Del Norte B Derek Lam JV Morning JV Playoffs JV Playoffs JV Morning
3/19/2016 Livingston HS March Madness 2016 East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Playoffs Combined Crossover Prelims
3/19/2016 Livingston March Madness Invitational East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Livingston March Madness Invitational
3/19/2016 Mahoning County Tournament West Branch Derek Reed Junior Varsity Division
3/19/2016 NCASA High School Quiz Bowl State Championship Early College at Guilford Derek Chen NCASA High School Quiz Bowl State Championship
3/19/2016 NCASA States EC at Guilford Derek C. Complete Stats
3/18/2016 Ottawa Hybrid X Wonders of the Orient Derek Full Tournament Round Robin
3/12/2016 Western NC Shootout Early College at Guilford A Derek Chen Western NC Shootout
3/5/2016 2016 NAQT Colorado State Championship Omaha North Derek Chew 2016 NAQT Colorado State Championship
3/5/2016 2016 NAQT Missouri Qualifier Rock Bridge A Derek Wang Superplayoffs/Placement Games All Games Playoffs Prelims
3/5/2016 2016 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier Rock Bridge A Derek Wong 2016 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier
3/5/2016 California Cup #4 Harker Derek Yen Varsity Finals Varsity Prelims
3/5/2016 QuBIT II East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow All Games All Games
3/2/2016 2016 Mahoning League West Branch JV Derek Reed All games
2/28/2016 Mahoning County League West Branch Derek Reed JV 2nd Division South
2/27/2016 ACE IX Santa Monica C Derek W Afternoon Morning
2/27/2016 Arcadia Carnal Embrace IX Santa Monica C Derek Wen Arcadia Carnal Embrace IX
2/27/2016 Kewpie Academic Tournament III Rock Bridge A Derek Wang Complete Prelims Playoffs
2/27/2016 LATTE 2016 Haycock C Derek Liu Combined Prelims
2/27/2016 Oakville GSAC Mirror Eureka B Derek DeMartino Prelims All Games
2/27/2016 Seventh Annual Jr. Wildcat Tournament Metcalf Lab B Derek Wagher Seventh Annual Jr. Wildcat Tournament
2/20/2016 Sullivan Middle School Sullivan A Derek Johnson Rounds 6-8 Prelims All Games
2/20/2016 Sullivan Middle School Invitational Sullivan A Derek Johnson Sullivan Middle School Invitational
2/20/2016 Tiger Bowl VIII Rock Bridge A Derek Wang Combined Prelims
2/18/2016 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Apple Valley B Derek Chung Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/18/2016 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Providence B Derek Onserio Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/14/2016 2016 Columbia University Winter Tournament East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow (11) Prelims Playoffs All Games
2/13/2016 2016 NAQT Illinois State Championship UChicago Lab B Derek de Jong 2016 NAQT Illinois State Championship
2/13/2016 Run for the Roses Providence B Derek Onserio Run for the Roses
2/7/2016 Southern Ontario Trash Vortex The Heights of Machop Pichu Derek All Games SOTV
2/6/2016 2016 NAQT SCT Canada @ uWaterloo McGill A Derek So DI - Prelims DI - Prelims+Playoffs DI - Prelims+Tiebreaker
2/6/2016 NAQT Canada Sectional McGill A Derek So Division I
1/31/2016 COTTAGE Bowl 2 @ Carleton U O My Chevalier Derek Round Robin Round Robin + Finals
1/30/2016 ACF Regionals @ Carleton University McGill A Derek Round Robin + UG Finals Round Robin
1/30/2016 Darien Invitational East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Freedom Playoffs Freedom prelims Freedom Combined
1/30/2016 Darien Invitational I East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Darien Invitational I
1/23/2016 Detroit Country Day Middle School Invitational Muir Derek Petrusha Detroit Country Day Middle School Invitational
1/9/2016 2016 Auburn Knights' Challenge HS UChicago Lab Derek de Jong (9) Playoffs Complete Prelims
1/9/2016 2016 Orchard Farm Winter Invitational Eureka Derek Demartiao All Games Prelims Playoffs
1/9/2016 2016 Orchard Farm Winter Invitational Parkway South A Derek Berndt All Games Playoffs Prelims
1/9/2016 Knights' Challenge UChicago Lab Derek de Jong Frosh-Soph Division
1/9/2016 Orchard Farm Winter Invitational Eureka Derek Demartino Orchard Farm Winter Invitational
1/9/2016 Orchard Farm Winter Invitational Parkway South A Derek Berndt Orchard Farm Winter Invitational
12/19/2015 New Trier Varsity Chicago Lab B Derek de Jong Standard Division Playoffs Standard Division Complete Standard Division Prelims
12/5/2015 Quaker Fall Open East Brunswick A Derek K. Open Prelims Open Playoffs Open Combined
12/5/2015 Swim n' Win Invitational Riley A Derek Swim n' Win Invitational
11/21/2015 Three Trails Tournament III Butler A Derek Noe Playoffs Prelims All Games
11/21/2015 Tommie Tussle I Minnesota-Morris Derek Toso New Players Division
11/14/2015 2015 Cal Classic Harker A Derek Yen Varsity Division
11/14/2015 BrainBusters Fall, Ithaca NOTRE DAME Derek Combined inc. placement playoffs Playoffs Prelims
11/14/2015 California Cup #2 Harker HS Derek Yen Varsity Finals Varsity Prelims
11/14/2015 Carleton University SHAWARMA Mirror Ruffalo ruffalo Ruffalo ruffalo ruffalo ruffalo Ruffalo ruffalo Derek All Games
11/14/2015 Fourth Annual BrainBusters Fall Tournament Notre Dame Derek Tsang Fourth Annual BrainBusters Fall Tournament
11/14/2015 LIFT XV E Brunswick B DEREK KULDINOW Prelims Playoffs + Crossover Combined
11/14/2015 Long Island Fall Tournament XV East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Long Island Fall Tournament XV
11/14/2015 Penn Bowl at Carleton McGill Derek All Games
11/14/2015 TQBA Bronco Bowl Flour Bluff B Derek Skwarczynski High School Division
11/14/2015 Triton Fall V Del Norte A Derek L Combined Playoffs Prelims
11/14/2015 Tuscumbia Fall Middle School Academic Tournament Pilot Grove B Derek Playoffs
11/14/2015 Tuscumbia Fall Middle School Academic Tournament Pilot Grove B Derek Powell Prelims Varsity Division
11/7/2015 ACF Fall 2015 @ Toronto McGill A Derek So Finals Prelims
10/31/2015 Oakville SCOP Mirror Eureka Derek Demartino Playoffs and Finals Prelims Combined
10/24/2015 California Cup #1 Mountain View A Derek Varsity All Games
10/24/2015 California Cup #1 Mountain View B Derek Zhang JV Prelims JV All Games
10/24/2015 Westview Academic Tournament (WAT) IV Del Norte B Derek L Novice Division All Games
10/17/2015 2015 Columbia University Fall Tournament East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Prelims All Games
10/17/2015 2015 IHSSBCA Novice at Southwestern (Piasa) Beardstown B Derek Anderson Playoffs Prelims
10/17/2015 2015 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Rock Bridge A Derek Wang Combined Playoffs Prelims
10/17/2015 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Rock Bridge A Derek Wong Missouri Fall Academic Tournament
10/10/2015 NCQBA Kickoff Tournament - San Jose Harker A Derek Yen NCQBA Kickoff Tournament - San Jose
10/10/2015 Valley Christian Novice Tournament Harker A Derek Y. Prelims
10/10/2015 Valley Christian Novice Tournament Harker A Derek Yen All Games
10/1/2015 ECG In-House October Bowl Guilford Pandas Derek Chen October Bowl Prelims
9/26/2015 PHSAT XXIII East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinew Prelims All Games Playoffs
9/26/2015 Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXIII East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Princeton High School Academic Tournament XXIII
9/26/2015 Torrey Pines Academic Invitational Del Norte Derek Lam Junior Varsity Division
9/26/2015 TPAIN II Del Norte Derek Lam JV Morning JV Combined
9/26/2015 TQBA Sparkling City Challenge II Flour Bluff A Derek Skwarczynski TQBA Sparkling City Challenge II
9/20/2015 Sacramento Fall Middle School Tournament Churchill C Derek Yuan Sacramento Fall Middle School Tournament Prelims All Games
8/29/2015 Glasgow Scottie Invitational Trinity B Derek Cornwell Lunch Stats (Round 5) Overall Stats (No Pools) Prelims (Round 7) Afternoon Lower Pools (17-32)
7/26/2015 Canadian HSNCT Mirror McGill Derek So Canadian HSNCT Mirror
7/26/2015 Open HSNCT Mirror @ University of Toronto McGill Derek Round Robin Finals
7/25/2015 VETO Anne of Green Goebbels Derek All Games
7/19/2015 Chicago Open History 2015 11. Hothem/So/Prieto Derek So Round Robin All Games
6/28/2015 Delta Burke mirror @ uWaterloo Gap Band Derek So Playoffs Prelims
6/27/2015 NASAT mirror @ uWaterloo Potsdam Giants Derek So Finals Playoffs Prelims
6/27/2015 The Worst Trash Tournament Ever @ uWaterloo Team 5/E Derek Finals Playoffs Prelims
5/31/2015 2015 High School National Championship Tournament Omaha North Derek Chew 2015 High School National Championship Tournament
5/31/2015 2015 High School National Championship Tournament Rock Bridge B Derek Wong 2015 High School National Championship Tournament
5/16/2015 Charger Challenge Harker Derek Yen JV Complete
5/16/2015 Pre-Nationals Tournament Rock Bridge B Derek All Games
5/16/2015 Rock Bridge Pre-Nationals Invitational Rock Bridge B Derek Wong Rock Bridge Pre-Nationals Invitational
5/3/2015 Bay Area Quiz Kids Harker Derek Yen Bay Area Quiz Kids All Games
4/19/2015 ACF Nationals 2015 McGill Derek So Combined Playoffs + Finals Playoffs Prelims + Tiebreakers Prelims
4/18/2015 2015 NAQT New Jersey State Championship East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow 2015 NAQT New Jersey State Championship
4/18/2015 2015 NAQT New Jersey State Championships East Brunswick A Derek Kultinow Afternoon Rounds Prelims All Games
4/11/2015 NOHO II Arcadia A Derek C. Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/11/2015 STIMPY Online WUSTL B + Derek Derek So All games
4/4/2015 "March" Madness 2015 Lansing Homeschool Derek Edwards Prelims
4/4/2015 MSU March Madness Invitational Lansing Homeschoolers Derek Edwards MSU March Madness Invitational
3/28/2015 2015 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament McGill A Derek So Division I
3/28/2015 Camdenton Laker Bowl Pilot Grove A Derek Powell Varsity Division
3/28/2015 CMS Laker Bowl 2015 Pilot Grove A Derek Powell All Games CMS Laker Bowl 2015 Prelims CMS Laker Bowl 2015
3/28/2015 Oakville Parkway South A Derek Berndt Prelims Top 16 Initial Playoff Pools All Games All Playoff Games Top 16 Final Playoff Pools
3/28/2015 Prison Bowl VIII Deep Green Derek Kuldinow Prelims Playoffs Combined
3/21/2015 2015 Outstate Missouri Academic Rendezvous Harrisburg Derek Howard 2015 Outstate Missouri Academic Rendezvous
3/21/2015 Outstate Missouri Academic Rendezvous (OMAR) Harrisburg Derek Howard Combined Prelims
3/21/2015 Washington Middle Pilot Grove A Derek Powell Middle School Prelims Middle School Complete
3/21/2015 Washington Middle Sullivan A Derek Johnson Elementary Prelims Elementary All Games
3/21/2015 Washington Middle School Academic Tournament Pilot Grove A Derek Powell Middle School Division
3/21/2015 Washington Middle School Academic Tournament Sullivan B Derek Johnson Elementary School Division
3/18/2015 Leyden-Norwood Athletic Conference Scholastic Bowl James Giles Derek Budnik Varsity Division
3/18/2015 Leyden-Norwood Athletic Conference Scholastic Bowl Union Ridge Derek Bielawski Varsity Division
3/14/2015 2015 Mahoning League Columbiana JV Derek Randolph All games
3/14/2015 2015 Mahoning League West Branch JV Derek Reed All games
3/9/2015 2015 Class A IHSA Regional at Southwestern Pleasant Hill Derek Dobeare All Games
3/7/2015 2015 NAQT Metro New York State Championship Long Beach A Derek Topper 2015 NAQT Metro New York State Championship
3/7/2015 2015 NAQT Metro New York State Championship Long Beach A Derek Topper (12) All Games Playoffs Prelims
3/7/2015 2015 NAQT Missouri Qualifier Rock Bridge B Derek W. All Games Superplayoffs and Finals All Playoff Games Prelims
3/7/2015 2015 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier Rock Bridge B Derek Wong 2015 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier
3/7/2015 BATE Tournament East Brunswick Derek Kuldinow BATE Tournament
3/7/2015 Bloomfield, NJ IS 144 East Brunswick Derek Playoffs
3/7/2015 Bloomfield, NJ IS 144 East Brunswick A Derek Kuldinow Prelims
3/1/2015 Mahoning County League Columbiana Derek Randolph Junior Varsity Division
3/1/2015 Mahoning County League West Branch Derek Reed Junior Varsity Division
2/28/2015 MARS I Lee's Summit B Derek Bye Scrimmages Prelims All Games
2/21/2015 Indiana Frosh/Soph State Championship Riley Derek B. Indiana Frosh/Soph State Championship
2/21/2015 Run for the Roses Providence B Derek Onserio Run for the Roses
2/19/2015 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Providence B Derek Onserio Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/14/2015 GVQBT II PALCS A Derek Shan Corrected Full Day Stats Preliminary Rounds Combined Stats
2/7/2015 Dougherty Valley Wildcats Classic Harker Derek Yen Varsity Division
2/7/2015 NAQT Canada Sectional McGill A Derek So Division I
2/7/2015 NAQT SCT Canada McGill Derek So DI Round Robin + Finals DI Round Robin
2/7/2015 SAT Tournament Arcadia B Derek C SAT 2/7/15 Combined Stats SAT 2/7/15 Champs&Consol SAT 2/7/15 morning results
2/7/2015 SAT Tournament Arcadia E Derek L SAT 2/7/15 morning results SAT 2/7/15 Combined Stats SAT 2/7/15 Champs&Consol
2/7/2015 Scripps Academic Tournament Arcadia B Derek Chau Scripps Academic Tournament
2/7/2015 Scripps Academic Tournament Arcadia E Derek Li Scripps Academic Tournament
2/7/2015 Wildcat Classic Harker Derek Yen Prelims All Games
1/31/2015 QuAC VI Gunston B Derek All Games Prelims
1/31/2015 QuAC VI PALCS Derek Shan Prelims Playoffs All Games
1/31/2015 Rube XII Lansing HS Derek Edwards Finals Prelims
1/31/2015 Twelfth Annual Rube Goldberg Invitational Lansing Homeschoolers Derek Edwards Twelfth Annual Rube Goldberg Invitational
1/25/2015 Oxford Open NA mirror McGill Derek So All Games
1/24/2015 ACF Regionals Canada/Niagara McGill Derek So Prelims All Games
1/10/2015 16th IHSSBCA Turnabout at Morrison Morrison A Derek Montague 16th IHSSBCA Turnabout at Morrison
1/10/2015 2015 IHSSBCA Turnabout at Morrison Morrison A Derek Montague Complete
1/10/2015 Scarsdale Invitational East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Scarsdale Invitational
1/10/2015 Scarsdale Invitational Tournament Deep Green B Derek Afternoon Morning
1/3/2015 2015 Mountain Lakes Invitational Deep Green D Johnny (Derek Kuldinaw) Prelims Combined Playoffs
1/3/2015 Mountain Lakes Invitational East Brunswick D Derek Kuldinow Mountain Lakes Invitational
12/6/2014 Swim n' Win Invitational Riley C Derek B. Swim n' Win Invitational
11/22/2014 2014 Cal Classic Harker Derek Yen Junior Varsity Division
11/22/2014 2014 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Keith Country Day Morrison Derek Montague 2014 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Keith Country Day
11/22/2014 2014 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Macomb Beardstown B Derek A. Prelims All Games
11/22/2014 2014 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Macomb Beardstown B Derek Anderson 2014 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Macomb
11/22/2014 CAAT II Rock Bridge C Derek W. Prelims Playoffs and Finals All Games
11/22/2014 California Cup #2 Harker Derek Yen JV Finals JV Prelims
11/22/2014 DEES at Waterloo McGill Derek So Prelims All Games
11/22/2014 Henderson Invitational PALCS B Derek Shan Combined Prelims
11/22/2014 Henderson Invitational I PALCS B Derek Shan Henderson Invitational I
11/22/2014 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Keith Country Day (Rockford) Morrison Derek Montague Prelims Playoffs Combined
11/22/2014 LIFT XIV Deep Green B Derek Kuldinow Combined Prelims Playoffs
11/22/2014 Long Island Fall Tournament XIV East Brunswick B Derek Kuldinow Long Island Fall Tournament XIV
11/15/2014 Ottawa Quizbowl Tournament X Earl of March Derek Smith Ottawa Quizbowl Tournament X Prelim Final
11/8/2014 Tuscumbia Fall Middle School Academic Tournament Pilot Grove B Derek Powell Varsity Division
11/8/2014 Tuscumbia Fall Tournament Pilot Grove B Derek Powell Middle School - Prelims Middle School - Playoffs
11/1/2014 ACE VIII Arcadia B Derek Li Morning Afternoon
10/25/2014 Irvine Vaquero Youngster's League Arcadia B Derek Li Irvine Vaquero Youngster's League
10/25/2014 Irvine Vaquero Youngsters League Arcadia B Derek Li Prelims Combined
10/25/2014 Ottawa SCOP Novice 5 Mirror EOM Derek Smith Prelims Overall
10/21/2014 The BOSSICK Series: Mansfield Madison Bucyrus B Derek Higuchi-Evans The BOSSICK Series: Mansfield Madison
10/18/2014 2014 Cloverleaf Start of the Season Stampede Cloverleaf 2 Derek Anderson SCOP Mirror
10/18/2014 2014 IHSSBCA Novice at Galesburg Beardstown B Derek Anderson Complete
10/18/2014 Penn Bowl and Padawan at McMaster and Toronto McGill Derek Penn Bowl All Games Penn Bowl Playoffs Penn Bowl Prelims
10/18/2014 Penn Bowl and Padawan at McMaster and Toronto McGill Derek So Padawan
10/4/2014 FKT at Ohio State Cloverleaf A Derek Anderson FKT Crossover FKT Combined FKT Prelims
10/4/2014 Ohio Fall Kickoff Tournament @ Columbus Cloverleaf A Derek Anderson Ohio Fall Kickoff Tournament @ Columbus
9/27/2014 University of Charleston Fall Quiz Bowl Kick-Off Cameron Derek Martin University of Charleston Fall Quiz Bowl Kick-Off
9/6/2014 Ransom Everglades Invitational SAS-Kendall B Derek Stafford Ransom Everglades Invitational
8/10/2014 DUST @ VCU Open Waterloo Joe Sioux Derek So All Games Prelims
8/10/2014 Texas QB Camp Tournament mirror McGill Derek So Round Robin + Finals Round Robin
8/9/2014 VCU Open mirror Montreal College for Grotesquely-Intellectually-Limited Lads Derek So Round Robin
7/26/2014 HSNCT Mirror Kind of Blew Derek Hale HSNCT Mirror
7/26/2014 Moon Pie Classic/NAQT HS Mirror Kind of Blew Derek Hale All Games
5/10/2014 UAIS Spring Invitational North Farmington Derek Metcalf UAIS Spring Invitational
5/10/2014 UAIS Spring Invitational #1 North Farmington Derek Combined Playoffs Prelims
5/3/2014 MUT at Berkeley Berkeley B Derek Chou Finals Stats at lunch
5/3/2014 Tuscumbia Spring Elementary Academic Tournament Pilot Grove D Derek Powell All Games Tuscumbia Spring Elementary Academic Tournament
4/5/2014 2014 NAQT Michigan State Championship North Farmington Derek Metcalf 2014 NAQT Michigan State Championship
4/5/2014 Ladue Invitational Spring Tournament (LIST) IV Rock Bridge B Derek Wang Prelims Playoffs All Games
4/5/2014 Michigan NAQT States N. Farmington Derek Metcalf Playoffs Morning
3/29/2014 2014 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament McGill Derek So Division II
3/15/2014 2014 March Madness Invitational Tournament North Farmington Derek Combined Prelims
3/15/2014 MACA JV State Tournament Rock Bridge A Derek Wang Combined Playoffs Prelims
3/15/2014 MSU March Madness Invitational North Farmington Derek Metcalf MSU March Madness Invitational
3/10/2014 The BOSSICK Series: Henry-Defiance-Wood Stryker Derek Opdycke The BOSSICK Series: Henry-Defiance-Wood
3/9/2014 Jr Warhawk II Black Mountain C Derek Prelims Combined
3/9/2014 Junior Warhawk II Middle School Invitational Black Mountain C Derek Chen Junior Warhawk II Middle School Invitational
3/9/2014 SUBMIT at Carleton University 1999 LA Lakers Derek Fisher (Cam) Prelims Combined
3/9/2014 SUBMIT at Carleton University Banana Karenina Derek Prelims Combined
3/8/2014 Kewpie Academic Tournament Rock Bridge D Derek W. Prelims All games
3/8/2014 Ottawa Hybrid 2014 McGill Derek So Combined Prelims
2/27/2014 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Providence C Derek Onserio Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/15/2014 WUHSAC XVI Parkway South B Derek Berndt Combined WUHSAC Combined Combined Prelims/Playoffs Real Combined Prelims/Playoffs Prelims
2/10/2014 Lancaster-Lebanon Quiz Bowl League Palmyra Derek Fake Lancaster-Lebanon Quiz Bowl League
2/8/2014 NAQT Canada SCT McGill Derek So Division II-Prelims Division II-Before Lunch Division II-Prelims+Playoffs
2/8/2014 NAQT Canada Sectional McGill Derek So Division II
2/8/2014 Olmsted Falls Battle Buzz Cloverleaf C Derek Anderson Varsity Division Battle Buzz 2014 morning prelims
2/1/2014 Kickapoo High School Tournament Central A Derek Van Wise All Games
1/25/2014 Tiger Bowl VI Rock Bridge B Derek Wang Combined Prelims Playoffs
1/20/2014 Keith Invitational Metcalf C Derek Wagher 6th Grade Division
1/20/2014 Keith Invitational Tournament Metcalf Lab C Derek Wagher Sixth Grade Division
1/18/2014 2014 Springfield Varsity Sacred Heart-Griffin B Derek Patterson Combined Playoffs Prelims
1/18/2014 Eleventh Annual Rube Goldberg Lansing Homeschoolers Derek Edwards Prelims Playoffs only Combined
1/18/2014 Eleventh Annual Rube Goldberg North Farmington Derek Metcalf Prelims Playoffs only Combined
1/18/2014 Eleventh Annual Rube Goldberg Invitational Lansing Homeschoolers Derek Edwards Eleventh Annual Rube Goldberg Invitational
1/18/2014 Eleventh Annual Rube Goldberg Invitational North Farmington Derek Metcalf Eleventh Annual Rube Goldberg Invitational
1/18/2014 Springfield Invitational Sacred Heart-Griffin B Derek Patterson Varsity Division
1/11/2014 15th IHSSBCA Turnabout at Geneseo Morrison Derek Montague 15th IHSSBCA Turnabout at Geneseo
1/11/2014 15th IHSSBCA Turnabout at Homewood-Flossmoor Andrew Derek Gagni 15th IHSSBCA Turnabout at Homewood-Flossmoor
1/11/2014 2014 IHSSBCA Turnabout at Geneseo Morrison Derek M Complete
1/11/2014 2014 IHSSBCA Turnabout at Homewood-Flossmoor Andrew Derek Gagni Combined Playoffs Prelims
1/11/2014 2014 MOQBA Winter Invitationals IBERIA Derek Thompson Playoffs Prelims
12/14/2013 AQA December NAQT Qualifier and Trash Tournament Corona Del Sol D Derek LastName All Games
12/14/2013 Arizona Quizbowl Association December Invitational Corona del Sol D Derek Shi Varsity Division
12/7/2013 Warhawk II BMMS C Derek Middle School Finals Middle School Prelims
12/7/2013 Warhawk II Middle School Invitational Black Mountain C Derek Chen Warhawk II Middle School Invitational
11/23/2013 2013 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Sterling Morrison Derek Combined Prelims Playoffs
11/23/2013 2013 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Sterling Morrison Derek Montague 2013 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Sterling
11/23/2013 Hilltopper Invitational Owensboro Derek Smith Prelims Playoffs Combined
11/16/2013 DRAGOON @ Buffalo Brockport Derek Full Stats (2x5rounds + Finals) After 5
11/16/2013 Lusher Invitational Vandebilt Catholic A Derek Varsity Division
11/16/2013 Three Trails Tournament Butler Derek N. Prelims Playoffs All Games
11/9/2013 18th Brumaire Memorial Tournament Lansing Homeschoolers Derek E Prelims Playoffs Combined
10/27/2013 2013 Penn Bowl @ Ottawa McGill Derek So Round Robin All Games
10/26/2013 2013 Bergen Academies Junior Academic Competition Tenafly A Derek Kim 2013 Bergen Academies Junior Academic Competition
10/26/2013 Bergen Junior 3 (2013) Tenafly Middle School A Derek Kim Prelims Final Results
10/26/2013 Irvine High Operation Pandemonium III Arcadia D Derek Combined Morning
10/26/2013 Irvine High Operation Pandemonium III Arcadia D Derek Chau Irvine High Operation Pandemonium III
10/19/2013 2013 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Rock Bridge A Derek Wong Combined Playoffs Prelims
10/19/2013 2013 Penn Bowl at MIT Dartmouth A Derek Van Briesen DII Prelims Rounds 1-5 Prelims Combined
10/19/2013 2013 South Range Academic Challenge Salem JV B Derek L. SRAC JV
10/19/2013 FKT Mirror Riley A Derek Prelims
10/19/2013 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Rock Bridge A Derek Wong Missouri Fall Academic Tournament
10/19/2013 South Range Invitational Salem JV B Derek L. Junior Varsity Division
10/12/2013 Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament SLUH B Derek Rechtien Combined Playoffs Prelims
10/12/2013 Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament I St. Louis University High B Derek Rechtien Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament I
10/5/2013 Brown MFT Mirror Dartmouth B Derek VanBriesen Prelims Combined
7/13/2013 Missouri Open @ Waterloo McGill Derek Round Robin Playoffs
7/13/2013 Schindler's Lit @ Waterloo Baker & Son, Luxury Impalers since 1431 Derek All Games
5/26/2013 2013 High School National Championship Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Zeller 2013 High School National Championship Tournament
5/26/2013 2013 High School National Championship Tournament Stillman Valley Derek VanBriesen 2013 High School National Championship Tournament
5/17/2013 Arcadia's Afterschool Special (Arcadia MS Open I) Jake-1 (Foothill) Derek L Full Stats
5/11/2013 2013 Pre-Nationals Tournament Rock Bridge B Derek Wang Playoff Games All Games Preliminary Rounds
5/4/2013 MUT at Berkeley Berkeley C Derek All Games
4/20/2013 YOLO I Black Mountain A Derek C. Division II - Combined Division II - Prelims Division II - Playoffs
3/30/2013 Ladue Invitational Spring Tournament III Parkway South A Derek Berndt All Games Playoffs Prelims
3/23/2013 Junior Warhawk Black Mountain E Derek C. Overall Prelims
3/17/2013 Ottawa Hybrid 2013-Ottawa McGill Derek So Ottawa Hybrid-RR
3/16/2013 Brush Invitational Kenston A Derek Lupyan Brush Invitational
3/16/2013 Hallsville Invitational Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Prelims Combined Playoffs
3/16/2013 Hallsville Invitational Tournament I Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Hallsville Invitational Tournament I
3/9/2013 2013 Mahoning County Quizbowl League Campbell Memorial Derek Janek All Games
3/9/2013 2013 Mahoning County Quizbowl League Poland Seminary JV Derek G. All Games
3/9/2013 2013 Mahoning County Tournament Campbell Memorial Derek Janek All games
3/9/2013 Mahoning County Tournament Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Mahoning County Tournament
3/9/2013 Savannah Invitational Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Small Schools Division Prelims All Games
3/9/2013 Timberwolf Invitational Moore Derek Moates Prelims Combined Finals
3/6/2013 Mahoning County League Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Varsity Division
3/6/2013 Mahoning County League Poland Seminary Derek G. Junior Varsity Division
3/2/2013 2013 NAQT Missouri Qualifier Pilot Grove* Derek Z. All Games Playoffs Prelims
3/2/2013 2013 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier Pilot Grove Derek Zeller 2013 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier
2/23/2013 Kickapoo Invitational Tournament Central A Derek Van Hise Playoffs
2/23/2013 Kickapoo Invitational Tournament Central A Derek van Hise Prelims
2/9/2013 2013 Region 15 NAQT SCT Berkeley B Derek Chou through round 4
2/9/2013 NAQT Region 15 Sectional (Region 15) UC Berkeley B Derek Chou Division I
2/2/2013 Huskie Bowl Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters Derek Van Briesen Standard Combined
2/2/2013 Huskie Bowl Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters Derek VanBriesen Standard Playoffs Standard Morning
2/2/2013 Mort Walker Invitational Rock Bridge C Derek Wang Preliminary Rounds Combined Statistics Playoff Rounds
2/2/2013 Olmsted Falls Battle Buzz Copley B Derek Miller Playoffs Prelims Varsity Division
1/26/2013 9th Annual Smithville Scholar Bowl Tournament Raymore-Peculiar Derek 9th Annual Smithville Scholar Bowl Tournament
1/20/2013 Ottawa's Minnesota Open Mirror McGill Derek Combined Prelims
1/19/2013 2013 North Kansas City Invitational Raymore-Peculiar Derek 2013 North Kansas City Invitational
1/19/2013 2013 North Kansas City Varsity Tournament Ray-Pec Derek All Games Championship Bracket Prelims
1/19/2013 2013 Springfield Varsity and JV Greenville A Derek Marsch JV Combined JV Playoffs JV Prelims
1/19/2013 Springfield Invitational Greenville A Derek Marsch Junior Varsity Division
1/19/2013 uOttawa Delta Burke McGill Derek Playoffs
1/19/2013 Winter War Invitational 2 Copley Derek M. Combined Prelims
1/12/2013 MOQBA Winter Invitational-Columbia Pilot Grove Derek Zeller MOQBA Winter Invitational-Columbia
1/5/2013 2013 Cumberland Frosh-Soph Invitational Greenville Derek Marsch 2013 Cumberland Frosh-Soph Invitational
12/22/2012 2012 New Trier Varsity Stillman Valley Derek VanBriesen Standard Combined Standard Playoffs Standard Prelims
12/8/2012 TRASH '12 Kenston B Derek Lupyan TRASH \'12 Prelims
12/1/2012 Seventh Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational Copley B Derek Miller Seventh Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational
12/1/2012 Tiger Bowl V Rock Bridge B Derek Wang Aggregate Statistics Playoff Rounds Preliminary Rounds
11/17/2012 2012 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Sterling Stillman Valley A Derek Prelims Playoffs Combined
11/17/2012 2012 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Sterling Stillman Valley A Derek VanBriesen 2012 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Sterling
11/17/2012 2012 MOQBA Fall Regional Tournament - Springfield Site Central Derek Van Hise Preliminary Rounds
11/17/2012 MOQBA Fall Invitational - Centralia Pilot Grove Derek Z. Playoffs and Finals Prelims Combined
11/17/2012 MOQBA Fall Invitational - Centralia Rock Bridge C Derek W. Combined Prelims Playoffs and Finals
11/17/2012 MOQBA Fall Regional Tournament - Centralia Site Pilot Grove Derek Z. Preliminary Rounds
11/17/2012 MOQBA Fall Regional Tournament - Centralia Site Rock Bridge C Derek W. Preliminary Rounds
11/17/2012 MOQBA Fall Regional Tournament--Southwest at Parkview Central Derek Van Hise Combined Playoffs Prelims
11/10/2012 QUARK (Ottawa Mirror) McGill Derek Full QUARK Stats QUARK (Prelims)
10/27/2012 Collegiate Novice Berkeley Berkeley A Derek All Games
10/27/2012 FAcT VIII Old Saybrook B Derek Arbige (12) Prelims (1-5) Playoffs (6-8) Superplayoffs, Finals (9-11) Combined
10/27/2012 Yale Fall Academic Tournament Old Saybrook B Derek Arbige Yale Fall Academic Tournament
10/20/2012 2012 IHSSBCA Novice at Greenville Greenville C Derek Marsch Playoffs Combined Prelims
10/20/2012 2012 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Rock Bridge B Derek Wong Combined Playoffs Prelims
10/20/2012 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Rock Bridge B Derek Wong Missouri Fall Academic Tournament
10/20/2012 South Range Academic Challenge Copley B Derek Miller Playoffs Prelims and JV Combined
10/20/2012 South Range Invitational Copley B Derek Miller Varsity Division
10/13/2012 University High Invitational Wheeling Park A Derek S. University High Invitational
10/13/2012 University High School Invitational Wheeling Park A Derek S. Prelims Overall
10/6/2012 Illinois Fall Tournament @ Yale UConn B Derek Prelims (1-9) Combined (1-12)
9/29/2012 Solon Individual Tournament Team 21 Derek Lupyan Solon Individual Tournament
9/29/2012 Solon Individual Tournament Team 6 Derek Miller Solon Individual Tournament
9/29/2012 Solon Individual Tournament Results Team 21 Derek Lupyan All Games
9/29/2012 Solon Individual Tournament Results Team 6 Derek Miller All Games
5/27/2012 2012 High School National Championship Tournament Farragut Derek Xu 2012 High School National Championship Tournament
5/27/2012 2012 High School National Championship Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Zeller 2012 High School National Championship Tournament
5/12/2012 Waylon Jennings Memorial (Ohio pre-nats) Copley B Derek Miller Waylon Jennings final standings
4/22/2012 2012 Middle School National Championship Tournament Wayzata Central Derek Feriancek 2012 Middle School National Championship Tournament
4/7/2012 Battle of the Burgh XV Saegertown Derek Smith Battle of the Burgh XV
4/7/2012 Larry Munson Memorial Hybrid UGA Derek 2012 Munson Hybrid Stats
4/7/2012 MUT at Berkeley Berkeley C Derek All Games
3/31/2012 Dennis Haskins Open Farragut B Derek Xu Varsity Division
3/31/2012 Dennis Haskins Open 2012 Farragut B Derek Xu Varsity prelims, JV all games
3/24/2012 Alta-Aurelia Invitational West Bend-Mallard Derek Metzger Alta-Aurelia Invitational
3/17/2012 Boise State Bronco Bowl IV Cole Valley Christian Derek Boise State Bronco Bowl IV
3/10/2012 2012 Savannah Invitational Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Small School Prelims Small School All Games
3/10/2012 Brush Invitational Copley B Derek Miller Varsity Division
3/10/2012 DeLaSalle Invitational Academic Tournament Of Middle Schools Wayzata Central Derek Feriancek DeLaSalle Invitational Academic Tournament Of Middle Schools
3/10/2012 Savannah Invitational Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Small Schools Division
3/8/2012 2012 Mahoning County Quizbowl Tournament Campbell Memorial Derek Janek All Games
3/8/2012 Mahoning County Tournament Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Mahoning County Tournament
3/7/2012 2012 Mahoning County Quizbowl League Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Combined
3/3/2012 Rotary Club Indiana Quizbowl State Championship Riley Derek Suth 3A Division
2/29/2012 Mahoning County League Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Varsity Division
2/25/2012 2012 ASCA Middle School State Championship Donoho Derek James 2012 ASCA Middle School State Championship
2/25/2012 2012 ASCA Middle School State Championship Donoho School Derek James 2012 ASCA MS - through finals
2/25/2012 2012 Helias Catholic Tournament Pilot Grove B Derek Z Prelims Combined Playoffs
2/18/2012 Savannah Middle School Invitational Heritage A Derek Nason Savannah Middle School Invitational
2/18/2012 Solon Glen Gonsalves Tournament Saturday Copley 1 Derek M Playoffs Prelims
2/18/2012 The Glen Gonsalves Memorial Tournament Copley A Derek Miller Varsity Division
2/16/2012 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Kennedy A Derek McGaffey Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/11/2012 Olmsted Falls Battle Buzz Copley B Derek Miller Varsity Division
2/11/2012 Olmsted Falls Battle Buzz Copley JV Derek Miller Junior Varsity Division
2/11/2012 Olmsted Falls Bulldog Battle Buzz II Copley - B Derek M Prelims Championship Brackets
2/11/2012 Olmsted Falls Bulldog Battle Buzz II Copley - JV Derek Miller Prelims Championship Brackets
2/4/2012 Harvard SCT McGill Derek DIV I SCT
2/4/2012 Harvard SCT UCONN B Derek Div II SCT
2/4/2012 NAQT New England Sectional (Region 1) McGill Derek So Division I
2/4/2012 NAQT New England Sectional (Region 1) UConn B Derek Division II
2/4/2012 NAQT West Sectional (Region 15) UC Berkeley Derek Chou Division I
2/4/2012 Region 15 (West) SCT 2012 Berkeley Derek Division I
1/21/2012 Triton Winter III LJCD Derek Combined Prelims Playoffs
1/21/2012 Triton Winter Tournament III La Jolla Country Day Derek Triton Winter Tournament III
1/21/2012 Winter Invitational Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Combined Standings Preliminary Rounds
1/7/2012 13th IHSSBCA Turnabout Midwest Central Derek Reining 13th IHSSBCA Turnabout
1/7/2012 2012 IHSSBCA Turnabout at Bloomington Midwest Central Derek Reining Prelims Playoffs Combined
12/10/2011 2011 PORTA Frosh-Soph Greenville B Derek Prelims Combined
12/10/2011 Lockout Affair Requiring Grade Eight Seven Six Entrants Wayzata Central Derek Feriancek Lockout Affair Requiring Grade Eight Seven Six Entrants
12/10/2011 Missouri S&T Fall High School 2011 Iberia Derek T All Games
12/10/2011 Missouri S&T Fall High School 2011 Pilot Grove Derek Z All Games
12/10/2011 TRASH 2011 Kenston C Derek L Ohio HS TRASH 2011 at CWRU
11/30/2011 Ridley College Invitational Beamsville Derek Vaillancourt Ridley College Invitational
11/30/2011 St. Catharine's Quizbowl Beamsville DSS Derek Vaillancourt Final - 7 Rounds
11/19/2011 2011 IHSSBCA Kickoff at Sterling Stillman Valley Derek Prelims Playoffs Combined
11/19/2011 2011 IHSSBCA Kickoff Tournament Stillman Valley Derek VanBriesen 2011 IHSSBCA Kickoff Tournament
11/19/2011 Hilltopper II Owensboro Derek Smith All Games
11/12/2011 L.S.C. "Quest for the Nest" Academic Quiz Tournament Lisbon Regional B Derek Roberts All Games
11/5/2011 2011 North Kansas City Junior Varsity Tournament Ray-Pec Derek H. All Games Playoffs Prelims
11/5/2011 Vanderbilt ABC 41 Invitational Farragut Derek Xu Vanderbilt ABC 41 Invitational
10/22/2011 2011 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Z Playoffs All Games Prelims
10/22/2011 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Missouri Fall Academic Tournament
10/22/2011 South Range Academic Challenge Copley B Derek Miller (10) Prelims Playoffs
10/22/2011 South Range Invitational Copley B Derek Miller Varsity Division
10/8/2011 Early Autumn College Novice at Berkeley Berkeley A Derek All Games
8/27/2011 DAR Invitational Owensboro Derek Smith Junior Varsity Division
5/29/2011 2011 High School National Championship Tournament Arcadia A Derek Chou 2011 High School National Championship Tournament
5/29/2011 2011 High School National Championship Tournament Farragut Derek Xu 2011 High School National Championship Tournament
5/29/2011 2011 High School National Championship Tournament Hilldale Derek Daniels 2011 High School National Championship Tournament
5/1/2011 RC Cola Classic 2011 The David Archuleta/Mandy Moore Crush Experience Derek Hale (Justin) Trash open
4/30/2011 Moon Pie Classic 2011 The Magic 82 (Shorter/Snead) Derek Hale College varsity/JV/open
4/16/2011 2011 NAQT Southern California State Championship Arcadia B Derek Chou 2011 NAQT Southern California State Championship
4/16/2011 2011 Southern California Championship Arcadia B Derek All Stats
4/2/2011 Azalea Bowl Hilldale Derek Daniels Azalea Bowl
3/26/2011 2011 NAQT Oklahoma State Championship Hilldale Derek Daniels 2011 NAQT Oklahoma State Championship
3/26/2011 BHSAT 2011 Williston Northampton Derek BHSAT 2011
3/26/2011 College Heights Academic Tournament Marshall Derek varsity/gsacmirror
3/26/2011 GLRAC 2011 Copley A Derek M PACE
3/26/2011 Livingston March Madness Invitational Bloomfield B Derek Manansalan Livingston March Madness Invitational
3/19/2011 2011 Mahoning County Tournament Campbell Memorial Derek Janek NAQT Varsity
3/19/2011 Mahoning County Tournament Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Mahoning County Tournament
3/19/2011 Rocket Surgery II Arcadia A Derek Chou Rocket Surgery II
3/19/2011 Western NC Shootout South Caldwell B Derek Dremann Western NC Shootout
3/15/2011 Catawba Valley Quiz Bowl League South Caldwell B Derek Dremann Second Flight Division
3/12/2011 2011 Savannah Invitational Pilot Grove Derek Z. All Games Playoffs Prelims
3/12/2011 2011 Savannah Invitational Truman Derek G. Prelims All Games Playoffs
3/12/2011 Savannah Invitational Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Savannah Invitational
3/12/2011 Savannah Invitational Truman Derek G. Savannah Invitational
3/5/2011 2011 NAQT Missouri Qualifier Pilot Grove* Derek Z. Playoffs Prelims All Games
3/5/2011 2011 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier Pilot Grove Derek Zeller 2011 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier
3/5/2011 Central Buckeye Conference Academic Competition Urbana Derek Cobb Central Buckeye Conference Academic Competition
3/5/2011 Dennis Haskins Open HS QB 2011 Hardin Valley A Derek Cordova HS varsity/JV
3/2/2011 Mahoning County League Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Varsity Division
3/1/2011 2011 Mahoning County League Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Varsity/JV NAQT
2/26/2011 North Kansas City Invitational Truman Derek G. Varsity
2/19/2011 2011 Glen Gonsalves Memorial at Solon Copley JV Derek Miller Prelims
2/19/2011 Saint Joe's Mirror of GSAC XVIII Salisbury Derek Engle Prelims Playoffs
2/19/2011 The Glen Gonsalves Memorial Tournament Copley JV Derek Miller Junior Varsity Division
2/19/2011 Triton Winter Tournament II Arcadia A Derek Chou Triton Winter Tournament II
2/5/2011 2011 Olmsted Falls Battle Buzz Copley B Derek Miller NAQT Varsity/JV
2/5/2011 NAQT Region 5 Sectional (Region 5) North Carolina State B Derek Division II
2/5/2011 Olmsted Falls Invitational Copley B Derek Miller Varsity Division
1/22/2011 Terrapin 2011 Canada Mirror Queen's A Derek Hepburn All Stats
12/11/2010 TRASH 2010 Prelims Kenston D Derek Lupyen NAQT scoring type
11/20/2010 Technophobia Jr. Arcadia A Derek NAQT IS-98
11/20/2010 Technophobia Jr. Arcadia A Derek Chou Technophobia Jr.
11/6/2010 Tippecanoe Academic Challenge (XV) Urbana Derek Cobb Varsity Division
10/30/2010 Fall Kickoff Tournament 2010 - Boise State Mirror Payette A Derek K Varsity
10/30/2010 Fall Kickoff Tournament 2010 - Boise State Mirror Payette A Derek T Varsity
10/23/2010 Hilltopper Invitational Marshall Derek Playoffs Prelim
10/23/2010 Hilltopper Invitational Marshall County Derek Hilltopper Invitational
10/16/2010 2010 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Pilot Grove (Small School) Derek Zeller Prelims Playoffs
10/16/2010 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Missouri Fall Academic Tournament
10/16/2010 University High Invitational Brooke A Derek W. University High Invitational
10/16/2010 University High School's 2010 Tournament Brooke A Derek W IS96
10/2/2010 2010 FKT at Olmsted Falls Copley B Derek Miller ACF style
10/2/2010 TWAIN XI Arcadia A Derek Chou TWAIN XI
9/25/2010 L. L. Lewis Cup Hilldale Derek Daniels L. L. Lewis Cup
9/25/2010 Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial HS QB 2010 Northwest Whitfield A Derek Travisano HS varsity/JV
9/18/2010 EACNT at NIU Oakton Community College Derek Newhouse Novice Collegiate
5/30/2010 2010 High School National Championship Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Zeller 2010 High School National Championship Tournament
4/17/2010 Dennis Haskins Open 2010 NW Whitfield A Derek High school varsity/JV
4/3/2010 2010 NAQT Southern California State Championship Arcadia B Derek Chou 2010 NAQT Southern California State Championship
4/3/2010 2010 NAQT Southern California State Championship Arcadia C Derek Chou 2010 NAQT Southern California State Championship
3/28/2010 West Coast Invitational Arcadia A Derek Chou West Coast Invitational
3/28/2010 West Coast Invitational 2010 (Sunday) Arcadia A Derek Chou NAQT D2 SCT
3/20/2010 2010 Mahoning County League Campbell Memorial JV Derek Varsity/JV NAQT
3/20/2010 2010 Mahoning County Tournament Campbell Memorial Derek Janek NAQT
3/20/2010 Mahoning County Tournament Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Mahoning County Tournament
3/6/2010 2010 Mid-Ohio ESC Invitational Madison 2 Derek Savick NAQT
3/6/2010 Jaryd W Gilts Memorial Kenston B Derek L House Written Hybrid Set
3/6/2010 Mid-Ohio ESC Invitational Madison B Derek Savick Mid-Ohio ESC Invitational
3/6/2010 Missouri S&T Spring High School Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Small Schools Division
3/6/2010 Missouri S&T Spring High School Tournament St. James Derek P. Large Schools Division
3/3/2010 Mahoning County League Campbell Memorial Derek Janek Junior Varsity Division
2/27/2010 Rocket Surgery I Arcadia B Derek Ha Rocket Surgery I
2/20/2010 2010 RAWR at South Range Kenston B Derek A. NAQT 93A, V and JV
2/20/2010 South Range Invitational Kenston B Derek A. Junior Varsity Division
2/18/2010 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Orono A Derek Heussner Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
1/30/2010 Baby Anteater Quiz Bowl Tournament XI Arcadia B Derek Chou Baby Anteater Quiz Bowl Tournament XI
12/5/2009 2009 Rowdy Raider Invitational Walnut Hills Derek Hattemer NAQT Varsity
12/5/2009 Fourth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational Walnut Hills Derek Hattemer Fourth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational
12/5/2009 Gopher Invitational Tournament Orono A Derek Heussner Gopher Invitational Tournament
12/5/2009 Tiger Bowl II Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Prelims Combined
11/21/2009 Triton Fall Coronado C Derek Report 5 Report 4 Combined Prelims
11/14/2009 Technophobia Jr. Arcadia B Derek Chou Technophobia Jr.
11/14/2009 Technophobia Jr. Arcadia B Derek Ha Technophobia Jr.
11/7/2009 Tippecanoe Academic Challenge (XIV) Walnut Hills A Derek Hattemer Tippecanoe Academic Challenge (XIV)
10/31/2009 St. Olaf College Invitational Academic Learnament Orono A Derek Heussner St. Olaf College Invitational Academic Learnament
10/10/2009 Missouri Fall Academic Tournament Pilot Grove Derek Zeller Missouri Fall Academic Tournament
10/3/2009 TWAIN X Arcadia B Derek Chou TWAIN X
10/3/2009 TWAIN X Arcadia C Derek Ha TWAIN X
9/26/2009 Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial HS QB 2009 Farragut B Derek Xu HS Varsity/JV
9/12/2009 Rumble on the Pike Winston Churchill Derek Gritz Rumble on the Pike
9/12/2009 Rumble on the Pike 2009 Churchill Derek Gritz High School/ NAQT/ Combin
6/20/2009 HSNCT Mirror Derek Tidwell Derek Tidwell HSNCT Mirror
6/20/2009 NAQT HS NCT Mirror at UTC Danger Cart (Derek Tidwell) Derek Tidwell Open
5/31/2009 2009 High School National Championship Tournament Arcadia Derek Sun 2009 High School National Championship Tournament
5/31/2009 2009 High School National Championship Tournament Haileyville Derek Mathiews 2009 High School National Championship Tournament
5/31/2009 2009 High School National Championship Tournament North Kansas City Derek Tran 2009 High School National Championship Tournament
5/31/2009 2009 High School National Championship Tournament Simley Derek Schwanz 2009 High School National Championship Tournament
5/16/2009 Monroe Academic Tournament Churchill Derek Gritz Consolations
5/16/2009 Monroe Academic Tournament Churchill B Derek Gritz Prelims
5/2/2009 Maryland Spring HS 2009 Churchill Derek High School
4/11/2009 2009 NAQT Southern California State Championship Arcadia A Derek Sun 2009 NAQT Southern California State Championship
4/11/2009 2009 NAQT Southern California State Championship Arcadia D Derek Chou 2009 NAQT Southern California State Championship
3/7/2009 2009 NAQT Indiana State Qualifier Sullivan Derek Andre 2009 NAQT Indiana State Qualifier
3/7/2009 2009 NAQT Northern California State Championship Evergreen Valley B Derek Tien 2009 NAQT Northern California State Championship
3/7/2009 Missouri S&T Spring High School Tournament North Kansas City Derek Tran Large Schools Division
2/28/2009 Quaker Bowl Robinson B Derek Fiedler Quaker Bowl
2/21/2009 2009 NAQT Missouri Qualifier North Kansas City Derek Tran Prelims Playoffs All Games
2/21/2009 2009 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier North Kansas City Derek Tran 2009 NAQT Missouri State Qualifier
2/20/2009 Ram Invitational Sheridan College Derek Ram Invitational
2/19/2009 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Orono A Derek Heussner Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/19/2009 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Simley A Derek Schwanz Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/14/2009 EPITHET I Orono A Derek Heussner Prelims Combined
2/7/2009 Sectional Championship Cornell C Derek Plotkowski Division II
2/7/2009 Sectional Championship Queen's D Derek Hepburn Division II
1/31/2009 2009 Snow CAT Orono A Derek Heussner 2009 Snow CAT
1/31/2009 Baby Anteater Quiz Bowl Tournament X Arcadia A Derek Chou Baby Anteater Quiz Bowl Tournament X
1/10/2009 2009 Richland Tournament St. James Derek Perona (Jr) All Games
12/13/2008 Missouri S&T Fall High School Tournament North Kansas City Derek Tran Missouri S&T Fall High School Tournament
12/6/2008 Gopher Invitational Tournament Orono A Derek Heussner Gopher Invitational Tournament
11/18/2008 Fall 2008 Intramural League T-Snakes: Justice, like Lightning Derek Intramural
11/15/2008 Siouxper Bowl V Parker Derek Christensen Siouxper Bowl V
11/8/2008 2008 Georgetown Day School Quizbowl Tournament Churchill B Derek Gritz Prelims
10/25/2008 Mellon Bowl VI Hollidaysburg B Derek Mellon Bowl VI
10/25/2008 Technophobia Jr. Arcadia C Derek Chou Technophobia Jr.
10/18/2008 Jefferson Invitational Academic Tournament Winston Churchill B Derek Gritz Jefferson Invitational Academic Tournament
10/5/2008 TWAIN IX Arcadia A Derek Sun TWAIN IX
10/5/2008 TWAIN IX Arcadia C Derek Chou TWAIN IX
9/27/2008 Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial HS QB 2008 NW Whitfield B Derek Travisano Varsity and JV divisions
5/25/2008 2008 High School National Championship Tournament Arcadia Derek Sun 2008 High School National Championship Tournament
5/25/2008 2008 High School National Championship Tournament Mustang Derek Harber 2008 High School National Championship Tournament
5/25/2008 2008 High School National Championship Tournament Orono B Derek Heussner 2008 High School National Championship Tournament
4/26/2008 2008 NAQT Minnesota State Championship Orono B Derek Heussner 2008 NAQT Minnesota State Championship
4/19/2008 2008 NAQT Ohio State Championship Cloverleaf A Derek Schwartz 2008 NAQT Ohio State Championship
4/19/2008 2008 NAQT Ohio State Championship Cloverleaf A Derek Schwartz (12) Varsity
4/19/2008 2008 Ohio NAQT State Tournament Cloverleaf A Derek Schwartz (12) Varsity
4/12/2008 2008 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Drake Derek Olson Division I
3/29/2008 Battle of the Burgh XI Shady Side B Derek Jones Battle of the Burgh XI
3/8/2008 2008 NAQT Oklahoma State Championship Mustang C Derek Harber 2008 NAQT Oklahoma State Championship
3/8/2008 Blue Hen Invitational X Bennett A Derek Wu Blue Hen Invitational X
2/21/2008 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Orono B Derek Heussner Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/21/2008 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Orono D Derek Heussner Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/9/2008 Sectional Championship Drake Derek Olson Division I
2/9/2008 Sectional Championship Ohio State Derek Noran Division I
2/9/2008 Sectional Championship Queen's B Derek Hepburn Division II
1/19/2008 2008 Snow CAT Orono B Derek Heussner 2008 Snow CAT
11/3/2007 Tartan Tussle II UNI B Derek Heiserman Tartan Tussle II
11/3/2007 Tippecanoe Academic Challenge (XII) Walnut Hills Derek Hattemer Junior Varsity Division
10/27/2007 St. Olaf College Invitational Academic Learnament Orono D Derek Heussner St. Olaf College Invitational Academic Learnament
9/15/2007 L. L. Lewis Cup Mustang C Derek Harber L. L. Lewis Cup
5/27/2007 2007 High School National Championship Tournament Arcadia B Derek Sun 2007 High School National Championship Tournament
5/27/2007 2007 High School National Championship Tournament Edison A Derek Pham 2007 High School National Championship Tournament
5/27/2007 2007 High School National Championship Tournament Porter Derek 2007 High School National Championship Tournament
4/21/2007 2007 NAQT Ohio State Championship Cloverleaf A Derek Schwartz 2007 NAQT Ohio State Championship Varsity
4/14/2007 2007 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Drake Derek Olson Division II
3/3/2007 MIT Beaver Academic Tournament III Dolgeville Derek Egan MIT Beaver Academic Tournament III
3/3/2007 MITBAT III Dolgeville Central Derek Egan Prelims
2/28/2007 Mahoning County JV League 2007 Jackson-Milton Derek Thiry Junior Varsity
2/24/2007 2007 NAQT Oklahoma State Championship Haileyville Derek Mathiews 2007 NAQT Oklahoma State Championship
2/22/2007 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Burnsville A Derek Grygiel Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/22/2007 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League St. Paul Academy A Derek Schaible Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/10/2007 Sectional Championship Drake A Derek Olson Division II
2/10/2007 Sectional Championship Ohio State B Derek Noran Division II
2/10/2007 Two-Year Sectional Championship Cowley A Derek Bowman Two-Year Sectional Championship
12/9/2006 Delaware Fall Open Bennett Derek Wu Delaware Fall Open
11/18/2006 CBCT VII Edison Derek Pham CBCT VII
10/8/2006 TWAIN VII Edison A Derek Pham TWAIN VII
4/29/2006 2006 NAQT Minnesota State Championship St. Paul Academy Derek Schaible 2006 NAQT Minnesota State Championship
3/18/2006 Red and White Bowl Chapel Hill Derek Song Red and White Bowl
2/25/2006 Baby Anteater Quiz Bowl Tournament VIII Edison A Derek Pham Baby Anteater Quiz Bowl Tournament VIII
2/25/2006 St. Anthony Village Annual Neural Treat I St. Paul Academy Derek Schaible St. Anthony Village Annual Neural Treat I
12/3/2005 Trojan Wars III Edison A Derek Pham Trojan Wars III
10/15/2005 TWAIN VI Edison A Derek Pham TWAIN VI
6/5/2005 2005 High School National Championship Tournament Edison Derek Pham 2005 High School National Championship Tournament
11/13/2004 Scarlet Knight Invitational Tournament Pingry A Derek Scarlet Knight Invitational Tournament
5/1/2004 Cyclone Bowl 4.5 Roland-Story A Derek Elliott Cyclone Bowl 4.5
2/7/2004 Sectional Championship Missouri State Derek Wehner Division II
4/8/2000 2000 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Whitman Derek Ball Division II
1/1/2000 yfTest McGill Derek So yfTest
4/11/1998 1998 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Ohio Wesleyan Derek Division I