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9/7/2024 Lore Dump: Expanded Universe Online Hegelian E-Girl Party Enes Kristo Combined Playoffs Prelims
5/11/2024 2024 CREEK+ Nationwide Michael Belmont College Enes Kristo Combined w/Crossover Combined Playoffs Prelims w/Crossover Prelims
1/20/2024 Booster Shot Playtest Mirror Booster Seat Enes Kristo All Games Round Robin
10/7/2023 ILLIAC II Online Playtest Mirror The Fenimore Four Enes Kristo Complete Double RR
2/19/2023 MRNA II: The Second Dose Playtest Mirror playtest! playtest! Enes Kristo Combined Playoffs Round Robin
11/20/2022 C++ Online Playtest Mirror C Doubleplusgood Enes Kristo Prelims Playoffs All Games
3/26/2022 MRNA VACCINE at Harvard Amherst A Enes Kristo Combined Prelims Round 5
2/5/2022 NAQT Online Sectional Amherst A Enes Kristo Division II
1/29/2022 2022 ACF Regionals at UT Austin Amherst Enes Kristo All Games
11/20/2021 HARI @ Brown Amherst Enes Kristo Playoffs + Finals Prelims
11/6/2021 2021 ACF Winter at Brown Amherst A Enes Kristo Round Robin Round Robin + Finals
10/16/2021 2021 ACF Fall at MIT Amherst A Enes Kristo Playoffs Prelims
10/16/2021 2021 ACF Fall at MIT Amherst A (UG) Enes Kristo (UG) Combined
4/18/2021 Southeast-Midwest Housewrite 2 @ Northeast Amherst Enes Kristo Combined Playoffs Prelims
2/27/2021 Southeast-Midwest Housewrite @ Northeast Amherst A Enes Kristo Combined Playoffs (w/o carryover) Prelims
12/5/2020 IO SATURNALIA Amherst (College) Enes Kristo Playoffs Combined Prelims Before Lunch
11/7/2020 2020 ACF Winter at Yale Amherst A Enes Kristo Prelims Prelims + Playoffs Prelims + Playoffs + Final
10/17/2020 2020 ACF Fall at Harvard University Amherst B (UG) Enes Kristo (UG) Combined Playoffs Prelims
9/26/2020 LIT Northeast Mirror Hosted by Stony Brook Amherst A Enes Kristo Combined Prelims Playoffs
2/22/2020 Michigan Winter Tournament @Harvard (2/22/20) Amherst Enes Kristo [Jr.] Complete Round Robin Round 1-6
2/8/2020 NAQT New England Sectional Amherst A Enes Kristo Division II
2/8/2020 NAQT SCT 2020 @ MIT Amherst A Enes Kristo (Jr.) DII All Games DII Playoffs DII Prelims
1/25/2020 2020 ACF Regionals at Yale Amherst Enes Kristo (UG) Prelims + Playoffs Prelim Rounds All Rounds + Tiebreakers
10/5/2019 Early Fall Tournament (EFT) at MIT Amherst A Enes Kristo All Games Playoffs and Finals Prelims
2/9/2019 2019 NAQT SCT New England @Harvard Amherst B Enes Kristo Division 2 All Games Division 2 Prelims + Playoffs Division 2 Prelims
2/9/2019 NAQT New England Sectional Amherst B Enes Kristo Division II
12/1/2018 Sun God New England Amherst Enes Kristo All Games
10/13/2018 Early Fall Tournament (EFT) Amherst B Enes Kristo Complete Afternoon (no finals or TBs) Morning
3/31/2018 2018 Harvard SMT Mirror Amherst Enes Kristo Combined Playoffs Prelims
2/3/2018 2018 NAQT SCT New England Amherst B Enes Kristo DII Combined DII Prelims
2/3/2018 NAQT New England Sectional Amherst B Enes Kristo Division II
10/21/2017 Olin College of Engineering Collegiate Novice Invitational Amherst Enes Kristo Olin College of Engineering Collegiate Novice Invitational