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8/12/2018 Words and Objects UIUC Raje-Boyd Ike Jose All
8/11/2018 Cambridge Open at UIUC Carson-Raje-Jose-Busse Ike Jose Playoffs Prelims All Games
7/21/2018 Chicago Open 2018 A Dead Meme Isn't Art Ike Jose Combined Prelims Playoffs
7/23/2017 CO Jordaens and Bork 2017 A1-Jordan Ike Jose Naveed Bork Combined Naveed Bork Prelims Naveed Bork Playoffs
7/23/2017 CO Jordaens and Bork 2017 Will and Ike Ike Jose Jordaens All Games Jordaens Prelims
7/23/2017 It's Lit Ike + Dylan Ike Jose Combined
2/26/2017 FRENCH @ Michigan A Trading Card Set Worthy of the Name "Cards Against Humanity" Ike Jose Prelims
2/26/2017 Scattergories at Michigan PSIMURHO Ike Jose All games
1/21/2017 WAO @ UChicago Grandma Morgab Got Run Over by a Reindeer Ike Jose All Games
8/6/2016 A Culture of Improvement - Michigan 2 - Machines For Relaxation Ike Jose Final Stats
8/6/2016 ARTSEE at Michigan Narcissus and Goldmund Ike Jose All Games
7/24/2016 Chicago Open Trash Amenable Allocations of Responsibility Ike Jose Prelims Combined Playoffs
7/23/2016 Chicago Open 2016 You can write your tossups from the Library of Babel, but you can NEVER! STRIKE! GOD!!! Ike Jose Combined Prelims
2/27/2016 "stanford housewrite" at Maryland Downtown Sasquatch Ike Jose Round Robin + Final Round Robin
2/27/2016 Christmas Present at Maryland Mukherjee/Jose/Kim Ike Jose Combined Playoffs Prelims
8/9/2015 VICO @ Michigan The N00b Science Ike Jose All Games
8/9/2015 We Have Never Been Modern at Michigan (4) Weekly foot races between Peter Thiel and Max Levchin Ike Jose Finals Prelims
8/8/2015 SHEIKH @ Michigan The Felonious Monks Ike Jose All Games Prelims
7/19/2015 Chicago Open History 2015 3. Haala/Jose/Minarik/Wang Ike Jose Round Robin All Games
7/19/2015 Chicago Open Visual Arts 2015 2. Carson/Jose Ike Jose Prelims Finals
2/21/2015 George Oppen @ UMaryland Amidst the calyx, wasps copulate Ike Jose prelims all-games
7/20/2014 Chicago Open Sunday 2014 Here Ike, This Will Explain Everything Ike Jose Video Games
7/21/2013 Chicago Open Weekend 2013 Because of William Dixie Ike Jose Trash Side Event - All Games Trash Side Event - Prelims
7/21/2013 Chicago Open Weekend 2013 The Wrong Side of Unstable Ike Jose Chicago Open 2013 All Games
6/8/2013 Schindler's Lit at NSC John Travolta Wannabe Ike Jose All Games
4/28/2013 ACF Nationals 2013 Illinois A Ike Jose (UG) Prelims Combined w/tiebreakers & finals Playoffs
4/13/2013 2013 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Illinois Ike L. Jose Division I
4/13/2013 ICT Unofficial Illinois Ike Jose All
2/23/2013 ACF Regionals 2013 at the University of Chicago Illinois A Ike Jose Prelims Playoffs
2/9/2013 NAQT Region 8 Sectional (Region 8) Illinois A Ike L. Jose Division I
2/2/2013 VCU Closed at Northwestern Illinois A Ike Jose (Sr.) Combined Playoffs Prelims
11/17/2012 Minnesota Open V A Hill that Kills You if You Say the Word Nine Ike Jose MO V Final Stats
11/17/2012 MO Trash The Legion of Doom Ike Jose All Games
10/27/2012 Penn-ance @ WUSTL UIUC A Ike Jose OVERALL Prelims (Double RR)
8/4/2012 KABO Libo Leading People Ike Jose KABO stats through round 5 Full Stats KABO
7/22/2012 Chicago Open History Doubles 2012 Bentley + Jose Ike Jose All Games
7/22/2012 Wildly Experimental Literature Doubles The Love-Philtre of Ike Jose Ike Jose Playoffs and Finals Playoffs Prelims
7/21/2012 Chicago Open 2012 8 - We Don't Need No Stinking Science Players Ike Jose Final Stats
4/22/2012 ACF Nationals 2012 Illinois (UG) Ike Jose (UG) Playoffs Prelims
4/1/2012 National History Bowl Collegiate Championships Illinois A Ike Jose All Playoffs Prelims
3/31/2012 2012 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Illinois A Ike L. Jose Division I
2/18/2012 UIUC ACF Regionals Ike Ike Jose ABT practice
2/18/2012 UIUC ACF Regionals Ike/Austin Ike Jose ABT practice 2
2/18/2012 UIUC ACF Regionals Ike/Billy Ike Jose ABT practice 2
2/18/2012 UIUC ACF Regionals Ike/Charles Ike Jose ABT practice 2
2/18/2012 UIUC ACF Regionals Ike/Chinmay Ike Jose ABT practice 2
2/11/2012 Penn Bowl 2012 at Northwestern Illinois A Ike Jose (Jr.) Playoffs Combined Prelims
2/4/2012 NAQT Region 9 Sectional (Region 9) Illinois A Ike L. Jose Division I
1/21/2012 BARGE @ UIUC Illinois Ike Jose Finals Playoffs Prelims Combined
11/19/2011 Minnesota Open IV As I Lay With My Head In Your Lap Pidgeotto Ike Jose Prelims (complete) Full stats
8/13/2011 VCU Open 2011 Where in Svartalfheim is Carmen Sandiego? Ike Jose Open academic
7/30/2011 Chicago Open 2011 Nadia's Bell Falls Silent but Iceland's Bell Never Dies Ike Jose All Stats
4/17/2011 ACF Nationals 2011 Illinois A Ike Jose Playoffs Prelims
4/9/2011 2011 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Illinois Ike L. Jose Division I
11/20/2010 Minnesota Open 2010 Another Citizen Who Just Isn't Ready For Some Football Ike Jose mACF
8/8/2010 VCU Sunday Lafer, Westbrook, Jose Ike Jose All Stats
8/7/2010 VCU Open (Saturday) Poodle Dee, Poodle Dan-Don Ike Jose All Stats
7/31/2010 ANGST Team Ike Ike Jose Battlebuzz IV
7/24/2010 Chicago Open 2010 An Orderly Universe of Discoverable Laws Ike Jose Stats
4/18/2010 ACF Nationals 2010 Illinois A Ike Jose (D2) Overall Prelims Playoffs
4/10/2010 2010 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Illinois A Ike L. Jose Division I
2/13/2010 Centre College T-Party Illinois A Ike Jose Regular,mACF
2/6/2010 NAQT Region 9 Sectional (Region 9) Illinois D Ike L. Jose NAQT Region 9 Sectional (Region 9)
8/8/2009 VCU Open II Liberte, Egalite, Mukherjee Ike Jose Open ACF
7/25/2009 Chicago Open 2009 The Gentlement from Sangala Ike Jose Combined Prelims
5/31/2009 2009 High School National Championship Tournament Stow-Munroe Falls Ike L. Jose 2009 High School National Championship Tournament
5/29/2009 Geography Monstrosity Meigs Ike Jose All Stats
5/24/2009 2009 PACE NSC Stow Munroe Falls Ike Jose Prelims Playoffs Combined
4/26/2009 ACF Nationals 2009 Ike Jose Ike Jose Prelims Playoffs
3/15/2009 Weekend of Quizbowl 2009 Ike Ike Jose Sunday Playoffs Sunday Prelims
2/14/2009 The Glen Gonsalves Memorial Tournament Stow-Munroe Falls A Ike L. Jose The Glen Gonsalves Memorial Tournament
11/8/2008 ACF Fall 2008 at Carnegie Mellon Ike (D2) Ike Jose (D2) All Games
10/25/2008 Mellon Bowl VI Stow-Munroe Falls A Ike L. Jose Mellon Bowl VI
5/25/2008 2008 High School National Championship Tournament Stow-Munroe Falls Ike L. Jose 2008 High School National Championship Tournament
4/19/2008 2008 NAQT Ohio State Championship Stow-Munroe Falls A Ike L. Jose 2008 NAQT Ohio State Championship
4/13/2008 BattleBuzz II Practice Tournament Ever-Victorious Team Ike (Nathan Jose) Players,Coaches,Mods
3/29/2008 Battle of the Burgh XI Stow-Munroe Falls Ike L. Jose Battle of the Burgh XI
3/16/2008 DACQ Weekend of Quizbowl Stow-Munroe Falls Ike L. Jose Junior Varsity Division
11/17/2007 BRAVE Falcon '07 Stow-Munroe Falls Ike L. Jose Varsity Division
4/21/2007 2007 NAQT Ohio State Championship Stow-Munroe Falls Ike L. Jose 2007 NAQT Ohio State Championship
2/22/2001 COTTAGE Bowl Carson et al. Ike Jose All games
9/2/1991 test Carson-Raje-Jose-Busse Ike Jose Playoffs