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3/8/2025 WAO III @ Columbia Keyal et al Jerry Vinokurov Combined With Finals Playoffs Prelims
2/1/2025 2025 ACF Regionals @ Columbia John Jay College Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
7/28/2024 Chicago Open Trash 2024 Cunning Linguists (Friedman) Jerry Vinokurov Playoffs Combined Prelims
7/27/2024 Chicago Open 2024 The Oldest Men in the World Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
1/27/2024 2024 ACF Regionals at Rutgers John Jay Jerry Vinokurov Combined 1-12 Prelims 1-5 Prelims 1-11
10/21/2023 Penn Bowl 2023 @ Mainsite John Jay A Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
8/6/2023 EMACS (CO Weekend Mirror) Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping Jerry Vinokurov Round Robin
8/5/2023 2023 Chicago Open Teach Us to Outgrow Our Ladness Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
2/25/2023 BHSU Main Site Maryland B- Jerry Vinokurov With Finals (Corrected) Round Robin (Complete)
10/22/2022 Penn Bowl 2022 John Jay Jerry Vinokurov Playoffs All Games Prelims
8/22/2021 MUSES II at Chicago Open Audacity owner Muse Group responds to ‘spyware’ claims Jerry Vinokurov All Games Playoffs Prelims
8/22/2021 Scattergories 5 Team 5 Jerry Vinokurov Prelims
8/21/2021 Chicago Open 2021 Atomic Gardening for the Layman Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
1/24/2021 The World As It Is A5 - Big Magic Jerry Vinokurov All Games Playoffs Prelims
7/18/2020 Myth of the Machine Discord Mirror A1 - Clusty the Clustering Engine Jerry Vinokurov Combined Prelims Combined With Prelim Crossover
11/9/2019 Fall Open at NYU Rutgers B Jerry Vinokurov Complete Round Robin
8/4/2019 Age of Empires at Chicago Open cheese steak jimmy's Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
8/4/2019 Scattergories 3 History and Class-2 Droid Consciousness Jerry Vinokurov Prelims Combined
8/3/2019 Chicago Open 2019 Groupon Ya Grinch Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
7/27/2019 NYC Summer Open I The Death of Cringehoffer Jerry Vinokurov Oxford Open
7/23/2017 It's Lit Mike + Jerry Jerry Vinokurov Combined
7/22/2017 Chicago Open 2017 Idiots from Northern Europe Jerry Vinokurov Combined Prelims
3/25/2017 OAT at NYU Jerry and Co. Jerry Vinokurov Combined Prelims
2/26/2017 ACRONYM The One Point Marine Product Jerry Vinokurov Combined Stats
2/26/2017 FRENCH @ Michigan Philosopher or Droge Jerry Vinokurov Prelims
2/26/2017 Scattergories at Michigan is new girl good Jerry Vinokurov All games
2/25/2017 (This) Tournament is a Crime This Is Not Fine Jerry Vinokurov Final Standings Playoffs Prelims Through Round 6 Through Round 5 Combined Stats
7/24/2016 Chicago Open Trash Its Genesis Be Too Maculate Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
7/23/2016 Chicago Open 2016 The Kazakhstan Department of Health and Human Services Jerry Vinokurov Combined Prelims
2/27/2016 "stanford housewrite" at Stanford Carson et al. Jerry Vinokurov Round Robin + Final Round Robin
2/27/2016 "stanford housewrite" at Stanford Carson/Hart/Vinokurov Jerry Vinokurov Cottage Bowl Scrimmages Cottage Bowl All Games
2/27/2016 "stanford housewrite" at Stanford Vinokurov/Bentley/Coates Jerry Vinokurov Christmas Present Round Robin Christmas Present All Games
8/9/2015 VICO @ Michigan Andrzej Zulawski's Possession: A Romance Jerry Vinokurov All Games
8/9/2015 We Have Never Been Modern at Michigan (4) Weekly foot races between Peter Thiel and Max Levchin Jerry Vinokurov Finals Prelims
8/8/2015 SHEIKH @ Michigan This Is No Ordinary Honey! Jerry Vinokurov Prelims All Games
2/21/2015 George Oppen @ UMaryland Martha Stewart's Lime Privilege Jerry Vinokurov prelims all-games
7/20/2014 Chicago Open Sunday 2014 "ooh, negs, negs, negs" Jerry Vinokurov History Combined History Prelims
7/20/2014 Chicago Open Sunday 2014 Beards of War Jerry Vinokurov Video Games
7/19/2014 Chicago Open 2014 (Gupta et. al.) Bertrand Muscle Jerry Vinokurov All Games
5/25/2014 Modern World Tournament at PACE Team Voight Jerry Vinokurov Mostly Complete Stats, Rounds 1-
5/18/2014 College History Bowl Online Mirror Team Prieto Jerry Vinokurov Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/24/2014 LEDERBERG 2 - Online Mirror CMU Department of Quizbowl Studies (C) Jerry Vinokurov All Games
7/21/2013 Chicago Open Weekend 2013 The Wrong Side of Unstable Jerry Vinokurov Chicago Open 2013 All Games
6/8/2013 Schindler's Lit at NSC Funky Town Jerry Vinokurov All Games
8/4/2012 KABO Daredevils Jerry Vinokurov KABO stats through round 5 Full Stats KABO
7/21/2012 Chicago Open 2012 12 - In Soviet Russia, Tournament Edits You Jerry Vinokurov Final Stats
3/3/2012 Peaceful Resolution Mike,Mike,Jerry,Matt Jerry Vinokurov Prelims Playoffs Combined
1/14/2012 BARGE My Son Is Also Named Richard Borty Jerry Vinokurov All Games
11/19/2011 2011 Penn Intergalactic Vinokurov et al. Jerry Vinokurov Playoffs and Finals Prelims (incl. Rd 5): Pre-Lunch Full Round Robin Prelims to end of Rd. 4 Playoffs (stats carried over)
8/13/2011 VCU Open 2011 Nobody Laughs at Stanley Fish Jerry Vinokurov Open academic
7/30/2011 Chicago Open 2011 A Butterfly Dreaming I'm a Slow Man Jerry Vinokurov All Stats
11/20/2010 Minnesota Open 2010 The Classic Battle Between Evil and the Narrator Jerry Vinokurov mACF
11/20/2010 Wild Kingdom 2010 Schrodinger's Cat Jerry Vinokurov Open
8/8/2010 VCU Open 2010 Sunday Dick v. The Queen Jerry Vinokurov Open ACF-style w/powers
8/7/2010 VCU Open 2010 Saturday GOP Porn Opposition Jerry Vinokurov Open ACF-style
4/18/2010 ACF Nationals 2010 Brown A Jerry Vinokurov Playoffs Prelims Overall
4/10/2010 2010 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Brown Jerry Vinokurov Division I
2/6/2010 NAQT New England Sectional (Region 1) Brown A Jerry Vinokurov Division I
7/25/2009 Chicago Open 2009 In Vinokurov Veritas Jerry Vinokurov Prelims Combined
4/26/2009 ACF Nationals 2009 Brown Jerry Vinokurov Prelims Playoffs
2/7/2009 Sectional Championship Brown A Jerry Vinokurov Division I
1/24/2009 Penn Bowl 2009 Brown Jerry Vinokurov Prelims Combined
7/19/2008 Chicago Open 2008 Refugees from Junior Nationals Jerry Vinokurov Final stats
4/26/2008 ACF Nationals 2008 Brown Jerry Vinokurov Playoffs Prelims
4/12/2008 2008 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Brown Jerry Vinokurov Division I
4/14/2007 2007 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Brown Jerry Vinokurov Division I
2/10/2007 Sectional Championship Brown A Jerry Vinokurov Division I
4/8/2006 2006 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Brown Jerry Vinokurov Division I
4/9/2005 2005 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament UC Berkeley Jerry Vinokurov Division I
2/5/2005 Sectional Championship UC Berkeley Jerry Vinokurov Division I
2/7/2004 Sectional Championship UC Berkeley B Jerry Vinokurov Division I
4/5/2003 2003 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament UC Berkeley Jerry Vinokurov Division II