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3/8/2025 WAO III @ Columbia VII Line Army John Lawrence Combined With Finals Playoffs Prelims
11/23/2024 2024 ARGOS @ Columbia Walston et. al. John Lawrence Round Robin
10/20/2024 Who the Devil Made It - Online Mirror 2nd - West Chester's second-best punk band John Lawrence Superplayoffs
10/20/2024 Who the Devil Made It - Online Mirror West Chester's second-best punk band John Lawrence Playoffs Prelims
9/15/2024 Notes on the Underground Online The Red Pony Club John Lawrence All Games
7/28/2024 Chicago Open Trash 2024 The Quizzy Bees (Golden) John Lawrence Playoffs Combined Prelims
7/28/2024 JORDU II at Chicago Open Fein and Dandy John Lawrence All Games
7/27/2024 Chicago Open 2024 BHSU B John Lawrence Combined Finals Playoffs Prelims
3/23/2024 ESPN @ UChicago Noli Me Tangerine John Lawrence Combined Prelims
12/12/2023 TELEOLOGY 2 How I Terrorized My Thighs into Massive Growth! John Lawrence Full Round Robin + Finals Through Round 5
9/3/2023 Questions Based on Wikipedia links Ophir Sent Me Online Mirror Obsolete Serbian units of measurement John Lawrence Combined Playoffs Prelims
8/12/2023 CLEAN Online Mirror Prose Edamame John Lawrence All Games
8/6/2023 On Cinema at the Buzzer De Sica Buzz, Dude! John Lawrence Round Robin Finals (Plus Play-In) Combined
8/5/2023 2023 Chicago Open Curse you, Periplus the Platypus! John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined
2/25/2023 BHSU Main Site Amartya Senpai Notice Me (© John Lawrence) John Lawrence With Finals (Corrected) Round Robin (Complete)
11/19/2022 CMST II @ UChicago Red Army Academic Competition Club John Lawrence Round Robin + Finals
10/8/2022 Eminent Victorians Online Mirror "Hello, Jerry." "Hello, Cardinal Newman." John Lawrence Double Round Robin
9/24/2022 Logomachy online diaphanous John Lawrence All Games
9/11/2022 DRAMA How To Succeed In Quizness Without Really Carding John Lawrence Rounds 1-3 Rounds 4-5 Combined
9/5/2022 Eyes That Do Not See XI Lawrence / Friedman John Lawrence Combined with Cross-Bracket Combined Prelims
8/27/2022 MUSES III: First Online Mirror Sicc buzz, gloria mundi John Lawrence Full Prelims
8/7/2022 Chicago Open Trash 2022 The Great Quizbowl Fire of 2014 John Lawrence Combined Playoffs Prelims
8/6/2022 Chicago Open 2022 Krik? Krak! des Chevaliers John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined
5/14/2022 DECAF Bruch's Brothers John Lawrence Prelims
12/5/2021 Super ACRONYM 3 Online No one man should have all those powers John Lawrence Combined Playoffs Prelims
8/22/2021 JORDU Back from Lunch! John Lawrence All Games
8/22/2021 MUSES II at Chicago Open Here I Am, Rock You Like a Hurrian John Lawrence All Games Playoffs Prelims
8/22/2021 Scattergories 5 Team 5 John Lawrence Prelims
8/21/2021 Chicago Open 2021 Chicago B 2019 John Lawrence Combined Playoffs Prelims
6/26/2021 JAVA Idealism & St George John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined
10/10/2020 MVP Gupta et al. John Lawrence Round Robin
8/22/2020 Scattergories 4 online Team 12 Mott scattergories John Lawrence Final Standings Prelims
7/18/2020 Myth of the Machine Discord Mirror A6 - My 8 to 5 minifloppy now works nights and weekends John Lawrence Combined With Prelim Crossover Combined Prelims
1/25/2020 2020 ACF Regionals at Illinois Chicago A John Lawrence All Games Playoffs Prelims
11/16/2019 Fall Open @ UIUC Chicago A John Lawrence All Games Playoffs Prelims
10/19/2019 Penn Bowl at Michigan Chicago A John Lawrence Prelims All Games
8/4/2019 Scattergories 3 Apr�s-moi le floodge (after me, the floodge) John Lawrence Combined Prelims Playoffs
8/3/2019 Chicago Open 2019 Old, British, Both, or Neither John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined
7/21/2019 Super ACRONYM 2 @ UIUC Trashigang Dzongkhag John Lawrence Combined Prelims
4/14/2019 ACF Nationals 2019 Chicago A John Lawrence Sunday Playoffs Prelims Combined
4/6/2019 2019 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
2/9/2019 2019 Midwest SCT Chicago A John Lawrence Division I Full
2/9/2019 NAQT Midwest Sectional Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
1/26/2019 ACF Regionals at UIUC Chicago A John Lawrence Combined
11/10/2018 Sun God Invitational at UIUC Chicago A John Lawrence Prelims Prelims + Playoffs + TB Prelims + Playoffs Complete (with finals)
8/12/2018 Words and Objects UIUC Cheyne-Lawrence John Lawrence All
8/11/2018 Cambridge Open at UIUC Nip the Buds, Prosciutto the Kids John Lawrence All Games Prelims Playoffs
7/22/2018 Chicago Open Trash 2018 Randy Wittman (2012-2016) John Lawrence Playoffs Prelims
7/21/2018 Chicago Open 2018 A Dead Meme Isn't Art John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined
4/22/2018 ACF Nationals 2018 Chicago A John Lawrence All Games (w packet names) Playoffs (with standings) Prelim Stats All Games (w packet names) Playoffs (with standings) Prelim Stats
4/14/2018 2018 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
4/14/2018 Historature at ICT Screw the Rules, I Have Money! (Reed et al.) John Lawrence Final Standings Prelims
3/10/2018 Cal's Mid-Spring Tournament at Stanford Chicago A John Lawrence playoffs prelims combined
3/10/2018 Cal's Mid-Spring Tournament at Stanford Neil et al John Lawrence Scattergories
2/10/2018 Oxford Open Tournament 2018 Chicago A John Lawrence All Games Playoffs Prelims
1/20/2018 ACF Regionals at UIUC Chicago A John Lawrence Combined Prelims
10/28/2017 Penn Bowl 2017 @ UChicago Chicago A John Lawrence Complete Playoffs Prelims
8/20/2017 2017 Michigan Side Event Weekend Cinco Cinco Cinco, Nueve Dos, Nueve Dos John Lawrence Thought Monstrosity - combined Thought Monstrosity - prelims
8/20/2017 2017 Michigan Side Event Weekend Geohell is Other People John Lawrence GEODUCK - all games
8/20/2017 2017 Michigan Side Event Weekend My Fourth Scorer is a Morty John Lawrence Super ACRONYM - prelims Super ACRONYM - combined
8/20/2017 2017 Michigan Side Event Weekend Yasogami High John Lawrence Celebs - all games
8/20/2017 Super ACRONYM @ Michigan My Fourth Scorer is a Morty John Lawrence Complete Prelims
8/19/2017 The Celebs Are At It Again Yasogami High John Lawrence All
7/23/2017 CO Jordaens and Bork 2017 B2-Lawrence John Lawrence Naveed Bork Prelims Naveed Bork Playoffs Naveed Bork Combined
7/23/2017 CO Jordaens and Bork 2017 John and Jacob John Lawrence Jordaens All Games Jordaens Prelims
7/22/2017 Chicago Open 2017 The drums flail impotently aback Sex flows abrasive adaft, front n center John Lawrence Combined Prelims
4/23/2017 ACF Nationals 2017 Chicago A John Lawrence Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/8/2017 2017 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
2/28/2017 OOT 2017 Chicago A John Lawrence All Games
2/26/2017 ACRONYM peper and solt it as they plese John Lawrence Combined Stats
2/26/2017 Scattergories at Michigan McPeak Experience John Lawrence All games
2/25/2017 (This) Tournament is a Crime The Heady Quasi-Utopianism of 1917 John Lawrence Prelims Through Round 6 Through Round 5 Combined Stats Playoffs Final Standings
2/18/2017 2017 ACF Regionals Chicago A John Lawrence All Games
1/28/2017 Oxford Open Tournament 2017 (OOT) Chicago A John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined
1/21/2017 WAO @ UChicago Chicago A John Lawrence All Games
10/29/2016 Penn Bowl Chicago A John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined + Finals
7/24/2016 Chicago Open Trash Amenable Allocations of Responsibility John Lawrence Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/17/2016 ACF Nationals 2016 Chicago A John Lawrence Combined Final Rankings Prelims, including Tiebreakers Prelims
4/9/2016 2016 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
2/28/2016 COTTAGE Bowl 2 at Maryland DJ Khalid Sheikh Mohammed John Lawrence Round-Robin Combined
2/27/2016 "stanford housewrite" at Maryland Chicago A John Lawrence Round Robin + Final Round Robin
2/27/2016 Christmas Present at Maryland Ray/Lawrence/Schindler John Lawrence Combined Playoffs Prelims
2/6/2016 NAQT Midwest SCT 2016 Chicago A John Lawrence DI - Prelims DI - All Rounds DI - Finals DI & DII - All Rounds
2/6/2016 NAQT Midwest Sectional Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
1/23/2016 Oxford Open 2016 Chicago A John Lawrence Prelims Prelims + Playoffs
10/24/2015 2015 Penn Bowl at WUSTL Chicago A John Lawrence Combined Prelims
8/9/2015 SHEIKH at VCUO 2015 Goldman/Lawrence/Magin John Lawrence Round Robin w. Finals Round Robin
8/9/2015 Tricon @ VCU Algorithm for determining time to party: NP hard John Lawrence Overall
8/9/2015 VICO @ VCU You Just Got Jammed! John Lawrence Overall
8/8/2015 VCU Open 2015 @ VCU DARRYL, SOCRATES' FRIEND John "Johnny QB" Lawrence Prelims Playoffs
7/19/2015 Chicago Open Visual Arts 2015 1. Gupta/Lawrence John Lawrence Finals Prelims
4/19/2015 ACF Nationals 2015 Chicago A John Lawrence Combined Playoffs + Finals Playoffs Prelims + Tiebreakers Prelims
3/28/2015 2015 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
3/14/2015 STIMPY @ Illinois Chicago A John Lawrence All Games Prelims
2/21/2015 George Oppen @ UMaryland Chicago A John Lawrence all-games prelims
1/31/2015 Oxford Open 2015 Chicago B John Lawrence Playoffs Prelims Combined Including Final
1/24/2015 ACF Regionals at Northern Illinois Chicago A John Lawrence Complete
10/18/2014 Penn Bowl 2014 Midwest/Great Lakes Chicago A John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined
8/2/2014 Triacontakaipentagon 2.5 Phil Niekro John Lawrence Tricon
8/2/2014 VCU Open Main Site Lovel the Widower John Lawrence Sunday Combined Sunday Playoffs Sunday Tournament Prelims
8/2/2014 VCU Open Main Site Rocket Racconversion of the Jews John Lawrence Prelim Round-Robin
8/2/2014 VCU Open Main Site Rocket Racconversion of the Jews (4-2) John Lawrence Playoffs Playoffs through round 11 of 13
7/19/2014 Chicago Open 2014 (Weiner et. al.) Bach's Magnifisob Accompanied By His Cats John Lawrence All Games
4/13/2014 ACF Nationals 2014 Chicago A John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Overall
3/30/2014 2014 College History Bowl Chicago A John Lawrence Combined Playoffs Prelims
3/29/2014 2014 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
2/22/2014 ACF Regionals 2014 - Great Lakes Chicago A John Lawrence Stats
2/8/2014 NAQT Midwest Sectional Chicago A John Lawrence Division I
1/25/2014 Oxford Open 2014 Chicago A John Lawrence Playoffs Prelims
11/23/2013 Fernando Arrabal Tournament of the Absurd Unscheduled Combustion, Metallurgy, and Irony John Lawrence All Games
8/3/2013 VCU Open I Hear That Gemeinschaft Is A Bad Mother--Shut Your Mouth! I'm Just Talking Bout Gemeinschaft John Lawrence Combined Prelims
7/21/2013 Chicago Open Weekend 2013 Audobon Has No Speed Limit John Lawrence Chicago Open 2013 All Games
5/18/2013 British Student Quiz Championships King's College London John Lawrence British Student Quiz Championships
5/18/2013 British Student Quiz Championships 2013 King's College London John Lawrence All Games Prelims
4/28/2013 ACF Nationals 2013 London John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs Combined w/tiebreakers & finals
3/2/2013 WIT at Oxford MLKJ John Lawrence Finals Round Robin
2/23/2013 London Open (VCU Closed Scrimmage) KCL John Lawrence All Games Round Robin
8/4/2012 Un Cheyne Andalou at UMD Hatchet for the Honeymoon John Lawrence All Games
7/22/2012 Wildly Experimental Literature Doubles Obabakoai John Lawrence Prelims Playoffs and Finals Playoffs
7/21/2012 Chicago Open 2012 2 - The Ignaz von Dollinger Escape Plan John Lawrence Final Stats
4/22/2012 ACF Nationals 2012 Yale A John Lawrence (UG) Prelims Playoffs
3/31/2012 2012 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Yale John Lawrence Division I
2/4/2012 NAQT New England Sectional (Region 1) Yale A John Lawrence Division I
1/28/2012 Penn Bowl 2012 Yale John Lawrence Playoffs plus Finals Playoffs Prelims
1/14/2012 BARGE at Yale Yale A John Lawrence All Games
11/19/2011 2011 Penn Intergalactic Yale John Lawrence Playoffs and Finals Playoffs (stats carried over) Prelims to end of Rd. 4 Prelims (incl. Rd 5): Pre-Lunch Full Round Robin
7/30/2011 Chicago Open 2011 Nothing Can Beat Science, Except Wesley Matthews John Lawrence All Stats
4/17/2011 ACF Nationals 2011 Yale John Lawrence Playoffs Prelims
4/9/2011 2011 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Yale John Lawrence Division I
2/5/2011 NAQT New England Sectional (Region 1) Yale A John Lawrence Division I
7/24/2010 Chicago Open 2010 This Octopus Exploits Women John Lawrence Stats
4/18/2010 ACF Nationals 2010 Yale John Lawrence (UG) Overall Playoffs Prelims
4/10/2010 2010 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Yale John Lawrence Division I
2/6/2010 NAQT New England Sectional (Region 1) Yale A John Lawrence Division I
8/8/2009 VCU Open II Silent Snow, C.P. Snow John Lawrence Open ACF
4/4/2009 2009 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Yale John Lawrence Division II
2/7/2009 Sectional Championship Yale C John Lawrence Division II
2/22/2007 Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Blake A John Lawrence Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League
2/22/2001 COTTAGE Bowl Chicago A John Lawrence All games
1/1/2000 yfTest Chicago A John Lawrence yfTest
9/2/1991 test Nip the Buds, Prosciutto the Kids John Lawrence Playoffs