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3/1/2025 ACRONYM 18 @ CCCT Not A Quiet Team Jonah Greenthal Playoffs Prelims
3/1/2025 ACRONYM 18 at CCCT Not A Quiet Team Jonah Greenthal ACRONYM 18 at CCCT
2/24/2024 ACRONYM 17 at CCCT Not A Quiet Team Jonah Greenthal ACRONYM 17 at CCCT
2/25/2023 ACRONYM 16 at CCCT Not A Quiet Team Jonah Greenthal ACRONYM 16 at CCCT
9/19/2021 ACRONYM 14 - The Last Mirror Red Cross Fund for the Victims of Sharknado Jonah Greenthal Combined Prelims
6/20/2020 ACRONYM League Red Cross Fund for the Victims of Sharknado Jonah Greenthal Open All Games Open Prelims
3/2/2019 ACRONYM 12 at CCCT Not A Quiet Team Jonah Greenthal ACRONYM 12 at CCCT
3/3/2018 ACRONYM 11 at CCCT Red Cross Fund for the Victims of Sharknado Jonah Greenthal ACRONYM 11 at CCCT
5/13/2017 Math Monstrosity at MSNCT Terence Tao, This is Stupid Stuff Jonah Greenthal All Stats
2/25/2017 ACRONYM X at CCCT Red Cross Fund for the Victims of Sharknado Jonah Greenthal ACRONYM X at CCCT
5/29/2016 ACRONYM IX at HSNCT Dork Knights Jonah Greenthal ACRONYM IX at HSNCT
11/5/2011 2011 ACF Fall at NIU Chicago A Jonah Greenthal Combined Prelims Playoffs
11/1/2008 Gateway Invitational Tournament XIII Illinois A Jonah Greenthal Gateway Invitational Tournament XIII
7/19/2008 Chicago Open 2008 The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz Jonah Greenthal Final stats
10/27/2007 9th Annual Northwestern Wildcat Invitational New Trier A Jonah Greenthal 9th Annual Northwestern Wildcat Invitational
5/27/2007 2007 High School National Championship Tournament New Trier Jonah Greenthal 2007 High School National Championship Tournament
5/12/2007 2007 Midwest Championship New Trier B Jonah Greenthal 2007 Midwest Championship
3/24/2007 2007 NAQT Illinois State Championship New Trier Jonah Greenthal 2007 NAQT Illinois State Championship
10/28/2006 8th Annual Northwestern Wildcat Invitational New Trier B Jonah Greenthal 8th Annual Northwestern Wildcat Invitational
6/4/2006 2006 High School National Championship Tournament New Trier Jonah Greenthal 2006 High School National Championship Tournament