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2/17/2019 Comet Winter Clash 2019 Coaches Sam Blizzard Trash All Games
6/14/2015 2015 HSAPQ NASAT Ohio Sam Blizzard (SR-Northmont) Sunday - Finals post-playoffs Sunday - Rebracketed standings Saturday - Prelim RR
6/7/2015 2015 PACE NSC Northmont Sam Blizzard (Sr) Final Standings Prelim B Playoff Tier I Sunday Tier I
5/31/2015 2015 High School National Championship Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard 2015 High School National Championship Tournament
5/16/2015 UAIS Spring Invitational Northmont Sam Blizzard UAIS Spring Invitational
5/16/2015 UAIS Spring Invitational #2 Northmont Sam Blizzard All Games
4/11/2015 2015 NAQT Ohio State Championship Northmont A Sam Blizzard Finals Playoffs Prelims 2015 NAQT Ohio State Championship
3/29/2015 TQBA Texas Invitational Northmont Sam Blizzard TQBA Texas Invitational
3/21/2015 Quizbowl Invitational for Northwest Ohio Academics Northmont A Sam Blizzard Quizbowl Invitational for Northwest Ohio Academics
3/7/2015 Yellow Jacket Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard Combined
2/15/2015 Solon Pace 2015 Northmont Sam Blizzard All Games
2/14/2015 Solon Glen Gonsalves NAQT 2015 Northmont Sam Blizzard All Games Morning Rounds
2/14/2015 The Glen Gonsalves Memorial Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
1/31/2015 11th Annual Culver Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
12/20/2014 2014 New Trier Varsity Northmont A Sam Blizzard Uber Div Complete
12/20/2014 New Trier Varsity Uber Division, IL Northmont A Sam Blizzard Combined
12/6/2014 Ninth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard Ninth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational
12/6/2014 Rowdy Raider Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard All Games Prelims
11/22/2014 Universiity of Kentucky Fall Championship Northmont A Sam Blizzard National All Games
11/1/2014 Tippecanoe Academic Challenge (XIX) Northmont Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
11/1/2014 Tippecanoe Academic Challenge, XIX Northmont Sam Blizzard Varsity Results
10/18/2014 2014 Penn Bowl Northmont Sam Blizzard Combined Playoffs + Finals Prelims
10/4/2014 FKT at Ohio State Northmont A Sam Blizzard FKT Prelims FKT Crossover FKT Combined
10/4/2014 Ohio Fall Kickoff Tournament @ Columbus Northmont A Sam Blizzard Ohio Fall Kickoff Tournament @ Columbus
9/27/2014 University of Charleston Fall Quiz Bowl Kick-Off Northmont Sam Blizzard University of Charleston Fall Quiz Bowl Kick-Off
6/15/2014 2014 NASAT Ohio Sam Blizzard 2014 NASAT
6/1/2014 2014 High School National Championship Tournament Northmont A Sam Blizzard 2014 High School National Championship Tournament
5/25/2014 2014 PACE NSC Northmont Sam Blizzard (Jr) Final Standings Prelim A Playoff A Super-Playoffs A
4/5/2014 2014 NAQT Ohio State Championship Northmont A Sam Blizzard All games incl final/tiebreaks Morning Prelims Afternoon Playoffs/Consolation 2014 NAQT Ohio State Championship
3/22/2014 Battle of the Burgh XVII Northmont Sam Blizzard Battle of the Burgh XVII
2/28/2014 TQBA Texas Invitational Northmont Sam Blizzard TQBA Texas Invitational
2/15/2014 WUHSAC XVI Northmont Sam Blizzard Real Combined Prelims/Playoffs Prelims Combined Prelims/Playoffs Combined WUHSAC Combined
2/1/2014 10th Annual Culver Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard 10th Annual Culver Invitational
12/7/2013 Eighth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
12/7/2013 Rowdy Raider VIII Northmont A Sam Blizzard Overall Stats (Combined) Rowdy_Raider_Prelims
11/16/2013 University of Kentucky Fall Championship #8 Northmont A (OH) Sam Blizzard National All Games
11/16/2013 University of Kentucky Fall Championship Northmont A (OH) Sam Blizzard National Playoffs National Prelims
11/2/2013 ACF Fall 2013 at Ohio State Northmont (DII) Sam Blizzard Complete Full Prelims At Lunch
10/5/2013 Fall Kickoff Tournament at Sidney High School Northmont A Sam Blizzard FKT 2013 - Sidney
9/28/2013 University of Charleston Fall Quiz Bowl Kick-Off Northmont Sam Blizzard University of Charleston Fall Quiz Bowl Kick-Off
6/16/2013 2013 NASAT Ohio Sam Blizzard (Northmont) Prelims Playoffs Combined
6/9/2013 2013 PACE NSC Northmont Sam Blizzard (10) Combined Statistics 2013 NSC Superplayoffs 2013 NSC Playoffs 2013 NSC Prelims
5/26/2013 2013 High School National Championship Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard 2013 High School National Championship Tournament
5/19/2013 Wildcat XV Northmont Sam Blizzard (10) All Games
5/18/2013 2013 Midwest Championship Northmont Sam Blizzard 2013 Midwest Championship
5/18/2013 Midwest Championship Northmont Sam Blizzard (10) All Games
4/13/2013 Yellow Jacket Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard Final Standings Prelims
4/6/2013 2013 NAQT Ohio State Championship Northmont Sam Blizzard 2013 NAQT Ohio State Championship Prelims Playoffs All games
3/2/2013 University of Kentucky Spring Championship Northmont A Sam Blizzard Prelims Playoffs All Games (with tiebreaks) Prelims+Playoffs
2/23/2013 TQBA Texas Invitational Northmont Sam Blizzard TQBA Texas Invitational
2/17/2013 Solon Glen Gonsalves PACE Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard Prelims Playoffs
2/16/2013 Solon Glen Gonsalves NAQT Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard Prelims Playoffs
2/16/2013 The Glen Gonsalves Memorial Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
1/26/2013 2013 BMI Northmont Sam Blizzard Prelims Playoffs Combined
1/19/2013 Tenth Annual Rube Goldberg Northmont Sam Blizzard Combined Playoffs Prelims
1/19/2013 Tenth Annual Rube Goldberg Invitational Northmont Sam Blizzard Tenth Annual Rube Goldberg Invitational
12/1/2012 Seventh Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard Seventh Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational
11/3/2012 Tippecanoe Academic Challenge (XVII) Northmont A Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
10/6/2012 FKT at Sidney Northmont Green Sam Blizzard 2012 FKT at Sidney
9/5/2012 OSPL August 2012 (Expert) Lloyd's of London Sam Blizzard All games
6/17/2012 2012 HSAPQ NASAT Ohio Sam Blizzard (9, Northmont) Prelims Prelims and Playoffs Everything
6/10/2012 2012 PACE NSC Northmont Sam Blizzard (09) Playoffs Prelims Combined
5/27/2012 2012 High School National Championship Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard 2012 High School National Championship Tournament
5/12/2012 Waylon Jennings Memorial (Ohio pre-nats) Northmont Sam Blizzard Waylon Jennings final standings
4/25/2012 OSPL 6: The Undiscovered Tossup Sofia Lorens Sam Blizzard All games
3/31/2012 2012 NAQT Ohio State Championship Northmont Sam Blizzard 2012 NAQT Ohio State Championship
3/31/2012 NAQT Ohio State Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard Final Stats
2/18/2012 The Glen Gonsalves Memorial Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
2/11/2012 Olmsted Falls Battle Buzz Northmont Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
2/11/2012 Olmsted Falls Bulldog Battle Buzz II Northmont Sam Blizzard Prelims Championship Brackets
12/17/2011 2011 New Trier Varsity Northmont Sam Blizzard Uber-Competitive Combined Uber-Competitive Prelims Uber-Competitive Playoffs
12/3/2011 Rowdy Raider Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard Prelims Combined Playoffs
12/3/2011 Sixth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational Northmont A Sam Blizzard Sixth Annual Rowdy Raider Invitational
11/19/2011 Hilltopper II Northmont Sam Blizzard All Games
11/5/2011 Tippecanoe Academic Challenge (XVI) Northmont Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
10/8/2011 FKT Northmont A Sam Blizzard FKT 2011 - Centerville
6/5/2011 2011 PACE NSC Northmont B Sam Blizzard (8) Prelims Playoffs Superplayoffs Combined
5/29/2011 2011 High School National Championship Tournament Northmont B Sam Blizzard 2011 High School National Championship Tournament
4/2/2011 2011 NAQT Ohio State Championship Northmont B Sam Blizzard 2011 NAQT Ohio State Championship Prelims Playoffs
2/19/2011 2011 Glen Gonsalves Memorial at Solon Northmont B Sam Blizzard Prelims Playoffs
2/19/2011 The Glen Gonsalves Memorial Tournament Northmont B Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
12/18/2010 2010 New Trier Varsity Northmont Sam Blizzard Uber-Competitive Combined Uber-Competitive Superplayoffs Uber-Competitive Playoffs Phase1 Uber-Competitive Prelims
12/18/2010 NTV 2010 Northmont Sam Blizzard Playoff 1 Prelims
11/6/2010 Tippecanoe Academic Challenge (XV) Northmont B Sam Blizzard Varsity Division
10/2/2010 2010 FKT at Centerville Northmont B Sam Blizzard ACF style
5/30/2010 2010 High School National Championship Tournament Northmont Sam Blizzard 2010 High School National Championship Tournament
5/8/2010 2010 HSNCT Warmup Sycamore Sam Blizzard D2 ICT
10/17/2009 Buckeye Novice Invitational Northmont Sam Blizzard Fall Novice Set
10/3/2009 Fall Kickoff Tournament at Butler Northmont B Sam Blizzard Varsity ACF style