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1/5/2025 Lore Dump: Expanded Universe second online mirror keeping up with the cardassians Victor Prieto All games Double round robin
8/3/2024 NASAT @ Columbia Mod note: Contentless Victor Prieto Combined Playoffs Prelims
9/23/2023 Penn Bowl 2023 Playtest Mirror Ma et al. Victor Prieto Playoffs + Finals Prelims
2/12/2022 ARCADIA Online Open 2 Shrug Victor Prieto Combined
8/14/2021 NASAT Online Mirror Attention Dualists, my hair is telling you the mind and body are separate substances! Victor Prieto Finals
6/26/2021 JAVA We've been trying to reach you about your buzzer's extended warranty Victor Prieto Combined Playoffs Prelims
6/20/2020 ACRONYM League Nerd Immunity Victor Prieto Open All Games Open Prelims
2/8/2020 2020 Upper Mid-Atlantic SCT at Penn Penn State A Victor Prieto (Grad.) DI All Games
2/8/2020 NAQT Upper Mid-Atlantic Sectional Penn State A Victor Prieto Division I
1/25/2020 2020 ACF Regionals at Carnegie Mellon Penn State A Victor Prieto Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/14/2019 ACF Nationals 2019 Penn State Victor Prieto Sunday Playoffs Prelims Combined
2/23/2019 2019 Terrapin Open Discord mirror Bentley et al. Victor Prieto All Games + Finals
2/9/2019 NAQT New York Sectional Penn State A Victor Prieto Division I
1/26/2019 ACF Regionals 2019 @ CMU Hayden Toftner (D2) Victor Prieto Playoffs (revised 1/30)
10/20/2018 Penn Bowl 2018 Penn State A Victor Prieto All Games w/ Crossover All Games Playoffs Prelims Prelims w/ Crossover
8/12/2018 NASAT @ Penn Part 2 obligatory this is not a poll Victor Prieto Morning All Games
4/22/2018 ACF Nationals 2018 Pennsylvania State Victor Prieto Playoffs (with standings) Prelim Stats All Games (w packet names) Prelim Stats Playoffs (with standings) All Games (w packet names)
4/14/2018 2018 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Penn State Victor Prieto Division I
3/3/2018 CMST @ NYU Tales of Hofmann Rearrangements Victor Prieto All Games
2/3/2018 NAQT New York Sectional Penn State A Victor Prieto Division I
11/18/2017 WAO II at Princeton Brownstein et al. Victor Prieto Full Round Robin
10/21/2017 Penn Bowl Penn State A Victor Prieto Combined Playoffs (+one carryover) Prelims
9/16/2017 EFT Online Rutgers, TX Victor Prieto All Games
4/23/2017 IM Eisenhower Memorial Tournament @ Penn State Dr. Balanced Victor Prieto Combined
2/4/2017 2017 NAQT Great Lakes SCT Penn State A Victor Prieto Division One - Finals Division One - Playoffs Division One - Prelims
2/4/2017 NAQT Great Lakes Sectional Penn State A Victor Prieto Division I
2/2/2017 JAKOB Delaware is Bestest State Victor Prieto Combined Prelims
1/7/2017 Terrapin XXIX Skype mirror Penn State Victor Prieto All games
10/22/2016 Penn Bowl 2016 Penn State A Victor Prieto Complete Prelims
10/8/2016 Early Fall Tournament at Youngstown State University PSU A Victor Prieto Playoffs (records carry) Prelims
5/29/2016 ACRONYM IX at HSNCT Winterhold Victor Prieto ACRONYM IX at HSNCT
2/28/2016 COTTAGE Bowl 2 at Maryland The Gronkowski Party Cruise Victor Prieto Combined Round-Robin
2/27/2016 "stanford housewrite" at Maryland Studz Victor Prieto Round Robin + Final Round Robin
2/13/2016 MLK at Maryland Penn State Victor Prieto Combined Prelims
11/7/2015 ACF Fall at Penn Penn State Victor Prieto Combined Playoffs Prelims
10/24/2015 Penn Bowl 2015 Penn State A Victor Prieto Combined Playoffs Prelims
7/19/2015 Chicago Open History 2015 11. Hothem/So/Prieto Victor Prieto Round Robin All Games
5/30/2015 ACFNATIONALS The Man with the Machine Gunn-Peterson trough Victor Prieto Overall Playoffs Prelims
4/19/2015 ACF Nationals 2015 Rice (UG) Victor Prieto (Sr) Playoffs Prelims Prelims + Tiebreakers Playoffs + Finals Combined
3/14/2015 STIMPY Mirror @ Louisiana Tech Rice Victor Prieto All Games
2/7/2015 NAQT South SCT Rice Victor Prieto DI Only DI and DII
2/7/2015 NAQT South Sectional Rice A Victor Prieto Division I
10/25/2014 Texas A&M Mirror of PADAWAN Rice A Victor Prieto Final Stats
10/18/2014 Penn Bowl South Mirror Rice Victor Prieto Penn Bowl South Mirror
8/2/2014 Triacontakaipentagon 2.5 Darrell Griffith Victor Prieto Tricon
8/2/2014 VCU Open Main Site The West-Eastern Tivan Victor Prieto Prelim Round-Robin
8/2/2014 VCU Open Main Site The West-Eastern Tivan (4-2) Victor Prieto Playoffs Playoffs through round 11 of 13
5/18/2014 College History Bowl Online Mirror Team Prieto Victor Prieto Combined Playoffs Prelims
4/24/2014 LEDERBERG 2 - Online Mirror CMU Department of Quizbowl Studies (C) Victor Prieto All Games
2/8/2014 NAQT South Sectional Rice A Victor Prieto NAQT South Sectional
10/19/2013 Penn Bowl at Rice Rice A Victor Prieto Stats
4/28/2013 ACF Nationals 2013 Rice (UG) Victor Prieto (D2) Combined w/tiebreakers & finals Playoffs Prelims
4/13/2013 2013 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament Rice Victor Prieto Division I
4/13/2013 ICT Unofficial Rice (UG) Victor Prieto All
2/9/2013 NAQT Region 12 Sectional (Region 12) Rice A Victor Prieto NAQT Region 12 Sectional (Region 12)
4/22/2012 ACF Nationals 2012 Rice (UG) Victor Prieto (D2) Playoffs Prelims
2/4/2012 NAQT Region 12 Sectional (Region 12) Rice B Victor Prieto NAQT Region 12 Sectional (Region 12)
1/1/2000 yfTest Penn State Victor Prieto yfTest