The Campfire Skits of Troop 1018
I was going through my dad’s old stuff the other day and stumbled across a folder containing scripts and notes he made for a several skits my Boy Scout troop performed at Camporees and Summer Camps over the years. In the interest of preserving them, I have typed them up and put them up here…
Rank the Things: How the ratings work (feat. math)
This week I launched Rank the Things, a project in which people can vote to form a crowdsourced ranking of anything from pizza toppings to Pixar movies. I wanted to make it as simple to use as possible, so one is given a choice between just two options and has to pick which they prefer…
The Electoral Ladder: Now with actual results
The Presidential election has come and gone, and all 50 states and DC have finally finished counting every single one of the 158,394,605 votes. Now that we know the will of the people and not what we can estimate based on polls, I wanted to update the the electoral ladder that I had made about…
The Electoral Ladder: The political leaning of every state, to scale
Another four-year cycle is coming to a close, and that means it’s time for me to get way too obsessed about election polls and demographic projections and the like. The idea of trying to use data and statistical samples to predict what will happen while having few prior cases for such an important event is…
The Least Popular Answers Contest: The Results
Apologies for the long delay, but the results of the Least Popular Answers Contest is here! As implied in the title, this was basically the opposite of the previous entries in this series, as this time people had to pick valid answers that was shared by as few other people as possible. Of course, everyone…
The Least Popular Answers Contest
Another month has passed, and so it’s time for yet another contest! Previously I had you all guess what you thought the most popular answer to a series of prompts would be, but this time you have to do the exact opposite. Fill out this form as per usual, but now you need to come…
The Most Popular Answers Contest III: The Results
The time has come to reveal the results of the third iteration of the Most Popular Answers Contest! As in previous editions, everyone had a list of 10 prompts and they had to give what they thought would be chosen the most. This time around I tried asking a few more subjective questions, and it…
The Most Popular Answers Contest III
Hey guys, I’m back with another round of the Most Popular Answers Contest! As with previous iterations, all you need to do is fill out this form with what you think the most popular answer to each of the 10 prompts will be. The more people that choose the same answer as you, the more…
The Most Popular Answers Contest II: The Results
A couple weeks ago I published my second quiz in which I asked people to give what they think would be the most popular answer to each of 10 prompts. This time around I tried making the best answers slightly less obvious, and I think I may have succeeded too well — fully eight out…
The Most Popular Answers Contest II
Last month I ran The Most Popular Answers Contest, and it was popular enough I decided I wanted to do another one! Once again it’s very simple: Just go to this form and give what you believe will be the most common answer to each of the 10 prompts. For each question, you get one…